Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
March 2025
Building differences between genetically equivalent units is a fundamental challenge for all multicellular organisms and superorganisms. In ants, reproductive or worker fate is typically determined during the larval stage, through feeding regimes managed by adult caretakers. However, the feeding care provided to larvae varies significantly across ants, as does phenotypic divergence between queen and worker castes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBehavioral innovations can be ecologically transformative for lineages that perform them and for their associated communities. Many ecologically dominant, superorganismal, and speciose ant lineages use mouth-to-mouth social regurgitation behavior - stomodeal trophallaxis - to share exogenous and endogenous materials within colonies. This behavior is less common in other species-poor, less cooperative ant lineages.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFInfected wounds pose a major mortality risk in animals. Injuries are common in the ant Megaponera analis, which raids pugnacious prey. Here we show that M.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocial insects often display extreme variation in body size and morphology within the same colony. In many species, adult morphology is socially regulated by workers during larval development. While larval nutrition may play a role in this regulation, it is often difficult to identify precisely what larvae receive from rearing workers, especially when larvae are fed through social regurgitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocial insects are known for reproductive and behavioral division of labor, but little attention has been paid to metabolic forms of division of labor. Metabolic division of labor is the partitioning of complementary metabolic tasks between individuals, and it is widespread in social insects. We define two forms of metabolic division of labor, homosynergetic and heterosynergetic, we pinpoint trophallaxis, trophic eggs, and cannibalism as the primary transfers underlying the homosynergetic form and discuss their evolution.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnt foragers provide food to the rest of the colony, often requiring transport over long distances. Foraging for liquid is challenging because it is difficult to transport and share. Many social insects store liquids inside the crop to transport them to the nest, and then regurgitate to distribute to nest-mates through a behaviour called trophallaxis.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWhen biological material is transferred from one individual's body to another, as in ejaculate, eggs, and milk, secondary donor-produced molecules are often transferred along with the main cargo, and influence the physiology and fitness of the receiver. Both social and solitary animals exhibit such social transfers at certain life stages. The secondary, bioactive, and transfer-supporting components in socially transferred materials have evolved convergently to the point where they are used in applications across taxa and type of transfer.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: On 4 February, 2020, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services declared a public health emergency related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and on 27 March, 2020 declared circumstances existed to justify the authorization of the emergency use of drug and biological products (hereafter, "drugs") for COVID-19. At the outset of the pandemic with uncertainty relating to the virus, many drugs were being used to treat or prevent COVID-19, resulting in the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) need to initiate heightened surveillance across these drugs.
Objective: We aimed to describe the FDA's approach to monitoring the safety of drugs to treat or prevent COVID-19 across multiple data sources and the subsequent actions taken by the FDA to protect public health.
In cooperative systems exhibiting division of labor, such as microbial communities, multicellular organisms, and social insect colonies, individual units share costs and benefits through both task specialization and exchanged materials. Socially exchanged fluids, like seminal fluid and milk, allow individuals to molecularly influence conspecifics. Many social insects have a social circulatory system, where food and endogenously produced molecules are transferred mouth-to-mouth (stomodeal trophallaxis), connecting all the individuals in the society.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFis a zoonotic agent responsible for human Q fever, a potentially severe disease that can lead to persistent infection. This cross-sectional study aimed to estimate the seroprevalence to antibodies and its association with potential risk factors in the human population of five regions of Québec, Canada. A serum bank comprising sera from 474 dog owners was screened by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay followed by confirmation of positive or equivocal sera by an indirect immunofluorescence assay.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe bacterium Coxiella burnetii (C. burnetii) can infect a wide range of animals, most notably ruminants where it causes mainly asymptomatic infections and, when clinical, it is associated with reproductive disorders such as abortion. It is also the etiological agent of Q fever in humans, a zoonosis of increasingly important public health concern.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCats represent a potential source of Coxiella burnetii, the aetiological agent of Q fever in humans. The prevalence and risk factors of C. burnetii infection in farm, pet and feral cats were studied in Quebec, Canada, using a cross-sectional study.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFGynecol Obstet Fertil Senol
September 2021
Objective: Analyze knowledge and practices of general practitioners concerning the screening and treatment of endometriosis in primary care.
