Publications by authors named "Lefebvre R"

Article Synopsis
  • - The HEALing Communities Study (HCS) aimed to reduce opioid overdose deaths in 67 affected communities by implementing health campaigns focused on opioid use disorder (OUD), overdose prevention, and stigma reduction, developed with community input.
  • - Surveys conducted via Facebook/Instagram indicated that participants in HCS communities experienced reduced stigma related to OUD and improved beliefs about the efficacy of naloxone, though recognition of campaign messages was not significantly different from control communities.
  • - The study suggests a connection between recognizing campaign messages and achieving positive outcomes, but it also raises concerns about the effectiveness of traditional evaluation methods for social media health campaigns.
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Reconstruction of metacarpal hands remains a challenging problem for hand surgeons. In this case report, we present a middle-aged female patient with bilateral Wei Type IIB metacarpal hands secondary to severe burn injuries following a motor vehicle accident. The patient underwent a 2-stage reconstruction with big, second, and third toes transfer in each hand to restore tripod pinch.

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Background: Professional athletes navigate a multitude of unique challenges associated to sport-specific factors (e.g., training, travel and competition) and non-sport factors (e.

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  • The study examines a community-based intervention aimed at reducing opioid-related overdose deaths by increasing the adoption of evidence-based practices including overdose education and naloxone distribution, medication treatment for opioid use disorder, and prescription safety.
  • In a cluster-randomized trial, 67 communities across Kentucky, Massachusetts, New York, and Ohio were assigned to either receive the intervention or serve as a control group during a period marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and an increase in fentanyl overdoses.
  • Results showed no significant difference in opioid-related overdose death rates between the intervention and control groups, with both averaging similar rates, indicating that the community-engaged strategies did not have a measurable impact during the study period.
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Predicting methane (CH) emission from milk mid-infrared (MIR) spectra provides large amounts of data which is necessary for genomic selection. Recent prediction equations were developed using the GreenFeed system, which required averaging multiple CH4 measurements to obtain an accurate estimate, resulting in large data loss when animals unfrequently visit the GreenFeed. This study aimed to determine if calibrating equations on CH emissions corrected for diurnal variations or modeled throughout lactation would improve the accuracy of the predictions by reducing data loss compared with standard averaging methods used with GreenFeed data.

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Background: Scaling up overdose education and naloxone distribution (OEND) and medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) is needed to reduce opioid overdose deaths, but barriers are pervasive. This study examines whether the Communities That HEAL (CTH) intervention reduced perceived barriers to expanding OEND and MOUD in healthcare/behavioral health, criminal-legal, and other/non-traditional venues.

Methods: The HEALing (Helping End Addiction Long-Term®) Communities Study is a parallel, wait-list, cluster randomized trial testing the CTH intervention in 67 communities in the United States.

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The environmental impact of dairy production can be reduced in several ways, including increasing feed efficiency and reducing methane (CH) emissions. There is no consensus on their relationship. This study aimed at estimating the correlations between residual feed intake (RFI) and CH emissions expressed in g/d methane production (MeP), g/kg of fat- and protein-corrected milk methane intensity (MeI), or g/kg of DM intake methane yield (MeY) throughout lactation.

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Introduction: To examine differences in perceptions about community stigma towards individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) between community members involved in the opioid response (i.e., coalition members) and the general public, and how community geography may moderate this relationship.

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The flexibility between the wide array of hepatic functions relies on calcium (Ca) signalling. Indeed, Ca is implicated in the control of many intracellular functions as well as intercellular communication. Thus, hepatocytes adapt their Ca signalling depending on their nutritional and hormonal environment, leading to opposite cellular functions, such as glucose storage or synthesis.

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Treatment of a painful neuroma is a challenging problem for both the patient and the providers. Current surgical treatment options typically include excision of the neuroma and stump relation. However, with both treatment options, patients have high rates of persistent pain and rates of neuroma recurrence.

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  • SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to long-term health issues known as post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection (PASC) or long COVID, which can manifest as ongoing or new symptoms after the initial infection.
  • The RECOVER-Adult study aims to better understand PASC by investigating its prevalence, symptoms, risk factors, and underlying biological mechanisms through a large cohort of nearly 15,000 adults.
  • Participants will provide ongoing data through questionnaires, physical examinations, and biological samples over several months, helping researchers gather critical insights into the complexities of long COVID.
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Background: Host-associated microbes are major determinants of the host phenotypes. In the present study, we used dairy cows with different scores of susceptibility to mastitis with the aim to explore the relationships between microbiota composition and different factors in various body sites throughout lactation as well as the intra- and inter-animal microbial sharing.

