Biochim Biophys Acta
March 1978
Chick plasma contains inhibitor(s) against trypsin and elastase which also appear to retard the degradation of tropoelastin by arterial tissue extracts. Chick aorta extracts also contain similar inhibitors against elastase and trypsin. Both levels of the plasma inhibitor(s) and inhibitor(s) extracted from thoracic aorta increase during early stages of growth and maturation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe describe the 5-day maintenance of sacs of turtle colonic mucosa in enriched bathing solutions. The mean maximum transepithelial potential difference (PD) developed by the sacs in Ringer solution enriched with tissue-culture medium and gassed with 95% air-5% CO2 was 126 mV at 24 hours. Lower values were observed in other solutions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDF2-micron latex particles accumulated in macrophages in intestinal Peyer's patches of mice given latex suspensions as drinking fluid for 2 months. The number of particles accumulating was a direct (but nonlinear) function of the number ingested. Some of the latex particles were still present in Peyer's patches 6 weeks after the cessation of latex feeding.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSimultaneous serum and CSF IgM determinations were made by electroimmunodiffusion in 5 normals and 203 patients. Absent from normal CSF, IgM was found in 56 patients (27%): (1) A blood-CSF transudation was present in 25 patients (12%). IgM seems of no diagnostic value in these cases.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe clinical findings in a case with a diffuse multinodular type of angioma of the liver are reported. The clinical picture was typical: the appearance after the first week of a severe congestive failure mimicking a congenital heart disorder, of the left to right shunt type, with gross hepatomegaly of the "vascular" type with a systolo-diastolic murmur, but with no cutaneous evidence of angioma. The very severe prognosis during the first months of life of patients with this malformation, as illustrated by the 58 deaths out of the 78 cases reported in the literature, indicated ligature of the hepatic artery before the age of one month.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFJ Toxicol Environ Health
May 1977
Eleven male workers from the polymerization department of a vinyl chloride factory, seven people employed in the laboratory of another vinyl chloride plant, and ten controls from outside the factory environment were examined for the presence of chromosome aberrations in blood lymphocytes. Chromosome anomalies such as fragments, rings, translocations, and dicentrics were observed in most of the workers from the polymerization department. However, the medical history of these workers shows that they received frequent radiographs of the hands, feet, vertebral column, and digestive tract.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCoarctation of the aorta is accompanied by congenital mitral incompetence in 3% of cases, and this combination worsens the prognosis. A series of 23 cases is reported, and the treatment analysed. In 6 cases only medical treatment was used, either because death was rapid or, on the contrary, satisfactory progress made it possible to wait for the normal age for resection and suture of the coarctation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBiochem Biophys Res Commun
March 1977
We describe morphological sex differences in urinary bladders of the urodele amphibian Necturus maculosus. The mucosal epithelial cells of bladders from males were tall and contained considerable PAS-positive material. In scanning electron micrographs of the mucosal surface, epithelial cells from male bladders were well demarcated and were capped with microplicae or with long cilia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales
December 1977
Filteen new serotypes of Salmonella belonging to the sub-genus I have been isolated in Africa. Isolated in Ivory Coast: S. dabou (8,20:Z4,Z23,l,W), S.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe actions of human synthetic gastrin I(G), the C-terminal tetrapeptide of gastrin (T), and the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin (OP) on acid secretion and transepithelial potential difference (PD) of the isolated Necturus gastric mucosa were determined. All three peptides induced H+ secretion, but the maximum H+ output was less with OP than with G or T. G and OP produced their maximum H+ output at lower molar concentrations than T.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAnn Cardiol Angeiol (Paris)
October 1974
Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol
January 1974
Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol
June 1973
Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales
July 1974