Objective: To determine whether there are differences in the facial soft tissue morphology between participants with mild (up to two) or severe (six or more) hypodontia.
Design And Setting: A prospective hospital-based cohort study.
Participants And Methods: Ninety-two participants, aged 11-16 years, with confirmed hypodontia were recruited.
Objective: The present study used the optical surface laser scanning technique to compare the facial features of patients aged 8-18 years presenting with Class I and Class III incisor relationship in a case-control design.
Materials And Methods: Subjects with a Class III incisor relationship, aged 8-18 years, were age and gender matched with Class I control and underwent a 3-dimensional (3-D) optical surface scan of the facial soft tissues.
Results: Landmark analysis revealed Class III subjects displayed greater mean dimensions compared to the control group most notably between the ages of 8-10 and 17-18 years in both males and females, in respect of antero-posterior (P = 0.
Purpose: To determine the abrasivity of a 45S5 bioactive glass based toothpaste on enamel as a function of the particle size and shape of the glass.
Methods: 45S5 glass was synthesized ground and sieved to give various particle sized fractions < 38, 38-63 and 63-110 microns. Two different grinding routes were used: percussion milling and ball milling.
Aim: Despite a very significant increase in the use of thermoform retainers, within orthodontics, to date, there is no evidence regarding the quality of fit between the dental cast and retainer. The current study aims to compare the fit of different thermoform retainer materials, under laboratory standardized conditions.
Materials And Methods: A prospective, laboratory-based study design was adopted to compare the fit of four different commercially available thermoform retainer materials.