Publications by authors named "Lianjia Ma"

This paper focuses on the application of RPLC x RPLC to pharmaceutical analysis and addresses the specific problem of separating co-eluting impurities/degradation products that maybe "hidden" within the peak envelope of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) and thus may escape detection by conventional methods. A comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatograph (LC x LC) was constructed from commercially available HPLC equipment. This system utilizes two independently configurable 2nd dimension binary pumping systems to deliver independent flow rates, gradient profiles and mobile phase compositions to dual Fused-Core secondary columns.

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The separation and determination of hydrophilic basic compounds are of great importance in many fields including clinical and biological research, pharmaceutical development and forensic analysis. However, the most widely used analytical separation technique in these disciplines, reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC), usually does not provide sufficient retention for several important classes of highly hydrophilic basic compounds including catecholamines, many drug metabolites and many drugs of abuse. Commonly eluents having little or no organic modifier and/or strong ion pairing agents must be used to achieve sufficient retention and separation.

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A novel type of silica-based sulfonate-modified reversed phase ((-)SO3-HC-C8) has been synthesized; it is based on a newly developed acid stable "hyper-crosslinked" C8 derivatized reversed phase, denoted HC-C8. The (-)SO3-HC-C8 phases containing controlled amounts of sulfonyl groups were made by sulfonating the aromatic hyper-crosslinked network of the HC-C(8) phase at different temperatures. The (-)SO3-HC-C8 phases are only slightly less hydrophobic than the parent HC-C8 phase.

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Silica-based, reversed-phase liquid chromatographic (RPLC) stationary phases are very widely used to separate basic compounds in acidic eluents due to their high efficiency, good mechanical strength, and the versatile selectivity offered by different functional groups and the chemistry on the silica surface. However, the stability in acid of most silica-based stationary phases is poor, especially at elevated temperatures, due to hydrolysis of the siloxane bonds, which hold silanes on the silica substrate. This hydrolysis is commonly believed to be solely the result of catalysis by protons.

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A new generation of extremely acid stable "hyper-crosslinked" (HC) phases have been developed with good plate counts for basic drug separations. In our previous work, we successfully developed an approach for synthesizing HC stationary phases on silica substrates using aluminum trichloride catalyzed Friedel-Crafts (F-C) chemistry to improve the stability of silica-based RPLC stationary phases at low pH. However, the performance of basic analytes on these HC phases under acidic conditions was unusually poor compared to that of conventional silica-based C18 phases.

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Reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) is very widely used for the separation and characterization of proteins and peptides. A novel type of highly stable silica-based stationary phase has been developed for protein separations. A dense monolayer of dimethyl-(chloromethyl)phenylethyl)-chlorosilane (DM-CMPES) on the surface of silica is "hyper-crosslinked" with a polyfunctional aromatic crosslinker through Friedel-Crafts chemistry resulting in stationary phases with extraordinary stability in acidic media.

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The synthesis and chromatographic characterization of a highly crosslinked self-assembled monolayer (SAM) stationary phase whose acid and thermal stability were significantly improved relative to a sterically protected octadecylsilane (ODS) stationary phase were recently described [B.C. Trammell, L.

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We report a new reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) phase with remarkable acid stability using dimethyl(ethylphenylchloromethyl)chlorosilane (1), oligomeric polystyrene (PS), and octylbenzene (C8). This phase Si-1-PS-C8 was prepared using silica modification processes and Friedel-Crafts alkylation chemistry. Under highly aggressive mobile phase conditions, Si-1-PS-C8 exhibited remarkable stability as evinced by only minimal reduction in retention factor (k') after 1400 column volumes at pH = 0.

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A new type of silica-based stationary phase with dramatically improved acid stability compared to any currently available silica-based stationary phase has been developed. Superior low pH stability is achieved by first self-assembling a densely bonded monolayer of (chloromethyl)-phenylethyltrichlorosilane (CMPES). The self-assembly step is followed by a Friedel-Crafts cross-linking of the reactive moieties with their neighbors, by addition of secondary, cross-linkable aromatic reagents, or by both.

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