Results: Microbiotas from the mouth, nose, vagina and milk of 45 lactating dairy cows were characterized by metataxonomics at four time points during the first lactation, from 1-week pre-partum to 7 months post-partum.

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Genetic selection to reduce methane (CH) emissions from dairy cows is an attractive means of reducing the impact of agricultural production on climate change. In this study, we investigated the feasibility of such an approach by characterizing the interactions between CH and several traits of interest in dairy cows. We measured CH, dry matter intake (DMI), fat- and protein-corrected milk (FPCM), body weight (BW), and body condition score (BCS) from 107 first- and second-parity Holstein cows from December 2019 to November 2021.

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Objective: To evaluate the union rate and rate of postoperative complications in patients with septic nonunions of the humerus after a two-stage reconstruction using a free vascularized fibula graft.

Design: Retrospective case series.

Setting: Academic, tertiary referral center.

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Interactions between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum, known as MAMs, are altered in the liver in obesity, which contributes to disruption of the insulin signaling pathway. In addition, the plasma level of glycine is decreased in obesity, and the decrease is strongly correlated with the severity of insulin resistance. Certain nutrients have been shown to regulate MAMs; therefore, we tested whether glycine supplementation could reduce insulin resistance in the liver by promoting MAM integrity.

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Body condition score (BCS) offers a good estimate of the amount of stored fat on the body, and its variations can be used as a proxy for energy balance. Many countries have implemented a genomic evaluation of BCS, including France, where estimated breeding values are based on an individual BCS determination during the first lactation. In this article, we investigate the degree to which this genomic estimated breeding value based on a single phenotype record per cow might reflect different profiles of body reserves throughout lactation and be used to predict, and perhaps limit, their mobilization during early lactation.

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Background: Biosimilars account for 30-40% of biologic medications dispensed in the United States (US), yet healthcare providers in relevant medical specialties have limited awareness of biosimilars and their characteristics. Likewise, many providers perceive biosimilars as less safe and effective than original biologics and are more comfortable prescribing original biologics to patients.

Methods: We conducted in-person focus groups at three clinical sites in California and Texas (n = 49) to explore the reasons behind US healthcare providers' limited understanding of, cautious attitudes toward, and reluctance to prescribe biosimilars.

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Recent developments in multiplex technologies enable the determination of a large nu\mber of soluble proteins such as cytokines in various biological samples. More than a one-by-one determination of the concentration of immune mediators, they permit the establishment of secretion profiles for a more accurate description of conditions related to infectious diseases or vaccination. Cytokine profiling has recently been made available for bovine species with the development of a Luminex technology-based 15-plex assay.

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Hansen's disease is a well-described, largely historic infection that is caused by . Lucio's phenomenon is an aggressive, rare form of untreated lepromatous leprosy characterized by diffuse cutaneous lesions and systemic symptoms. To date, cases of necrotizing soft tissue infection in the setting of leprosy have rarely been reported in the literature.

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is a rare etiology of serious hand infection with only 2 cases having been reported in literature to date to our knowledge. We describe the case of a 58-year-old woman with persistent swelling and stiffness in her right index finger. Advanced imaging studies in addition to serial surgical debridement with tissue cultures helped to confirm the diagnosis of flexor tenosynovitis caused by .

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The opioid overdose epidemic continues to devastate lives across the United States and has worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this paper, we review 166 online-accessible opioid-related campaigns to understand the current state of the science and practice of campaigns to address the opioid crisis. The findings suggest that health promotion practitioners can have a greater impact on reducing overdose deaths if they move beyond awareness-raising messaging about opioid misuse and place a greater emphasis on driving demand for evidence-based treatments such as medications for opioid use disorder and on reducing stigma related to treatment and recovery.

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Sauropodomorph dinosaurs include the largest terrestrial animals that ever lived on Earth. The early representatives of this clade were, however, relatively small and partially to totally bipedal, conversely to the gigantic and quadrupedal sauropods. Although the sauropod bauplan is well defined, notably by the acquisition of columnar limbs, the evolutionary sequence leading to its emergence remains debated.

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Background: In distal upper extremity surgeries, there can be a choice to use an upper arm or forearm tourniquet. This study examines discomfort and tolerance in healthy volunteers to determine whether one is more comfortable.

Methods: Forty healthy, study participants were randomized to an upper extremity laterality and site.

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