Publications by authors named "Lemmens Gilbert"

Objective: This study aims to explore perspectives of patients, family, and healthcare professionals on feasibility of family presence during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Methods: This qualitative study used semistructured interviews. Eleven patients and 12 healthcare workers participated in small focus groups.

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Increasing evidence shows how distress following sexual violence might spill over to victims' romantic relationship functioning. However, studies investigating the reverse spillover between relationship functioning and psychological distress following sexual violence are lacking. The current study therefore aimed to investigate the bidirectional association between victims' psychological distress (posttraumatic stress, depression, anxiety and stress) and emotional and sexual intimacy using a three-wave yearly survey study of a community sample of sexual violence victims ( = 274, 89% women, 3% men and 8% trans persons, = 32 years, = 10.

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Despite advancements in promoting family engagement in mental health settings, limited involvement of family members persists in forensic mental healthcare. Forensic mental healthcare professionals face various barriers in engaging families, including a patient-centered approach and resource constraints. However, limited understanding exists of professionals' experiences with family engagement, which is crucial for improving care practices in this setting.

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Due to the rising number of long-term mental health conditions, there has been a shift in therapeutic focus from curing these conditions, to living a meaningful life with them. Self-management is described as the ability to live with the emotional, life role and medical consequences of long-term conditions such as schizophrenia. However, the perspective of people with schizophrenia on self-management in current literature is missing.

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Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an effective treatment for patients with severe psychiatric disorders. Stigma and lack of knowledge surrounding ECT are major obstacles for both patients and their caregivers, who play an important role as shared decision-makers. Insight in caregivers' perspectives on ECT can support the consent process and patient compliance with ECT.

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Background: Major depressive disorder and anxiety disorders are highly prevalent and comorbid during the perinatal period. Although research and clinicians agree that emotion regulation (ER) is an important transdiagnostic factor underlying both disorders in the general population, ER during the perinatal period has received less research attention. The aim of this systematic review was to assess the literature regarding the role of ten commonly studied ER strategies in the onset and maintenance of perinatal depression and anxiety in pregnant women and young mothers, using the Process Model of Gross (1998) as a theoretical framework.

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Increasing evidence shows that survivors of sexual violence frequently experience relationship difficulties following their victimization. Little is known regarding how couples which formed post-assault cope with the impact of the prior assault. Hence, the aim of the current study was to gain insight into post-assault formed couples' experiences in coping with the impact of sexual violence.

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Introduction: Benzodiazepines are considered to negatively affect seizure quality and duration during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). Several researchers have advocated the use of flumazenil, a competitive benzodiazepine receptor antagonist, for patients treated with benzodiazepines during ECT. However, clinical evidence regarding flumazenil use in ECT remains sparse.

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Objectives: A systematic review was conducted to (1) investigate protective factors enhancing resilience in children of parents with a mental illness (COPMI), and (2) examine theoretical and methodological issues in the existing literature.

Method: Following guidelines for systematic reviews, searches were performed using Web of Science, Pubmed and Embase. After screening 5,073 articles 37 fulfilled inclusion criteria and were extracted for review.

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Sexual violence is considered a prominent mental health problem. Exposure to sexual victimization during lifetime has been linked to mental health problems in old age. Research in adult victims has shown that they experience many barriers for disclosure and seeking professional help upon sexual victimization.

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Aim: A systematic meta-review was conducted to examine (1) the broad range of negative and positive individual and interpersonal changes following adult sexual violence, as well as (2) the risk/protective factors at multiple levels of the social ecology (e.g., individual, assault, and micro/meso/exo/macro/chronosystem factors)-influencing the impact of sexual violence.

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Background: As part of repetitive negative thinking (RNT), rumination is a maladaptive cognitive response style to stress or negative mood which can increase the risk of depression and may prohibit complete recovery. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) both proved to be effective in decreasing rumination. However, the combined effects of tDCS and CBT interventions on rumination have not yet been explored.

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Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic posed new challenges for integrated health care worldwide. Our study aimed to describe newly implemented structures and procedures of psychosocial consultation and liaison (CL) services in Europe and beyond, and to highlight emerging needs for co-operation.

Methods: Cross-sectional online survey from June to October 2021, using a self-developed 25-item questionnaire in four language versions (English, French, Italian, German).

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Facial allograft transplantation can be regarded as a particular and complex type of donation because of its perceptibility and the importance of the face as an identity characteristic. As research on this topic is currently lacking, the objective of this study is to explore the experiences of the family members of the donor in facial allograft donation. In-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted separately with the donor's family members and analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis.

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Introduction: Research on stress-related disorders and brain imaging suggests that (acute) stress might impact the capacity to mentally simulate specific episodic future events (EFT) through the effects of cortisol on brain regions supporting this cognitive function, such as the prefrontal cortices. This study aims to examine the mechanisms underlying this link, using transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

Methods: 60 healthy participants were subjected to the Montreal Imaging Stress Task (MIST), followed by either active or sham tDCS.

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Chewing khat during pregnancy adversely affects maternal and fetal health, but available studies are scarce and inconsistent, and it is difficult to conclude the relationship between khat consumption and perinatal outcomes. We aimed to investigate the available studies on the effect of khat use during pregnancy on perinatal and maternal outcomes. For this meta-analysis, we conducted a thorough search of articles published in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Web of Science up to the date this search was undertaken (03.

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Repetitive negative thinking (RNT)-such as worry and rumination-is an important transdiagnostic factor in the onset, course, and recurrence of depressive and anxiety disorders. This article describes a psychoeducational cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)-based group intervention entitled "Drop It" that focuses exclusively on treating RNT in patients with major depressive disorder and/or generalized anxiety disorder. The theoretical concepts and treatment goals of the intervention are outlined.

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Sexual violence (SV) has an important impact on mental health. Childhood sexual abuse is linked to internalising disorders in later life. In older adults, SV occurs more often than previously believed.

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Purpose: This longitudinal survey study aimed to investigate the self-reported outcome measures of COVID-19 peritraumatic distress, depression, anxiety, stress, quality of life (QOL), and their associated factors in a cohort of cancer patients treated at a tertiary care hospital during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Methods: Surveys were administered at four time points between 1 April 2020 and 18 September 2020. The surveys included the CPDI, DASS-21, and WHOQOL-BREF questionnaires.

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Objectives: Treatment of repetitive negative thinking (RNT) focuses rather on individual than group cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) treatment. Additionally, little is known on how clients experienced these interventions. This study investigates clients' experiences on participating in a CBT group intervention targeting RNT (RNT-G).

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Background: Sexual violence (SV) is an important public health problem which may cause long-lasting health problems. SV in older adults remains neglected in research, policies and practices. Valid SV prevalence estimates and associated risk factors in older adults are currently unavailable.

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