Publications by authors named "Lefebvre O"

Metastatic dissemination is driven by genetic, biochemical, and biophysical cues that favor the distant colonization of organs and the formation of life-threatening secondary tumors. We have previously demonstrated that endothelial cells (ECs) actively remodel during extravasation by enwrapping arrested tumor cells (TCs) and extruding them from the vascular lumen while maintaining perfusion. In this work, we dissect the cellular and molecular mechanisms driving endothelial remodeling.

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This study presents the first investigation of the electrochemical oxidation of a real membrane-distillation (MD) concentrate for the integrated treatment of highly concentrated pharmaceutical wastewater (PWW). The coupling of electro-Fenton and anodic oxidation applied to a real MD retentate, concentrated by a factor of 1.6 compared to the original PWW, reduced the total organic carbon (TOC) concentration from 23,460 to 12,199 mg/L in 24 h (mineralization efficiency of 48%).

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  • The study looked at a special peptide called MAREMO that can help fight breast cancer by blocking a harmful molecule called tenascin-C.*
  • By doing this, it helps the body’s immune system work better against the tumor and stops the cancer from spreading.*
  • The MAREMO peptide also helps make the tumor environment less supportive for cancer growth by weakening certain cells and improving blood flow.*
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The presence of antibiotics in aquatic ecosystems poses a significant concern for public health and aquatic life, owing to their contribution to the proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Effective wastewater treatment strategies are needed to ensure that discharges from pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities are adequately controlled. Here we propose the sequential use of nanofiltration (NF) for concentrating a real pharmaceutical effluent derived from azithromycin production, followed by electrochemical oxidation for thorough removal of pharmaceutical compounds.

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Despite abundant evidence demonstrating that platelets foster metastasis, anti-platelet agents have low therapeutic potential due to the risk of hemorrhages. In addition, whether platelets can regulate metastasis at the late stages of the disease remains unknown. In this study, we subject syngeneic models of metastasis to various thrombocytopenic regimes to show that platelets provide a biphasic contribution to metastasis.

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In this work, a TiO-decorated electrode was fabricated by dip coating activated carbon fibers (ACF) with TiO, which were then used as a cathode for the photoelectro-Fenton (PEF) treatment of the pharmaceutical enalapril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor that has been detected in several waterways. The TiO coating was found to principally improve the electrocatalytic properties of ACF for HO production via the 2-e O reduction, in turn increasing enalapril degradation by PEF. The effect of the current density on the mineralization of enalapril was evaluated and the highest TOC removal yield (80.

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This study proposes a sustainable approach for hard-to-treat wastewater using sintered activated carbon (SAC) both as an adsorption filter and as an electrode, allowing its simultaneous electrochemical regeneration. SAC improves the activated carbon (AC) particle contact and thus the conductivity, while maintaining optimal liquid flow. The process removed 87 % of total organic carbon (TOC) from real high-load (initial TOC of 1625 mg/L) pharmaceutical wastewater (PWW), generated during the manufacturing of azithromycin, in 5 h, without external input of chemicals other than catalytic amounts of Fe(II).

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  • Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (tEVs) travel through the bloodstream and can influence distant organs to promote cancer spread (metastasis).
  • Research shows that low blood flow in veins helps endothelial cells absorb tEVs more effectively and reroutes them to less degrading locations within the cells, avoiding destruction in lysosomes.
  • This altered trafficking enhances the tEVs' ability to stimulate blood vessel growth and supports pre-metastatic niche formation, suggesting that tEVs exploit blood flow dynamics to aid tumor progression.
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The modification of titanium dioxide (TiO) is a strategy to maximize the utilization of sunlight. Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) are carbon nanomaterials with outstanding optical and electronic properties that are suitable for that purpose. In this work, three types of hybrid TiO/CQD photoelectrodes were synthesized following different methods: 1) deposition of a CQD layer on top of TiO (labelled as TiO-CQD); 2) deposition of a TiO layer on top of CQDs (labelled as CQD-TiO) and; 3) deposition of a mixed CQD + TiO layer (labelled as CQD + TiO).

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Objectives: Co-occurring symptoms in depressed people currently in a relationship are sometimes considered to be due to interpersonal variables like dyadic adjustment, or intrapersonal factors such as a lack of dispositional mindfulness. Recent theories of emotional distress have, however, proposed that metacognitive beliefs could be a better link between these frequently co-occurring symptoms in major depression.

Methods: In a French sample of depressed inpatients currently in a relationship (n=30), we conducted a mediation analysis to assess whether the score of the Metacognitions Questionnaire-30 mediated the relation between on the one side the Beck depression inventory and on the other side the dyadic adjustment scale, the Beck anxiety inventory, and the five facets mindfulness questionnaire.

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Treatment of organic contaminants using the electro-Fenton (EF) process is efficient but generates toxic by-products. The aim of the present study was to assess the residual toxicity associated to the treatment of real mine effluents using EF and to perform a preliminary techno-economic analysis to compare the costs of different techniques. Two mine effluents from northern Quebec with different concentrations of thiosalts (ME and ME) were tested for acute toxicity to Daphnia magna, before and after EF treatment.

