Publications by authors named "Leticia Castro"

Objective: To evaluate, through a systematic literature review, whether periodontal status in HIV-infected individuals is different from those non-HIV-infected.

Materials And Methods: A systematic search for published observational studies within six electronic databases and grey literature was conducted, PROSPERO database number CRD42020160062. Results from studies reporting clinical periodontal parameters: probing pocket depth, bleeding on probing, clinical attachment level, plaque index, and gingival index, in HIV- and non-HIV-infected individuals were reviewed.

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Background: Intensive care physiotherapists are exposed to situations that may cause physical and mental overload, which can lead to the onset of work-related musculoskeletal complaints.

Objective: The objective was to analyze these complaints and to identify activities causing greater overload, factors associated with complaints, and management and prevention strategies.

Methods: Cross-sectional study.

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Outbreaks of methicillin-resistant (MRSA) are well described in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) setting. Genomics has revolutionized the investigation of such outbreaks; however, to date, this has largely been completed retrospectively and has typically relied on short-read platforms. In 2022, our laboratory established a prospective genomic surveillance system using Oxford Nanopore Technologies sequencing for rapid outbreak detection.

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In critically ill patients, overweight and obesity are associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute kidney injury (AKI). However, the effect of obesity on ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI)-induced AKI is unknown. We hypothesized that obesity would aggravate renal IRI in mice.

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Tumor resistance remains an obstacle to successfully treating oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Cisplatin is widely used as a cytotoxic drug to treat solid tumors, including advanced OSCC, but with low efficacy due to chemoresistance. Therefore, identifying the pathways that contribute to chemoresistance may show new possibilities for improving the treatment.

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Introduction: Methylene Blue (MB) has been shown to attenuate oxidative, inflammatory, myocardial, and neurological lesions during ischemia-reperfusion and has great potential during cardiac arrest. This study aimed to determine the effects of MB combined with epinephrine during cardiac arrest on myocardial and cerebral lesions.

Method: Thirty-eight male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to four groups: the sham group (SH, n = 5), and three groups subjected to cardiac arrest (n = 11/group) and treated with EPI 20 µg.

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Article Synopsis
  • This study aimed to analyze how the quality of seminal samples from men with varicocele affects sperm capacitation compared to a control group.
  • It involved 76 men (57 with varicocele and 19 controls) and used a specific method to select and assess sperm, focusing on various factors like motility and mitochondrial activity after inducing capacitation.
  • Results indicated that men with varicocele had lower sperm viability and mitochondrial activity post-capacitation, although all groups experienced increased motility characteristics, demonstrating a state called hyperactivation.
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Body weight records were used to characterize the growth curve of Nelore cattle. Body weight was regressed as a function of age, for both sexes, by using nonlinear models through the functions of Brody, Gompertz, Logistic, Richards, Meloun 1, Von Bertalanffy, and Von Bertalanffy. The quality of the model arrangements was evaluated by employing Akaike and Bayesian Schwarz information criteria.

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Hemorrhagic shock (HS), a major cause of trauma-related mortality, is mainly treated by crystalloid fluid administration, typically with lactated Ringer's (LR). Despite beneficial hemodynamic effects, such as the restoration of mean arterial pressure (MAP), LR administration has major side effects, including organ damage due to edema. One strategy to avoid such effects is pre-hospitalization intravenous administration of the potent vasoconstrictor terlipressin, which can restore hemodynamic stability/homeostasis and has anti-inflammatory effects.

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Although bovine embryo in vitro production (IVP) is a common assisted reproductive technology, critical points warrant further study, including sperm traits and oxidative status of sperm for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Our aim was to evaluate whether the lipid peroxidation index of commercial bull semen is influenced by sperm traits and oxidative status of sperm populations selected using Percoll® gradient. Semen straws from 48 batches from 14 Nelore bulls were thawed individually, analyzed for motility and subjected to Percoll selection.

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The female reproductive tract, in particular the composition of the uterine and oviduct fluids, is responsible, at least in part, for triggering sperm cell modifications, essential for the acquisition of fertilization ability. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan present in these fluids, and its role in the fertilization process and sperm functionality is still barely understood. This work was designed to (a) determine the rheological characteristics of the fertilization medium by the addition of HA and (b) determine the HA influence on sperm motility and functional status.

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The prognosis for people with the high-grade brain tumor glioblastoma is very poor, due largely to low cell death in response to genotoxic therapy. The transcription factor BCL6, a protein that normally suppresses the DNA damage response during immune cell maturation, and a known driver of B-cell lymphoma, was shown to mediate the survival of glioblastoma cells. Expression was observed in glioblastoma tumor specimens and cell lines.

