Publications by authors named "Lenzini L"

Inherited metabolic disorders (IMDs) are heritable conditions that affect up to 125:100,000 people worldwide. In addition to severe disabling forms that require continuous and costly assistance in both pediatric and adult patients, some IMDs can have mild forms, with the first clinical signs starting in adolescence or very late in adulthood. In the complex field of IMDs, featuring multifaceted challenges that span from scientific discoveries to patient care, women play a central role in contributing to clinical practice, research, patient advocacy, care, and education.

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Background: Untreated patients affected by hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) present an abnormal transferrin (Tf) glycosylation pattern suggestive of N-hypoglycosylation. Analysis of defects in N-glycosylation is possible by analysis of serum sialotransferrin (sialoTf) pattern. The sialoTf profile is a valuable tool to facilitate the diagnosis of HFI.

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Managing Inherited Metabolic Disorders (IMDs) at risk for hypoglycemia, such as Glycogen Storage Diseases (GSDs), Hereditary Fructose Metabolism Disorders (HFMDs) and Congenital Hyperinsulinism (CH), poses challenges in dietary treatments and blood glucose monitoring. The effectiveness of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) remains a subject of ongoing debate, with IMD guidelines maintaining caution. Therefore, a systematic evaluation is needed to understand the potential benefits of CGM during dietary interventions.

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  • Methylmalonic Aciduria (MA) is a rare disorder that leads to toxic methylmalonic acid buildup, causing serious health issues like metabolic crises and kidney damage.
  • A case study of a 39-year-old male with MA and stage IV chronic kidney disease illustrates how a single hemodialysis session effectively treated his acute metabolic crisis after a gastrointestinal infection.
  • Long-term management of MA often requires continuous kidney and/or liver transplantation, with combined liver-kidney transplants offering better outcomes due to reduced acid production and improved kidney function.
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Context: The search for somatic mutations in adrenals resected from patients with primary aldosteronism (PA) is performed by Sanger sequencing, often implemented with immunohistochemistry (IHC)-guidance focused on aldosterone-producing (CYP11B2-positive) areas.

Objective: To investigate the impact of double IHC for CYP11B1 and CYP11B2 on Sanger and next-generation sequencing (NGS).

Methods: We investigated 127 consecutive adrenal aldosterone-producing adenomas from consenting surgically cured PA patients using double IHC for CYP11B1 and CYP11B2, by Sanger sequencing and NGS.

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Introduction: The fluctuations of the intracellular Ca concentration ([Ca]) are key physiological signals for cell function under normal conditions and can undergo profound alterations in disease states, as high blood pressure due to endocrine disorders like primary aldosteronism (PA). However, when assessing such fluctuations several parameters in the Ca signal dynamics need to be considered, which renders their assessment challenging.

Aim: Aim to develop an observer-independent custom-made pipeline to analyze Ca dynamics in terms of frequency and peak parameters, as amplitude, full width at half maximum (FWHM) and area under the curve (AUC).

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  • Endocrine hypertension (EHT) is associated with various hormonal conditions like pheochromocytoma, Cushing's syndrome, and primary aldosteronism, leading to unique metabolic changes compared to primary hypertension (PHT).
  • A multicenter study of 263 patients analyzed the relationship between adrenal steroid levels and metabolomic alterations, revealing significant associations among different hormone levels and specific metabolites.
  • The findings suggest that elevated cortisol, cortisone, and catecholamines are linked to distinct metabolic profiles in EHT, with catecholamines being particularly important in pheochromocytoma cases.
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Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosome storage disease that results in the accumulation of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3) throughout the body leading to irreversible target organ damage. As the role of secondary mediators (inflammatory molecules) and their mechanisms has not been fully elucidated, we focused on the interleukin (IL)-6 system in adult FD patients and in matched healthy subjects. To obtain insights into the complex regulation of IL-6 actions, we used a novel approach that integrates information from plasma and exosomes of FD patients (n = 20) and of healthy controls (n = 15).

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  • The guidelines for managing propionic acidemia (PA) recommend standard cardiac therapy for patients with cardiac complications, while recent discussions raise questions about the effectiveness of high doses of coenzyme Q10 on cardiac function.
  • Liver transplantation may stabilize or reverse cardiomyopathy in some patients, highlighting an urgent need for therapies to improve cardiac function for those waiting for or ineligible for transplants.
  • The review discusses the pathogenetic mechanisms behind cardiac complications in PA and analyzes available and potential pharmacological treatments, emphasizing the complexity of these mechanisms and the necessity for therapies that extend beyond merely correcting the enzymatic defect.
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Drug-resistant arterial hypertension (RH) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, often due to overlooked underlying causes. Identification of such causes poses significant clinical challenges. In this setting, primary aldosteronism (PA) is a frequent cause of RH and its prevalence in RH patients is likely higher than 20%.

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Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal disorder caused by α-galactosidase A enzyme deficiency. Gastrointestinal (GI) manifestations are reported in FD with a prevalence of about 50%, usually treated by Enzymatic Replacement Therapy (ERT) or oral treatment. Since FODMAPs () can be involved in GI manifestations and dysbiosis in FD patients, a low- diet could represent an alternative adjunctive treatment in FD subjects, as well as being useful for reducing symptoms in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

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Glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) represent a model of pathological accumulation of glycogen disease in the kidney that, in animal models, results in nephropathy due to abnormal autophagy and mitochondrial function. Patients with Glycogen Storage Disease 1a (GSD1a) accumulate glycogen in the kidneys and suffer a disease resembling diabetic nephropathy that can progress to renal failure. In this study, we addressed whether urine-derived epithelial cells (URECs) from patients with GSD1a maintain their biological features, and whether they can be used as a model to study the renal and metabolic phenotypes of this genetic condition.

