Publications by authors named "Leo Y Zhang"

Purpose: We aim to develop accurate volumetric quantitative imaging of iodinated contrast agent (ICA) in contrast-enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT).

Approach: The two main components of the approach are the use of a dual-energy DBT (DE-DBT) scan and the development of an optimization-based algorithm that can yield accurate images with isotropic resolution. The image reconstruction algorithm exploits sparsity in the subject's directional derivative magnitudes, and it also performs direct sparsity regularization to help confine the reconstruction to the true support of the subject.

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Motivation: Predicting the binding affinity between antigens and antibodies accurately is crucial for assessing therapeutic antibody effectiveness and enhancing antibody engineering and vaccine design. Traditional machine learning methods have been widely used for this purpose, relying on interfacial amino acids' structural information. Nevertheless, due to technological limitations and high costs of acquiring structural data, the structures of most antigens and antibodies are unknown, and sequence-based methods have gained attention.

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An optimization-based image reconstruction algorithm is developed for contrast enhanced digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT) using dual-energy scanning. The algorithm minimizes directional total variation (TV) with a data discrepancy and non-negativity constraints. Iodinated contrast agent (ICA) imaging is performed by reconstructing images from dual-energy DBT data followed by weighted subtraction.

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Recent years have witnessed an increasing popularity of wireless body area network (WBAN), with which continuous collection of physiological signals can be conveniently performed for healthcare monitoring. Energy consumption is a critical issue because it directly affects the duration of the equipped sensors. In this article, we propose a low-cost and confidential electrocardiogram (ECG) acquisition approach for WBAN.

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Applying the chaos theory for secure digital communications is promising and it is well acknowledged that in such applications the underlying chaotic systems should be carefully chosen. However, the requirements imposed on the chaotic systems are usually heuristic, without theoretic guarantee for the resultant communication scheme. Among all the primitives for secure communications, it is well accepted that (pseudo) random numbers are most essential.

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Motivation: Detection of maximal exact matches (MEMs) between two long sequences is a fundamental problem in pairwise reference-query genome comparisons. To efficiently compare larger and larger genomes, reducing the number of indexed k-mers as well as the number of query k-mers has been adopted as a mainstream approach which saves the computational resources by avoiding a significant number of unnecessary matches.

Results: Under this framework, we proposed a new method to detect all MEMs from a pair of genomes.

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The need for fast and strong image cryptosystems motivates researchers to develop new techniques to apply traditional cryptographic primitives in order to exploit the intrinsic features of digital images. One of the most popular and mature technique is the use of complex dynamic phenomena, including chaotic orbits and quantum walks, to generate the required key stream. In this paper, under the assumption of plaintext attacks we investigate the security of a classic diffusion mechanism (and of its variants) used as the core cryptographic primitive in some image cryptosystems based on the aforementioned complex dynamic phenomena.

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