Publications by authors named "Lenjou M"

Dendritic cells (DC) have important functions in T cell immunity and T cell tolerance. Previously, it was believed that T cell unresponsiveness induced by immature DC (iDC) is caused by the absence of inflammatory signals in steady-state in vivo conditions and by the low expression levels of costimulatory molecules on iDC. However, a growing body of evidence now indicates that iDC can also actively maintain peripheral T cell tolerance by the induction and/or stimulation of regulatory T cell populations.

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* To characterize plant cell cycle activation following Rhodococcus fascians infection, bacterial impact on cell cycle progression of tobacco BY-2 cells was investigated. * S-phase-synchronized BY-2 cells were cocultivated with R. fascians and cell cycle progression was monitored by measuring mitotic index, cell cycle gene expression and flow cytometry parameters.

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Leukemic cells exert immunosuppressive effects that interfere with dendritic cell (DC) function and hamper effective antileukemic immune responses. Here, we sought to enhance the immunogenicity of leukemic cells by loading them with the double-stranded (ds) RNA Toll-like receptor 3 (TLR3) ligand polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid (poly(I:C)), mimicking viral infection of the tumor cells. Given the responsiveness of DC to TLR ligands, we hypothesized that the uptake of poly(I:C)-loaded leukemic cells by immature DC (iDC) would lead to DC activation.

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Microglia are dispersed throughout the central nervous system. Under physiological circumstances they display a 'ramified' resting phenotype. In different neuropathologies microglia reversibly transform into the activated form, an amoeboid phagocyte with a broad spectrum of immune effector functions.

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Although reactive oxygen species (ROS) at physiological concentrations are required for normal cell function, excessive production of ROS is detrimental to cells. Neuroglobin and cytoglobin are two globins, whose functions are still a matter of debate. A potential role in the detoxification of ROS is suggested.

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Background: Cervical cancer is the second most common gynecological cancer amongst women world-wide. Despite optimized protocols, standard treatments still face several disadvantages. Therefore, research aims at the development of immune-based strategies using tumor antigen-loaded dendritic cells for the induction of cellular anti-tumor immunity.

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Recently, it has become obvious that not only CD8 T-cells, but also CD4 T-helper cells are required for the induction of an effective, long-lasting cellular immune response. In view of the clinical importance of cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, we developed 2 strategies to simultaneously reactivate viral antigen-specific memory CD4 and CD8 T-cells of CMV-seropositive and HIV-seropositive subjects using mRNA-electroporated autologous CD40-activated B cells. In the setting of HIV, we provide evidence that CD40-activated B cells can be cultured from HAART-naive HIV-1 seropositive patients.

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The quantitative measurement of individual cells and their characteristics by means of flow cytometry is already for many years of great value for clinical studies. However, its potential as a tool in (eco)toxicology has only recently been discovered. Analysis of cell cycle kinetics with DNA-staining dyes can offer a valuable alternative to detect effects of chemicals on cell proliferation, an important endpoint in screening estrogen-like properties of chemicals.

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Background: Dendritic cells are potent antigen-presenting and immune modulating cells that have been implicated in the development of atherosclerosis. In human blood, two distinct lineages are distinguished: plasmacytoid dendritic cells and myeloid dendritic cells. Although dendritic cells have been described in atherosclerotic plaques, no information exists concerning circulating blood dendritic cells in atherosclerosis.

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Cell-based immunotherapy, in which antigen-loaded antigen-presenting cells (APC) are used to elicit T cell responses, has become part of the search for alternative cancer and infectious disease treatments. Here, we report on the feasibility of using mRNA-electroporated CD40-activated B cells (CD40-B cells) as alternative APC for the ex vivo induction of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell responses. The potential of CD40-B cells as APC is reflected in their phenotypic analysis, showing a polyclonal, strongly activated B cell population with high expression of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules.

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Electroporation of mRNA has become an established method for gene transfer into dendritic cells for immunotherapeutic purposes. However, many more cell types and applications might benefit from an efficient mRNA-based gene transfer method. In this study, we investigated the potential of mRNA-based gene transfer to induce short-term transgene expression in adult stem cells and activated T cells, based on electroporation with mRNA encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein.

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Purpose: The mechanism of radiosensitization by gemcitabine is still unclear. It has been hypothesized that the accumulation of cells in early S phase may play a role in enhancing radiosensitivity.

Methods And Materials: The schedule dependency of the radiosensitizing effect was studied in ECV304, human bladder cancer cells, and H292, human lung cancer cells, by varying the incubation time and time interval between gemcitabine and radiation treatment.

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Objective: Regulation of the cell cycle by cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) activity occurs at multiple levels and is often altered in human cancers. Therefore, CDK activity has been targeted for drug discovery, and a number of small molecules have now been identified as CDK inhibitors. Plant cytokinin analogues with CDK inhibitory activity and antiproliferative effects were studied to characterize the cellular basis of the cytotoxic effect.