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  • Arterial hypertension is a major global health issue and can be either primary or secondary, with secondary cases linked to specific endocrine disorders like Cushing's syndrome, primary aldosteronism, and pheochromocytoma.
  • Effective diagnosis of endocrine hypertension relies on hormone tests, but identifying unique blood DNA methylation patterns could enhance diagnosis and treatment strategies.
  • The study examined DNA methylation patterns in 255 patients, successfully distinguishing between primary and secondary hypertension using machine learning techniques, with varying levels of accuracy in predictive models.
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Background: Arterial hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor. Identification of secondary hypertension in its various forms is key to preventing and targeting treatment of cardiovascular complications. Simplified diagnostic tests are urgently required to distinguish primary and secondary hypertension to address the current underdiagnosis of the latter.

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Primary aldosteronism affects up to 10% of hypertensive patients and is responsible for treatment resistance and increased cardiovascular risk. Here we perform a genome-wide association study in a discovery cohort of 562 cases and 950 controls and identify three main loci on chromosomes 1, 13 and X; associations on chromosome 1 and 13 are replicated in a second cohort and confirmed by a meta-analysis involving 1162 cases and 3296 controls. The association on chromosome 13 is specific to men and stronger in bilateral adrenal hyperplasia than aldosterone producing adenoma.

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Hypertension is a major global health problem with high prevalence and complex associated health risks. Primary hypertension (PHT) is most common and the reasons behind primary hypertension are largely unknown. Endocrine hypertension (EHT) is another complex form of hypertension with an estimated prevalence varying from 3 to 20% depending on the population studied.

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Despite considerable morbidity and mortality, numerous cases of endocrine hypertension (EHT) forms, including primary aldosteronism (PA), pheochromocytoma and functional paraganglioma (PPGL), and Cushing's syndrome (CS), remain undetected. We aimed to establish signatures for the different forms of EHT, investigate potentially confounding effects and establish unbiased disease biomarkers. Plasma samples were obtained from 13 biobanks across seven countries and analyzed using untargeted NMR metabolomics.

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Inherited metabolic diseases (IMDs) are genetic conditions that result in metabolism alterations. Although research-based Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) testing for IMD has been recently implemented, its application in a clinical diagnostic setting remains challenging. Thus, we aimed at investigating the genetic diagnostic approach in a cohort of adult patients with IMDs referred to our adult metabolic unit.

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Context: Sampling of blood in the supine position for diagnosis of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL) results in lower rates of false positives for plasma normetanephrine than seated sampling. It is unclear how inpatient vs outpatient testing and other preanalytical factors impact false positives.

Objective: We aimed to identify preanalytical precautions to minimize false-positive results for plasma metanephrines.

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An altered secretion of adrenocortical and adrenomedullary hormones plays a role in the clinical syndromes of primary aldosteronism (PA), Cushing, and pheochromocytoma. Moreover, an altered production of adrenocortical hormones and/or an abnormal release of factors by the adrenal medulla are involved in several other diseases, including high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, liver cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, primary reninism, renovascular hypertension, Addison disease, Bartter, Gitelman, and virilization syndromes. Understanding the regulation of adrenal function and the interactions between adrenal cortex and medulla is, therefore, the prerequisite for mechanistic understanding of these disorders.

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Low-protein diets (LPDs) are the mainstream treatment for inborn errors of intermediary protein metabolism (IEIPM), but dietary management differs worldwide. Most studies have investigated pediatric populations and their goals such as growth and metabolic balance, showing a tendency toward increasing overweight and obesity. Only a few studies have examined nutritional status and dietary intake of adult IEIPM patients on LPDs.

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We report a novel pathogenic variant (c.223G > C; p.Gly75Arg) in the gene encoding the small mitoribosomal subunit protein mS34 in a long-surviving patient with Leigh Syndrome who was genetically diagnosed at age 34 years.

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We report the case of a 22-year-old man with a diagnosis of dihydropteridine reductase (DHPR) deficiency who progressively developed movement disorders and epilepsy. Despite L-Dopa supplementation the patient continued to show high prolactin levels, with a discrepancy between the neurological clinical picture and the hormonal biochemical levels. For this reason, other potential causes were ruled out by performing a cerebral magnetic resonance imaging, which demonstrated a solid lesion in the pituitary gland strongly suggestive of a prolactinoma.

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Aims: We aimed at determining the rate of drug-resistant arterial hypertension in patients with an unambiguous diagnosis of primary aldosteronism (PA). Moreover, we sought for investigating the diagnostic performance of adrenal vein sampling (AVS), and the effect of adrenalectomy on blood pressure (BP) and prior treatment resistance in PA patients subtyped by AVS in major referral centres.

Methods And Results: The Adrenal Vein Sampling International Study-2 (AVIS-2) was a multicentre international study that recruited consecutive PA patients submitted to AVS, according to current guidelines, during 15 years.

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Objective: The branch of the renin--angiotensin system constituting angiotensin-(1-7) [Ang-(1-7)], the Ang II type 2 receptor, the Mas receptors and the Ang-(1-7)-forming enzyme ACE-2, by counteracting the Ang II type 1 receptor (AT1R)-mediated effects, are held to be cardiovascular protective in several conditions. However, whether Ang-(1-7) and ACE-2 are detectable in human adrenocortical tissues and whether they affect aldosterone and cortisol biosynthesis was unknown.

Methods: We measured angiotensin peptides with liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry and ACE-2 mRNA with digital droplet (dd)PCR in human aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) and APA-adjacent tissue obtained from patients with primary aldosteronism.

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