This retrospective review of the largest United States kidney exchange reports characteristics, utilization, and recipient outcomes of kidneys with simple compared to complex anatomy and extrapolates reluctance to accept these kidneys. Of 3105 transplants performed, only 12.8% were right kidneys and 23.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIncreasing numbers of compatible pairs are choosing to enter paired exchange programs, but motivations, outcomes, and system-level effects of participation are not well described. Using a linkage of the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients and National Kidney Registry, we compared outcomes of traditional (originally incompatible) recipients to originally compatible recipients using the Kaplan-Meier method. We identified 154 compatible pairs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Despite the institution of a new Kidney Allocation System in 2014, A2/A2B to B transplantation has not increased as expected. The current Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network policy requires subtyping on two separate occasions, and in the setting of discrepant results, defaulting to the A1 subtype. However, there is significant inherent variability in the serologic assays used for blood group subtyping and genotyping is rarely done.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFImportance: Although optimal access is accepted as the key to quality care, an accepted methodology to ascertain potential disparities in surgical access has not been defined.
Objective: To develop a systematic approach to detect surgical access disparities.
Design, Setting, And Participants: This cross-sectional study used publicly available data from the Health Cost and Utilization Project State Inpatient Database from 2016.
The National Kidney Registry (NKR) Advanced Donation Program enables living donors the opportunity to donate altruistically, or in advance of a potential recipient's transplant, and to receive a voucher that can be redeemed for a future transplant facilitated by the NKR. Family vouchers allow a donor to identify multiple individuals within their immediate family, with the first person in that group in need of a transplant being prioritized to receive a kidney. An increase in vouchers introduces concerns that demand for future voucher redemptions could exceed the supply of available donors and kidneys.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClin J Am Soc Nephrol
February 2020
Background And Objectives: In the United States, kidney paired donation networks have facilitated an increasing proportion of kidney transplants annually, but transplant outcome differences beyond 5 years between paired donation and other living donor kidney transplant recipients have not been well described.
Design, Setting, Participants, & Measurements: Using registry-linked data, we compared National Kidney Registry (=2363) recipients to control kidney transplant recipients (=54,497) (February 2008 to December 2017). We estimated the risk of death-censored graft failure and mortality using inverse probability of treatment weighted Cox regression.
Background: To evaluate outcomes and patency of arteriovenous grafts (AVGs) created using Gore hybrid vascular grafts in hemodialysis patients with limited venous outflow or challenging anatomy.
Materials And Methods: A retrospective review was performed in two academic centers of all patients between July 2013 and December 2016 who underwent surgical AVG creation using a Gore hybrid vascular graft in a brachial artery to axillary configuration. Patient characteristics and comorbidities as well as graft patency, function, and subsequent need for percutaneous interventions were recorded.
The practice of kidney paired donation (KPD) is expanding annually, offering the opportunity for live donor kidney transplant to more patients. We sought to identify if voluntary KPD networks such as the National Kidney Registry (NKR) were selecting or attracting a narrower group of donors or recipients compared with national registries. For this purpose, we merged data from the NKR database with the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients (SRTR) database, from February 14, 2008, to February 14, 2017, encompassing the first 9 years of the NKR.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction:: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services have determined that chronic dialysis units should have <12% of their patients utilizing central venous catheters for hemodialysis treatments. On the Eastern Shore of Maryland, the central venous catheter rates in the dialysis units averaged >45%. A multidisciplinary program was established with goals of decreasing catheter rates in order to decrease central line-associated bloodstream infections, decrease mortality associated with central line-associated bloodstream infection, decrease hospital days, and provide savings to the healthcare system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFKidney paired donation (KPD) is an important tool to facilitate living donor kidney transplantation (LDKT). Concerns remain over prolonged cold ischemia times (CIT) associated with shipping kidneys long distances through KPD. We examined the association between CIT and delayed graft function (DGF), allograft survival, and patient survival for 1267 shipped and 205 nonshipped/internal KPD LDKTs facilitated by the National Kidney Registry in the United States from 2008 to 2015, compared to 4800 unrelated, nonshipped, non-KPD LDKTs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBerl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr
September 2016
In the autumn 2013, the National Reference Laboratory for coagulase positive staphylococci (CPS) including Staphylococcus (S.) aureus (NRL-Staph) at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment has organized its first interlaboratory profiency testing (ILPT) trial for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE) types SEA to SEE in food. The purpose of the ILPT was to assess the analytical competence of the official laboratories of the Federal German "Länder"authorities.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFLittle is known about the characteristics of MRSA occurring along the broiler and turkey production chains. The aim of this study was to characterise and compare MRSA of turkey and broiler origin sampled on different production levels using a DNA microarray and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Main differences could be observed in the prevalence of the resistance genes erm(C), aacA-aphD and tet(K) and the number of non-wild type strains with minimum inhibitory concentration values (MICs) above the epidemiological cut-off values (ECOFFs) for gentamicin and kanamycin.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Timing of bilateral nephrectomy (BN) is controversial in patients with refractory symptoms of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (APKD) in need of a renal transplant.
