Publications by authors named "Laurin M Hanft"

Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive myopathy due to mutations in the dystrophin gene. Diaphragmatic weakness in DMD causes hypoventilation and elevated afterload on the right ventricle (RV). Thus, RV dysfunction in DMD develops early in disease progression.

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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common muscular dystrophy and is caused by mutations in the dystrophin gene. Dystrophin deficiency is associated with structural and functional changes of the muscle cell sarcolemma and/or stretch-induced ion channel activation. In this investigation, we use mice with transgenic cardiomyocyte-specific expression of the GCaMP6f Ca indicator to test the hypothesis that dystrophin deficiency leads to cardiomyocyte Ca handling abnormalities following preload challenge.

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Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF)-the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia-increases thromboembolic stroke risk 5-fold. Although atrial hypocontractility contributes to stroke risk in AF, the molecular mechanisms reducing myofilament contractile function remain unknown. We tested the hypothesis that increased expression of PPP1R12C (protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12C)-the PP1 (protein phosphatase 1) regulatory subunit targeting MLC2a (atrial myosin light chain 2)-causes hypophosphorylation of MLC2a and results in atrial hypocontractility.

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Dystrophic cardiomyopathy arises from mutations in the dystrophin gene. Dystrophin forms part of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex and is postulated to act as a membrane stabilizer, protecting the sarcolemma from contraction-induced damage. Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most severe dystrophinopathy, caused by a total absence of dystrophin.

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Article Synopsis
  • The heart's ability to pump effectively is influenced by myofilament power generation, which is determined by the force and velocity of heart muscle contractions at the sarcomere level.
  • Previous research indicated that PKA-mediated phosphorylation of myofibrillar proteins could boost power in rodent heart cells, and this study confirmed a similar 30% increase in human heart cells from patients with heart failure.
  • Specific alterations in cardiac troponin I, particularly pseudo-phosphorylation at certain sites, were found to enhance power output in both rat skeletal muscle and human heart muscle, suggesting that targeting these molecular changes could improve heart function in failing hearts.
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Stretch activation is defined as a delayed increase in force after rapid stretches. Although there is considerable evidence for stretch activation in isolated cardiac myofibrillar preparations, few studies have measured mechanisms of stretch activation in mammalian skeletal muscle fibers. We measured stretch activation following rapid step stretches [∼1%-4% sarcomere length (SL)] during submaximal Ca activations of rat permeabilized slow-twitch skeletal muscle fibers before and after protein kinase A (PKA), which phosphorylates slow myosin binding protein-C.

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The Frank-Starling relationship establishes that elevated end-diastolic volume progressively increases ventricular pressure and stroke volume in healthy hearts. The relationship is modulated by a number of physiological inputs and is often depressed in human heart failure. Emerging evidence suggests that cardiac myosin-binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) contributes to the Frank-Starling relationship.

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Heart failure (HF) often includes changes in myocardial contractile function. This study addressed the myofibrillar basis for contractile dysfunction in failing human myocardium. Regulation of contractile properties was measured in cardiac myocyte preparations isolated from frozen, left ventricular mid-wall biopsies of donor ( = 7) and failing human hearts ( = 8).

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Myosin binding protein C (MyBP-C) is a 125-140-kD protein located in the C-zone of each half-thick filament. It is thought to be an important regulator of contraction, but its precise role is unclear. Here we investigate mechanisms by which skeletal MyBP-C regulates myofilament function using rat permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers.

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Heart failure arises, in part, from a constellation of changes in cardiac myocytes including remodeling, energetics, Ca handling, and myofibrillar function. However, little is known about the changes in myofibrillar contractile properties during the progression from hypertension to decompensated heart failure. The aim of the present study was to provide a comprehensive assessment of myofibrillar functional properties from health to heart disease.

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Increased cardiac myocyte contractility by the β-adrenergic system is an important mechanism to elevate cardiac output to meet hemodynamic demands and this process is depressed in failing hearts. While increased contractility involves augmented myoplasmic calcium transients, the myofilaments also adapt to boost the transduction of the calcium signal. Accordingly, ventricular contractility was found to be tightly correlated with PKA-mediated phosphorylation of two myofibrillar proteins, cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) and cardiac troponin I (cTnI), implicating these two proteins as important transducers of hemodynamics to the cardiac sarcomere.

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The Frank-Starling mechanism, whereby increased diastolic filling leads to increased cardiac output, depends on increasing the sarcomere length (Ls) of cardiomyocytes. Ventricular stiffness increases with advancing age, yet it remains unclear how such changes in compliance impact sarcomere dynamics in the intact heart. We developed an isolated murine heart preparation to monitor Ls as a function of left ventricular pressure and tested the hypothesis that sarcomere lengthening in response to ventricular filling is impaired with advanced age.