Methods: Observational study carried out with general practitioners in a healthcare area using an anonymous online questionnaire about symptoms, screening and their management of endometriosis. Responses were analyzed according to the general practitioners' sex, age and practice in gynecology.
Early Interv Psychiatry
December 2021
Aim: The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced many mental health professionals to therapy via videoconferencing. Mostly individual teletherapy has been offered and studied, although group therapy is often offered in clinics. In fact, little is known regarding group therapy's acceptability, feasibility, and potential impact when offered via videoconferencing.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFsubspecies (Map) is the etiological agent of paratuberculosis of domestic and wild ruminants. Map strains are segregated into 2 main groups or strain types referred to as sheep (S) type and cattle (C) type. Few small ruminant Map strains have been genetically characterized to date.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSocially exchanged fluids are a direct means by which an organism can influence conspecifics. It was recently shown that when workers of the carpenter ant Camponotus floridanus feed larval offspring via trophallaxis, they transfer Juvenile Hormone III (JH), a key developmental regulator, as well as paralogs of JH esterase (JHE), an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of JH. Here we combine proteomic, phylogenetic and selection analyses to investigate the evolution of this esterase subfamily.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFParatuberculosis is a chronic infectious enteritis of ruminants caused by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). In sheep, the antemortem detection of the infection is challenging given the slow progression of the disease and the lack of sensitive, specific, and cost-effective validated tests.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAdria LeBoeuf introduces trophallaxis, the exchange of fluids between animals.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComplex regulatory and scientific considerations exist for drug-device combination products submitted under an Abbreviated New Drug Application. The Agency has published several guidances to aid industry in the development of a generic drug-device combination product: providing recommendations on the types of studies necessary to establish bioequivalence, providing considerations on product quality and performance for certain types of device constituents, and most recently, providing tools to assess the proposed user interface when compared to the user interface of the Reference Listed Drug. In addition, the Office of Generic Drugs has established a regulatory science research program intended to support projects that examine scientific questions relating to the development of generic combination products and their associated regulatory review.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To examine the clinical characteristics of adolescent girls consulting in a mood disorder clinic with a history of physical or sexual abuse.
Method: A retrospective review was conducted of the charts of 55 adolescent girls consulting in a mood disorder clinic. An analysis grid was used to gather data on demographics, personal antecedents, symptoms and diagnoses.
Social insects frequently engage in oral fluid exchange - trophallaxis - between adults, and between adults and larvae. Although trophallaxis is widely considered a food-sharing mechanism, we hypothesized that endogenous components of this fluid might underlie a novel means of chemical communication between colony members. Through protein and small-molecule mass spectrometry and RNA sequencing, we found that trophallactic fluid in the ant contains a set of specific digestion- and non-digestion related proteins, as well as hydrocarbons, microRNAs, and a key developmental regulator, juvenile hormone.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBorderline personality disorder (BPD) is being increasingly recognized by clinicians working with adolescents, and the reliability and validity of the diagnosis have been established in the adolescent population. Adolescence is known to be a period of high risk for BPD development as most patients identify the onset of their symptoms to be in the adolescent period. As with other mental health disorders, personality disorder, are thought to result from the interaction between biological and environmental factors.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Can Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry
September 2015
Objective: DSM-5 has added a new developmentally appropriate child and adolescent mood disorder subtype called disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD). The core features of DMDD are temper outbursts (manifested by either verbal rages and/or physical aggression) and unrelenting irritability or anger. Currently, the literature is lacking a thorough review of the possible treatment options for the cardinal symptoms constituting DMDD.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe molecular epidemiology of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLVs) is constantly changing due to animal movements, cross species transmission and because of their rapid evolutionary rate. This study reports a comprehensive genetic and phylogenetic analysis based on consensus gag and pol sequences covering 3kb of the SRLV genome from small ruminants in Québec, Canada. A group of strains obtained from goats originating from different flocks, segregated in a unique clade distinct from currently known SRLV groups.
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