Publications by authors named "Laurent Cauquil"

The foodborne mycotoxin deoxynivalenol (DON) produced by species threats animal and human health through disruption of the intestinal barrier. Targeting the gut microbiota and its products appears as a promising strategy to mitigate DON intestinal toxicity. In this study, we investigated whether the bacterial metabolite butyrate could alleviate epithelial barrier disruption induced by DON.

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The transition from a milk-based diet to exclusive solid feeding deeply modifies microbiota-host crosstalk. Specifically, early ingestion of plant polysaccharides would be one of the main nutritional components to drive host-microbiota-interaction. To capture the effects of polysaccharides early-life nutrition (starch vs rapidly fermentable fiber) on the holobiont development, we investigated on the one hand the gut bacteriome and metabolome and on the other hand the transcriptome of two host gut tissues.

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Background: Improving pigs' ability to digest diets with an increased dietary fiber content is a lever to improve feed efficiency and limit feed costs in pig production. The aim of this study was to determine whether information on the gut microbiota and host genetics can contribute to predict digestive efficiency (DE, i.e.

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Postweaning diarrhea (PWD) in piglets impair welfare, induce economic losses and lead to overuse of antibiotics. The early life gut microbiota was proposed to contribute to the susceptibility to PWD. The objective of our study was to evaluate in a large cohort of 116 piglets raised in 2 separate farms whether the gut microbiota composition and functions during the suckling period were associated with the later development of PWD.

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Introduction: Microbial digestion is of key importance for ruminants, and disturbances can affect efficiency and quality of products for human consumers. Ruminal biohydrogenation of dietary unsaturated fatty acids leads to a wide variety of specific fatty acids. Some dietary conditions can affect the pathways of this transformation, leading to -10 fatty acids rather than the more usual -11 fatty acids, this change resulting in milk fat depression in dairy cows.

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Intestinal organoids are innovative tools to study the digestive epithelium. The objective of this study was to generate jejunum and colon organoids from suckling and weaned piglets in order to determine the extent to which organoids retain a location-specific and a developmental stage-specific phenotype. Organoids were studied at three time points by gene expression profiling for comparison with the transcriptomic patterns observed in crypts .

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Background: Breeding pigs that can efficiently digest alternative diets with increased fiber content is a viable strategy to mitigate the feed cost in pig production. This study aimed at determining the contribution of the gut microbiota and host genetics to the phenotypic variability of digestive efficiency (DE) traits, such as digestibility coefficients of energy, organic matter and nitrogen, feed efficiency (FE) traits (feed conversion ratio and residual feed intake) and growth traits (average daily gain and daily feed intake). Data were available for 791 pigs fed a conventional diet and 735 of their full-sibs fed a high-fiber diet.

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In mammals, the introduction of solid food is pivotal for the establishment of the gut microbiota. However, the effects of the first food consumed on long-term microbiota trajectory and host response are still largely unknown. This study aimed to investigate the influences of (i) the timing of first solid food ingestion and (ii) the consumption of plant polysaccharides on bacterial community dynamics and host physiology using a rabbit model.

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Background: The objective of the present study was to investigate how variation in the faecal microbial composition is associated with variation in average daily gain (ADG), backfat thickness (BFT), daily feed intake (DFI), feed conversion ratio (FCR), and residual feed intake (RFI), using data from two experimental pig lines that were divergent for feed efficiency. Estimates of microbiability were obtained by a Bayesian approach using animal mixed models. Microbiome-wide association analyses (MWAS) were conducted by single-operational taxonomic units (OTU) regression and by back-solving solutions of best linear unbiased prediction using a microbiome covariance matrix.

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Background: In mammals, the establishment around weaning of a symbiotic relationship between the gut microbiota and its host determines long-term health.

Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the factors driving the comaturation of the gut microbiota and intestinal epithelium at the suckling-to-weaning transition. We hypothesized that the developmental stage, solid food ingestion, and suckling cessation contribute to this process.

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The bacterial consumption of viruses not been reported on as of yet even though bacteria feed on almost anything. Viruses are widely distributed but have no acknowledged active biocontrol. Viral biomass undoubtedly reintegrates trophic cycles; however, the mechanisms of this phase still remain unknown.

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Postweaning feed restriction preserves rabbit digestive health after weaning, but the underlying physiological mechanisms are not yet understood. To elucidate whether the feeding intake pattern modification related to feed restriction might be involved, we studied the effects of both feed intake quantity and intake frequency. Animals were allotted at weaning (28 d old) in a 2 × 2 factorial design: feed intake quantity (AL = ad libitum vs R = 75% of AL) and fragmented feed distribution (FFD) (1 vs 13 distributions), thus forming four groups (AL1, AL13, R1 and R13).

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Background: Relationships between microbial composition and steatosis are being extensively studied in mammals, and causal relations have been evidenced. In migratory birds the liver can transiently store lipids during pre-migratory and migratory phases, but little is known about the implications of the digestive microbiota in those mechanisms. The Landaise greylag goose (Anser anser) is a good model to study steatosis in migratory birds as it is domesticated, but is still, from a genetic point of view, close to its wild migratory ancestor.