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Dendritic cells (DC) are professional Ag-capturing and -presenting cells of the immune system. Because of their exceptional capability of activating tumor-specific T cells, cancer vaccination research is now shifting toward the formulation of a clinical human DC vaccine. We developed a short term and serum-free culture protocol for rapid generation of fully mature, viable, and highly stimulatory CD83(+) DC.

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Objective: We previously demonstrated the presence of nucleoside diphosphate kinase NDPK/NM23 in normal human plasma. It also was reported that extracellular NM23 could inhibit differentiation of certain hematopoietic cell lines. We further investigated the extracellular effect of NM23 on hematopoiesis by adding recombinant NM23-H1, NM23-H2, and NM23-H3 proteins to in vitro differentiation assays of normal human hematopoietic progenitors.

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Genetically modified dendritic cells (DC) are increasingly used in vitro to activate cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) immune responses. Because T cell activation protocols consist of multiple restimulation cycles of peripheral blood lymphocytes with antigen-loaded mature DC, continuous generation of DC is needed throughout the experiment. Therefore, cryopreservation of DC loaded with antigen is a valuable alternative for weekly generation and modification of DC.

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In this study, analogues of olomoucine, a previously described plant cytokinin analogue with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitory activity, were investigated for effect on CDK1 and CDK2 and for effect on cell proliferation. Eight new compounds exhibit stronger inhibitory activity on CDK1 and CDK2 and on cell proliferation than olomoucine. Some active compounds showed low inhibition of proliferation of normal myeloid growth.

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Environmental stress affects plant growth and development. Several plant hormones, such as salicylic acid, abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene play a crucial role in altering plant morphology in response to stress. Developmental regulation often has the cell cycle machinery among its targets.

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In vitro methylcellulose cultures of bovine bone marrow progenitor cells were developed. An existing technique described for bovine species was compared to a method for human tissue and further adapted during subsequent experiments. Bovine bone marrow samples were collected at the slaughterhouse, and mononuclear cells were separated by gradient centrifugation (1.

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Designing effective strategies to load human dendritic cells (DCs) with tumor antigens is a challenging approach for DC-based tumor vaccines. Here, a cytoplasmic expression system based on mRNA electroporation to efficiently introduce tumor antigens into DCs is described. Preliminary experiments in K562 cells using an enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene revealed that mRNA electroporation as compared with plasmid DNA electroporation showed a markedly improved transfection efficiency (89% versus 40% EGFP(+) cells, respectively) and induced a strikingly lower cell toxicity (15% death rate with mRNA versus 51% with plasmid DNA).

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In this report we show that serum has differentiation-inducing effects on primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells with the CD34++CD38- immunophenotype. Using the pre-colony forming unit (pre-CFU) assay as a model for early myelopoiesis, we compared the effects of serum-containing and serum-free media and evaluated different cytokine cocktails [interleukin (IL)-1, IL-3, IL-6, kit ligand with and without the Flt3/Flk2 ligand (FL)]. In this assay, pre-CFUs are defined as cells unable to form colonies when plated directly in semi-solid assays, but which can differentiate into CFUs when cultured in liquid medium containing early-acting cytokines.

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It has previously been shown that gp130 and c-kit signalling synergize for the ex vivo expansion of human cord blood (CB) CD34+ haematopoietic progenitor cells. We were interested in evaluating this synergy within an ontogenetically different haematopoietic tissue [i.e.

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The design of effective gene delivery systems for gene transfer in primary human blood cells is important both for fundamental hematopoiesis research and for cancer gene therapy strategies. Here, we evaluated electroporation as a nonviral means for transfection of activated human T lymphocytes and adult bone marrow (BM) CD34+ cells. We describe optimal culture and electroporation parameters for efficient gene delivery in prestimulated T lymphocytes (16.

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The defence against infection in high-yielding dairy cows is correlated with the number and function of circulating neutrophils and depends on their production in bone marrow. Therefore, the DNA content of isolated bone marrow cell suspensions from 7 calves, 7 cows and 14 humans was assayed by flow cytometry. Bovine sternal bone marrow samples were collected within 30 min of death, and human marrow samples were collected by sternal puncture and aspiration.

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To investigate the T-lymphopoietic capacity of human adult bone marrow (ABM) hematopoietic progenitor cells, CD34+Lin-, CD34+CD38+, and CD34++CD38- cells were cultured in a severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse fetal thymic organ culture (FTOC). Direct seeding of these progenitors resulted in a moderate to severe cell loss, particularly for the CD34++CD38- cell fraction, and T cells could only be generated from the CD34+Lin- fraction. Preincubation for 36 hours with interleukin-3 (IL-3) and stem cell factor (SCF) led to an improved cell survival and proliferation, although T-cell development was seen only in the CD34+Lin- fraction.

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