Methods: Adults who underwent live donor renal transplant (LRT) + simultaneous BN (SBN) from August 2003 to 2013 at a single transplant center (n = 66) were retrospectively compared to a matched group of APKD patients who underwent LRT alone (n = 52). All patients received general health and polycystic kidney symptom surveys.
The continued growth of kidney paired donation (KPD) to facilitate transplantation for otherwise incompatible or suboptimal living kidney donors and recipients has depended on a balance between the logistics required for patients and the collaborating transplant centers. The formation of chains for KPD and the shipping of kidneys have permitted networks such as the National Kidney Registry (NKR) to offer KPD to patients over a transcontinental area. However, over the last 3 years, we have encountered patient requests for a more flexible experience in KPD to meet their individual needs often due to rigid time constraints.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe characteristic of our diabetic population has been ever changing. No longer are our Type 1 diabetics young and thin; they too suffer from the obesity epidemic and now present later with the complications of diabetes (renal dysfunction, hypoglycemic unawareness, vision loss, neuropathy, etc.).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Renal transplant outcomes in Hispanics have been conflicting regarding acute rejection (AR) and allograft survival. Additionally, the feasibility of early corticosteroid withdrawal (ECW) regimens among Hispanics has not been adequately addressed. The purpose of this study is to report outcomes following ECW among Hispanic renal transplant recipients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The outcome of HIV-infected kidney transplant recipients managed with an early corticosteroid withdrawal protocol is not known.
Methods: Eleven consecutive HIV-infected patients with undetectable plasma HIV RNA and more than 200/mm CD4 T cells underwent deceased-donor (n=8) or living-donor (n=3) kidney transplantation at our center. All were managed with an early corticosteroid withdrawal protocol; 9 of 11 received antithymocyte globulin and 2 received basiliximab induction.
Importance: Despite the potential for altruistic nondirected donors (NDDs) to trigger multiple transplants through nonsimultaneous transplant chains, concerns exist that these chains siphon NDDs from the deceased donor wait list and that donors within chains might not donate after their partner receives a transplant.
Objective: To determine the number of transplantations NDDs trigger through chains.
Design: Retrospective review of large, multicenter living donor-recipient database.
At the present time, the number of deceased donor kidney transplants performed annually has remained unchanged for 4 years. Desire for standard criteria donor (SCD) kidneys by recipients, coupled with high discard rates of donor kidneys, contributes to a lack of procedures being performed. A subgroup of recipients, those under age 50, may fare as well with an expanded criteria donor (ECD) allograft as those who receive an SCD kidney.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFPurpose: To explore the safety and efficacy of PRT-201.
Methods: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, single-dose escalation study of PRT-201 (0.0033 to 9 mg) applied after arteriovenous fistula (AVF) creation.
Background: Candidacy for kidney transplantation is being progressively liberalized, and the safety and efficacy of early withdrawal of corticosteroids in high-risk patients have not been fully characterized.
Methods: We analyzed the safety and efficacy of an early corticosteroid withdrawal regimen of rabbit antithymocyte globulin induction, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil, and steroid withdrawal by day 5 after transplantation in our study cohort of 634 kidney transplant recipients that included 27% African American and 18% Hispanic recipients. Fifty-five percent of the recipients were recipients of deceased-donor kidneys, and 46% of deceased-donor kidneys were kidneys from expanded criteria donors.
Background: Despite the increasing use of older living donors in kidney transplantation, intermediate-term donor and recipient outcomes are poorly characterized.
Methods: We retrospectively compared 143 recipients from donors older than 50 years (older) to 319 recipients from donors 50 years or younger (younger).
Results: Mean older donor age (years) was 58; younger age was 37 (P<0.