Publications by authors named "Lavinia Pop"

The increasing phenomenon of cyberbullying among adolescents needs parental, educational, and social intervention. The study aimed to identify the prevalence of cyberbullying among Romanian adolescents and the importance of gender, family-related factors, self-esteem, and parental styles in both victims and perpetrators. A total of 835 adolescents aged 10-19 years were included in the research.

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Background: Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension (HTN) show the dipping patterns, identify masked uncontrolled hypertension (MUCH), and demonstrate the effectiveness of the blood pressure (BP) treatment. MUCH is associated with a two-fold higher risk of adverse events. Prevalence in patients with DM is between 13.

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: Studies in the recent decades show that the medical profession has a high risk to develop burnout due to constant exposure to mental and physical suffering or death. The pandemic period induced additional stress for healthcare professionals due to the likelihood of a high rate of infection, long working shifts, using protective equipment, staying away from family, implementing new medical procedures. The present study is focusing on assessing the prevalence of burnout among physicians working in the healthcare system during the COVID-19 pandemic, and discovering the main factors associated with burnout syndrome among the population of physicians.

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Unlabelled: The use of social networking sites for socializing, having fun, solving academic tasks or even getting counselling for health-related problems is now inevitable.

Methods: A total of 427 medical students, who are users of social media sites, were included in the research. Data about socio-demographic, anthropometric, and self-rated items regarding satisfaction with physical and mental health were collected.

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: Medical malpractice is a phenomenon that shadows current medical practice, the number of complaints following an upward trend worldwide. The background for complaints is related both to the doctor and medical practice in general, as well as to the patient. The aim of this study was to identify a profile of the Romanian doctors who are more prone to receiving complaints, by analyzing the socio-demographic, professional and institutional characteristics.

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Dental clinics were suspected to be a hotspot for nosocomial transmission of COVID-19 due to the easy spread of the virus. The study investigated the preventive behaviors applied in dentistry settings and the level of fear of COVID-19 infection among dentists. A total of 83 respondents (34.

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High normal blood pressure (HNBP) is associated with an increased risk of incident high blood pressure (HBP) and of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). To estimate the prevalence of HNBP and related cardiovascular risk factors, a representative sample of 1970 Romanian adults was enrolled in SEPHAR III survey (Study for the Evaluation of Prevalence of Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk in Romania). All were evaluated for blood pressure values and by a 71-item questionnaire, anthropometric measurements, together with extensive evaluation for target organ damage, blood, and urine sample collection.

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Introduction: Administering optimal cardiovascular medication (OCM) to patients with hypertension (HBP) and ischemic heart disease (IHD) lowers cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.The main objective of this study was to compare in-hospital cardiac mortality among patients with HBP and/or IHD, treated or untreated with OCM, who developed a first episode of acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

Methods: The study was carried out retrospectively and included patients admitted with a first episode of ACS between 2013 and 2016.

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Changing dietary habits of university students is due to personal, social, educational or religious factors. The relationship between dietary habits and presence of eating disorders among university students is less known in Romania. : Ninety-one pharmacy students (91.

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Unlabelled: The epidemiological characteristics, the methods used in treating the patients, as well as the evolution of the myocardial infarction are not known in the Romanian county and municipal hospitals.

Material And Methods: Six hundred and fifty one cases of acute myocardial infarction were retrospectively recorded in the Emergency County Hospital of Baia Mare from 1.01.

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