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Tumor progression and metastatic dissemination are driven by cell-intrinsic and biomechanical cues that favor the growth of life-threatening secondary tumors. We recently identified pro-metastatic vascular regions with blood flow profiles that are permissive for the arrest of circulating tumor cells. We have further established that such flow profiles also control endothelial remodeling, which favors extravasation of arrested CTCs.

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Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) have received a lot of attention over the years as advanced physico-chemical polishing wastewater treatments to remove biorefractory pollutants. Additionally, many studies report their excellent degradation and mineralization performance as stand-alone technologies too, demonstrating the versatility of these processes; however, there is a lack of suitable methods to compare the performance (in terms of removal efficiency and operating costs) of different AOPs in the same conditions. In this context, the goal of this paper is to propose a systematic investigation by introducing a novel criterion, namely the accumulated oxygen-equivalent chemical-oxidation dose (AOCD), to systematically compare the diverse AOPs available: ozonation, HO photolysis, Fenton, photo-Fenton, electro-Fenton and photoelectro-Fenton (paired with anodic oxidation, for the latter two).

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Three different visible-light photocatalysts (hematite (α-FeO), bismuth vanadate (BiVO) and Mo-doped bismuth vanadate (BiMoVO)) deposited on transparent fluorine-doped SnO (FTO) were evaluated for the solar-driven photoelectrocatalytic treatment of emerging pollutants. BiMoVO was found to be the most effective photoanode, yielding the fastest degradation rate constant and highest mineralization efficiency using phenol as the oxidation probe. The BiMoVO photoanode was then used to degrade the herbicide simazine in a photoelectrolytic cell combining photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) with photoelectron-Fenton (PEF) under solar light (SPEC-SPEC).

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Endothelial senescence has been identified as an early event in the development of endothelial dysfunction, a hallmark of cardiovascular disease. This study developed theranostic nanocarriers (NC) decorated with VCAM-1 antibodies (NC-VCAM-1) in order to target cell surface VCAM-1, which is overexpressed in senescent endothelial cells (ECs) for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Incubation of Ang II-induced premature senescent ECs or replicative senescent ECs with NC-VCAM-1 loaded with lipophilic fluorescent dyes showed higher fluorescence signals than healthy EC, which was dependent on the NC size and VCAM-1 antibodies concentration, and not observed following masking of VCAM-1.

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Electro-Fenton (EF) is an emerging technology with well-known outstanding oxidation power; yet, its application to the treatment of inorganic contaminants has been largely disregarded. Thiosalts are contaminants of emerging concern in mine water, responsible for delayed acidity in natural waterways. In this study, EF was used to treat thiosalts in synthetic and real mine water.

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Cancer extracellular vesicles (EVs) shuttle at distance and fertilize pre-metastatic niches facilitating subsequent seeding by tumor cells. However, the link between EV secretion mechanisms and their capacity to form pre-metastatic niches remains obscure. Using mouse models, we show that GTPases of the Ral family control, through the phospholipase D1, multi-vesicular bodies homeostasis and tune the biogenesis and secretion of pro-metastatic EVs.

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Metastases are the main cause of cancer-related deaths. The chain of events leading to their development is called "the metastatic cascade". The biological and biochemical aspects of this process have been well studied but the importance of biomechanical parameters only recently became a focus in the field.

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Mammalian embryogenesis proceeds in utero with the support of nutrients and gases from maternal tissues. However, the contribution of the mechanical environment provided by the uterus to embryogenesis remains unaddressed. Notably, how intrauterine pressures are produced, accurately adjusted, and exerted on embryos are completely unknown.

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We propose an unconventional electro-Fenton (EF) system with a nickel-foam (Ni-F) cathode and tripolyphosphate (3-PP) electrolyte at near-neutral pH (EF/Ni-F-3-PP) to overcome pH restrictions in EF while preventing Ni-F corrosion. Response surface modelling was used to optimize the main operating parameters with a model prediction analysis (R = 0.99): pH = 5.

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In this study, a microfluidic chip with integrated coil was designed and fabricated for the aim of effectively trapping magnetic nanobeads (Adembeads, 300 nm) and measuring the chip's temperature during the working time. In addition, a reversible technique of bonding Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) channels was presented. This bonding process used a coating layer of CYTOPproduct as a protection, insulation and low-adhesion layer.

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The presence of stromal cells in tumors is altering the significance of molecular profiling when using standard methods of gene expression quantification. We developed a novel normalization method to rank target gene expression in tumor samples by comparisons with reference samples representing the different cell types found in a tumor. The score for each target gene obtained after normalization, is aimed to be predictive of targeted therapies efficiency.

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Mine effluents must meet discharge criteria for both physicochemical parameters and toxicity. While chemical precipitation is efficient for the treatment of metallic elements in mine effluents, the removal of sulfates, as a source of salinity and potential toxicity, is limited by gypsum solubility. This study evaluated the efficiency of electrocoagulation (EC), an emerging process to treat mine water, in removing sulfates and acute toxicity in two gold mine effluents (E1 and E2), before and after treatment (Fe-electrodes, 30 min at 20 mA/cm, and pH near neutrality).

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Language barrier remains the number one obstacle in accessing health care and rights. Even though seeking for a professional interpreter assistance should be top priority, it is not yet a usual action among the health workers community. Foreign nationals are ruled by special immigration laws, thus facing specific legal challenges.

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