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Noonan syndrome with multiple lentigines (NSML) is primarily caused by mutations in the nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase SHP2 and associated with congenital heart disease in the form of pulmonary valve stenosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Our goal was to elucidate the cellular mechanisms underlying the development of HCM caused by the Q510E mutation in SHP2. NSML patients carrying this mutation suffer from a particularly severe form of HCM.

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Cardiac dysfunction in the aged heart reflects abnormalities in cardiomyocyte Ca(2+) homeostasis including altered Ca(2+) cycling through the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). The ryanodine receptor antagonist dantrolene exerts antiarrhythmic effects by preventing spontaneous diastolic Ca(2+) release from the SR. We tested the hypothesis that dantrolene prevents spontaneous Ca(2+) release without altering excitation-contraction coupling in aged myocardium.

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According to the Frank-Starling relationship, ventricular pressure or stroke volume increases with end-diastolic volume. This is regulated, in large part, by the sarcomere length (SL) dependent changes in cardiac myofibrillar force, loaded shortening, and power. Consistent with this, both cardiac myofibrillar force and absolute power fall at shorter SL.

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  According to the Frank-Starling relationship, greater end-diastolic volume increases ventricular output. The Frank-Starling relationship is based, in part, on the length-tension relationship in cardiac myocytes. Recently, we identified a dichotomy in the steepness of length-tension relationships in mammalian cardiac myocytes that was dependent upon protein kinase A (PKA)-induced myofibrillar phosphorylation.

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We have previously reported chronic low-intensity interval exercise training attenuates fibrosis, impaired cardiac mitochondrial function, and coronary vascular dysfunction in miniature swine with left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (Emter CA, Baines CP. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 299: H1348-H1356, 2010; Emter CA, et al. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 301: H1687-H1694, 2011).

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In healthy hearts, ventricular ejection is determined by three myofibrillar properties; force, force development rate, and rate of loaded shortening (i.e., power).

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Following activation by G-protein-coupled receptor agonists, protein kinase C (PKC) modulates cardiac myocyte function by phosphorylation of intracellular targets including myofilament proteins cardiac troponin I (cTnI) and cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBP-C). Since PKC phosphorylation has been shown to decrease myofibril ATPase activity, we hypothesized that PKC phosphorylation of cTnI and cMyBP-C will lower myocyte power output and, in addition, attenuate the elevation in power in response to protein kinase A (PKA)-mediated phosphorylation. We compared isometric force and power generating capacity of rat skinned cardiac myocytes before and after treatment with the catalytic subunit of PKC.

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According to the Frank-Starling relationship, increased ventricular volume increases cardiac output, which helps match cardiac output to peripheral circulatory demand. The cellular basis for this relationship is in large part the myofilament length-tension relationship. Length-tension relationships in maximally calcium activated preparations are relatively shallow and similar between cardiac myocytes and skeletal muscle fibres.

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TEA domain transcription factor-1 (TEAD-1) is essential for proper heart development and is implicated in cardiac specific gene expression and the hypertrophic response of primary cardiomyocytes to hormonal and mechanical stimuli, and its activity increases in the pressure-overloaded hypertrophied rat heart. To investigate whether TEAD-1 is an in vivo modulator of cardiac specific gene expression and hypertrophy, we developed transgenic mice expressing hemagglutinin-tagged TEAD-1 under the control of the muscle creatine kinase promoter. We show that a sustained increase in TEAD-1 protein leads to an age-dependent dysfunction.

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The Frank-Starling relationship of the heart yields increased stroke volume with greater end-diastolic volume, and this relationship is steeper after beta-adrenergic stimulation. The underlying basis for the Frank-Starling mechanism involves length-dependent changes in both Ca(2+) sensitivity of myofibrillar force and power output. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that PKA-induced phosphorylation of myofibrillar proteins would increase the length dependence of myofibrillar power output, which would provide a myofibrillar basis to, in part, explain the steeper Frank-Starling relations after beta-adrenergic stimulation.

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The Frank-Starling relationship provides beat-to-beat regulation of ventricular function by matching ventricular input and output. This review addresses the subcellular mechanisms by which the ventricle adjusts its output (i.e.

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We recently showed that cytoplasmic gamma-actin (gamma(cyto)-actin) is dramatically elevated in striated muscle of dystrophin-deficient mdx mice. Here, we demonstrate that gamma(cyto)-actin is markedly increased in golden retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD), which better recapitulates the dystrophinopathy phenotype in humans. Gamma(cyto)-Actin was also elevated in muscle from alpha-sarcoglycan null mice, but not in several other dystrophic animal models, including mice deficient in beta-sarcoglycan, alpha-dystrobrevin, laminin-2, or alpha7 integrin.

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