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The gut microbiota plays a key role in intestinal development at the suckling-to-weaning transition. The objective of this study was to analyze the production of metabolites by the gut microbiota in suckling and weaned piglets. We studied piglets raised in two separate maternity farms and weaned at postnatal day 21 in the same farm.

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Antibiotic resistance of microbes thriving in the animal gut is a growing concern for public health as it may serve as a hidden reservoir for antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). We compared 16 control piglets to 24 piglets fed for 3 weeks with S1 or S2 fecal suspensions from two sows that were not exposed to antibiotics for at least 6 months: the first suspension decreased the erythromycin resistance gene and the aminoglycoside phosphotransferase gene conferring resistance to kanamycine , while the second decreased the tetracycline resistance gene , with an unexpected increase in ARGs. Using 16S RNA sequencing, we identified microbial species that are likely to carry ARGs, such as the lincosamide nucleotidyltransferase , the cephalosporinase , and the tetracycline resistance genes and , as well as microbes that never co-exist with the tetracycline resistance gene , the erythromycin resistance gene and .

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Since 2018, when a process hygiene criterion for in broilers at the slaughterhouse was implemented across Europe, efforts to reduce at farm level have increased. Despite numerous studies aiming to reduce colonization in broilers, no efficient control strategy has been identified so far. The present work assessed first the efficacy of a commercial litter treatment to reduce colonization in broilers during two in-vivo trials and second, its impact on cecal microbiota.

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In suckling mammals, the onset of solid food ingestion is coincident with the maturation of the gut barrier. This ontogenic process is driven by the colonization of the intestine by the microbiota. However, the mechanisms underlying the microbial regulation of the intestinal development in early life are not fully understood.

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Metabarcoding of the 16S rRNA gene is commonly used to characterize microbial communities, by estimating the relative abundance of microbes. Here, we present a method to retrieve the concentrations of the 16S rRNA gene per gram of any environmental sample using a synthetic standard in minuscule amounts (100 ppm to 1% of the 16S rRNA sequences) that is added to the sample before DNA extraction and quantified by two quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) reactions. This allows normalizing by the initial microbial density, taking into account the DNA recovery yield.

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Starchy diets can induce hindgut dysbiosis in horses. The present study evaluated the impact of a yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and microalgae (Aurantiochytrium limacinum) supplementation on caecal, colonic and faecal microbial ecosystem and on blood inflammatory parameters of horses fed high-fibre or high-starch diets. Six fistulated geldings in a 2 × 2 Latin-square design were alternatively supplemented and received during each period 100 % hay (4 weeks) followed by a 56/44 hay/barley diet (3 weeks).

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Reducing antibiotic use is a necessary step toward less antibiotic resistance in livestock, but many antibiotic resistance genes can persist for years, even in an antibiotic-free environment. In this study, we investigated the potential of three fecal complex microbial communities from antibiotic-naive does to drive the microbiota of kits from antibiotic-exposed dams and outcompete bacteria-carrying antibiotic-resistant genes. The fecal complex microbial communities were either orally delivered or simply added as fresh fecal pellets in four to five nests that were kept clean from maternal feces.

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This study aimed to evaluate how the feeding strategy of rabbit kits at the onset of solid feed intake could affect ecological diversity and co-occurrence patterns of the cecal bacterial community. From birth to 18 days of age kits were exclusively milk-fed, and between 18 and 35 days the young rabbits also had access to solid feed. After weaning at (35 days), young rabbits were exclusively fed solid feed.

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Pigs are highly affected by dietary mycotoxin contamination and particularly by fumonisin. The effects of fumonisin on pig intestinal health are well documented, but little is known regarding its impact on gut microbiota. We investigate the effects of the fumonisin (FB1, 12 mg/kg feed) on the fecal microbiota of piglets ( = 6) after 0, 8, 15, 22, and 29 days of exposure.

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Motivation: Metagenomics leads to major advances in microbial ecology and biologists need user friendly tools to analyze their data on their own.

Results: This Galaxy-supported pipeline, called FROGS, is designed to analyze large sets of amplicon sequences and produce abundance tables of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) and their taxonomic affiliation. The clustering uses Swarm.

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To investigate the effect of overfeeding on the ileal and cecal microbiota of two genotypes of ducks (Pekin and Muscovy), high-throughput 16S rRNA gene-based pyrosequencing was used. The ducks were overfed for 12 days with 58% maize flour and 42% maize grain. Samples were collected before the overfeeding period (at 12 weeks), at 13 weeks, at 14 weeks, and 3 h after feeding.

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To provide a comprehensive examination of the bacterial diversity in the rumen content of cows fed different diets, high-throughput 16S rRNA gene-based pyrosequencing was used. Four rumen fistulated nonlactating Holstein cows received 12 kg of dry matter per day of four diets based on maize silage during four periods: the low-starch diet (22% starch, 3% fat); the high-starch diet, supplemented with wheat plus barley (35% starch, 3% fat); the low-starch plus oil diet, supplemented with 5% of sunflower oil (20% starch, 7.6% fat) and the high-starch plus oil diet (33% starch, 7.

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