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The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in boar spermatozoa increases in refrigeration; this can have an impact on sperm quality and fertilization capacity. We evaluated the effect of polyphenol-rich aqueous extract of murtilla ( Turcz) on boar sperm stored at 17°C in order to reduce oxidative stress and improve sperm quality in the long term. Five experiments were performed: first, characterization of the polyphenol content from five genotypes of murtilla; second, determination of the genotype with the best antioxidant effect (MT-Ex); third, the antioxidant capacity on O and lipid peroxidation; fourth, the influence of MT-Ex on motility, calcium movement, cAMP, and metabolic parameters; and fifth, analysis of long-term refrigeration.

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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and identify genomic regions associated with carcass traits obtained by ultrasound and visual scores in Nellore cattle. Data from ~66,000 animals from the National Association of Breeders and Researchers (ANCP) were used. The variance components for backfat thickness, rump fat thickness and Longissimus muscle area (LMA) were estimated considering a linear model whereas a threshold model for body structure (BS), finishing precocity (FP) and musculature (MS) traits.

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The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for different precocious calving criteria and their relationship with reproductive, growth, carcass and feed efficiency in Nellore cattle using the single-step genomic BLUP. The reproductive traits used were probability of precocious calving (PPC) at 24 (PPC24), 26 (PPC26), 28 (PPC28) and 30 (PPC30) months of age, stayability (STAY) and scrotal circumference at 455 days of age (SC455). Growth traits such as weights at 240 (W240) and 455 (W455) days of age and adult weight (AW) were used.

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Sperm samples used on fertilization strongly influence the in vitro production (IVP) rates. However, sperm traits behind this effect are not stated consistently until now. This study aimed to evaluate the isolated and combined effect of some sperm traits (MB: total motility before Percoll® gradient, MA: total motility after Percoll® gradient, AI: acrosome integrity, MI: membrane integrity, MP: mitochondrial membrane potential, and CR: chromatin resistance) on IVP rates.

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Sperm DNA fragmentation is considered one of the main causes of male infertility. The most accepted causes of sperm DNA damage are deleterious actions of reactive oxygen species (ROS), defects in protamination, and apoptosis. Ram sperm are highly prone to those damages due to the high susceptibility to ROS and to oxidative stress caused by heat stress.

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The objectives of this work were to evaluate if the pollution emitted by the pelletizing factory causes visual symptoms and/or anatomical changes in exposed Eugenia uniflora and Clusia hilariana, in active biomonitoring, at different distances from a pelletizing factory. We characterize the symptomatology, anatomical, and histochemistry alterations induced in the two species. There was no difference in the symptomatology in relation to the different distances of the emitting source.

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Background: Exome and targeted sequencing studies have identified potential driver mutations for a variety of tumor types. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) is one of the most highly mutated cancers but typically is associated with low rates of metastasis and high survival rates. Nevertheless, metastatic cSCC is a significant health threat; up to 8800 individuals die each year of this disease.

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Most intussusception cases in adults have an organic cause and their treatment is surgical. In some cases, there is no injury associated with intussusception and we can opt for conservative management. In our clinical practice we have shown the presence of intussusceptions in the absence of structural damage associated with chronic cannabis with a good course after conservative management.

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Higher temperatures lead to an increase of testicular metabolism that results in spermatic damage. Oxidative stress is the main factor responsible for testicular damage caused by heat stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate lasting effects of heat stress on ejaculated sperm and immediate or long-term effects of heat stress on epididymal sperm.

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Action of reactive oxygen species, protamination failures and apoptosis are considered the most important etiologies of sperm DNA fragmentation. This study evaluated the effects of induced lipid peroxidation susceptibility on native semen profile and identified the mechanisms involved in sperm DNA fragmentation and testicular antioxidant defense on Santa Ines ram sperm samples. Semen was collected from 12 adult rams (Ovis aries) performed weekly over a 9-week period.

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Our study aimed to assess the impact of sperm oxidative stress on embryo development by means of a dose-dependent model. In experiment 1, straws from five bulls were subjected to incubation with increasing H2O2 doses (0, 12.5, 25, and 50 μM).

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This study proposed a quantitative evaluation of oxidative status (OS) in bovine embryos. Sixteen-cell stage embryos, cultured under 5% O2, were treated with oxidative stress inducer menadione (0, 1, 2.5 and 5 µmol/l) for 24 h.

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