Publications by authors named "Leora Pinhas"

Cholinergic striatal interneurons (ChIs) express the vesicular glutamate transporter 3 (VGLUT3) which allows them to regulate the striatal network with glutamate and acetylcholine (ACh). In addition, VGLUT3-dependent glutamate increases ACh vesicular stores through vesicular synergy. A missense polymorphism, VGLUT3-p.

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Objective: This exploratory study is the first to examine family-based treatment (FBT) adherence and association to treatment outcome in the context of a large-scale, multi-centre study for the treatment of adolescents with anorexia nervosa.

Method: One hundred and ninety recorded FBT sessions from 68 adolescents with anorexia nervosa and their families were recruited across multiple sites (N = 6). Each site provided 1-4 tapes per family over four treatment time points, and each was independently rated for therapist adherence.

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This study tested the hypothesis that latent class analysis (LCA) would successfully classify eating disorder (ED) symptoms in children into categories that mapped onto DSM-5 diagnoses and that these categories would be consistent across countries. Childhood onset ED cases were ascertained through prospective active surveillance by the Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit, the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program, and the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit for 36, 24, and 14 months, respectively. Pediatricians and child psychiatrists reported symptoms of any child aged ≤ 12 years with a newly diagnosed restrictive ED.

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Objective: Preliminary research suggests that multiple family therapy (MFT) may be an effective intervention for adolescent anorexia nervosa (AN). This study compared the extent of weight restoration for patients enrolled in one year of MFT compared to a matched control group receiving treatment as usual (TAU).

Method: A retrospective chart review was performed using data from 25 MFT cases matched to 25 controls on age, diagnosis and year of entry to the eating disorder program.

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Body image distortion (BID) plays an important role in the etiology and maintenance of anorexia nervosa (AN). Previous studies of BID in AN showed small biases in visual scanning behavior (VSB) towards images of body shapes. The aim of this study is to investigate biases in VSB when body shape images compete with images with a different theme (social interactions) for subjects׳ attention.

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Objective: To explore and describe philosophies and characteristics of intensive eating disorder (ED) treatment programs based in tertiary care institutions across Canada.

Method: A ninety-item survey examining ED services for adolescents was developed, piloted, and completed by 11 programs across Canada. Information pertaining to program characteristics and components, governance, staffing, referrals, assessments, therapeutic modalities in place, nutritional practices, and treatment protocols were collected.

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Healthy eating and weight initiatives have been incorporated into many schools to combat the growing obesity problem. There is little research, however, on the effectiveness of these programs or any inadvertent harmful effects on children's mental health. Our aims were to report on how school-based healthy weights initiatives can trigger the adoption of unhealthy behaviours for some children.

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Objective: To review the literature on delirium and refeeding syndrome in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and present case examples in an attempt to identify common clinical features and response to therapy.

Method: A comprehensive literature review was completed. In addition to the cases identified in the literature, we present two additional cases of our own.

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Objectives: To document and describe the incidence and age-specific presentation of early-onset restrictive eating disorders in children across Canada.

Design: Surveillance study. Cases were ascertained through the Canadian Paediatric Surveillance Program by surveying approximately 2453 Canadian pediatricians (a 95% participation rate) monthly during a 2-year period.

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Purpose: To qualitatively and quantitatively explore the experience and QOL of siblings of AEDs. To date, there is little research on the quality of life (QOL) and the effect an eating disorder (ED) has on the siblings of adolescents with an eating disorder (AEDs).

Methods: Siblings were recruited between January 2008 and April 2008.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and potential causes of secondary nocturnal enuresis (NE) in adolescents with anorexia nervosa (AN).

Method: Adolescents with AN completed the Incontinence Symptom Index-Pediatric (ISI-P), a self-report urinary incontinence survey. Those who had NE associated with the onset of AN on the ISI-P completed a comprehensive clinical and laboratory evaluation, including urinary flow measurements.

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Anorexia nervosa (AN) can cause both functional and structural cardiac complications, including a variety of different conduction abnormalities. This is the first case report of symptomatic diurnal second-degree atrioventricular (AV) block (Mobitz Type I) in an adolescent with AN. We present a 12-year-old girl with AN, restrictor sub-type who reported cardiac symptoms during weight gain, at the time of the initial diagnosis of AV block.

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Objectives: To examine the presence and nature of disordered eating attitudes and behaviours among Jewish Canadian adolescents, as compared with non-Jewish Canadian adolescents in an urban community. A secondary goal was to examine whether rates of eating-disordered behaviour differed among the adolescents based on the degree of Jewish religious observance.

Method: High school students (n = 868) from the Toronto area completed a demographic and religious practice questionnaire together with the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT), a self-report test that discriminated adolescents with syndromal eating disorders from normal adolescents.

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In 1997 the Child and Family Clinic treatment team at Southlake Regional Health Centre (SLRHC) in Newmarket Ontario, Canada created the Eating Disorders Program, which included a day treatment program for adolescents with eating disorders. When first conceived, this day treatment program was the first of its kind in Ontario. The multi-disciplinary team created a feminist-informed model centered on developing joint decision making relationships among team, client, and family through sustained and transparent communication and negotiation.

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Objective: The purpose of this article is to describe the content of pro-anorexia websites, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Method: An Internet search protocol was developed to identify pro-anorexia websites. A grounded theory approach was used to generate themes from Internet-based information.

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The Ontario Community Outreach Program for Eating Disorders is a pilot training project within the eating disorder programs at the University Health Network--Toronto General Hospital (TGH) and the Hospital for Sick Children. This system provides ongoing training, consultation, and research evaluation in areas ranging from prevention through to tertiary care, in the hopes of increasing the capacity of practitioners to respond to the healthcare pressures of those experiencing eating disorders. A total of 3,315 health care practitioners and educators in Ontario participated in community-based training workshops.

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