Publications by authors named "Leah Holt"

Introduction: People seeking asylum are at increased risk of mental health difficulties due to premigration and postmigration experiences. The objective of this review was to understand how asylum determination process in the EU+ and UK influences the mental health of asylum seekers.

Methods: Web of Science, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, PsychArticles and Scopus were searched, with no start date specified, up to 24 August 2023.

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Aims: Legal professionals work closely with asylum seekers at many points during an asylum claim. While there is an increasing literature examining the mental health effects of working with traumatised populations, there has been limited evidence focusing on the field of asylum law. This review aims to synthesise the current qualitative and quantitative literature on the mental health effects of working in asylum law.

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Eating disorders are widespread illnesses with significant impact. There is growing concern about how those at risk of eating disorders overuse online resources to their detriment. We conducted a pre-registered systematic review and meta-analysis of studies examining Problematic Usage of the Internet (PUI) and eating disorder and related psychopathology.

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Objective: We aimed to evaluate the validity of a MARSIPAN-guidance-adapted Early Warning System (MARSI MEWS) and compare it to the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) and an adapted version of the Physical Risk in Eating Disorders Index (PREDIX), to ascertain whether current practice is comparable to best-practice standards.

Methods: We collated 3,937 observations from 36 inpatients from Addenbrookes Hospital over 2017-2018 and used three independent raters to create a "gold standard" of deteriorating cases. We ascertained performance metrics (Receiver Operating Characteristic Area Under the curve) for MARSI MEWS, NEWS and PREDIX; we also tested the proof of concept of a machine-learning-based early-warning-system (ML-EWS) using cross-validation and out-of-sample prediction of cases.

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