Background: The Motor Functional Development Scale for Young Children (DF-MOT) is a motor developmental scale originally designed and standardized for full-term children.
Aim: To validate the DF-MOT for diagnosing motor delays in preterm children, using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, Third Edition (Bayley-III), as a reference.
Study Design: Prospective concurrent validity study.
We aimed to explore the developmental trajectory of depressive symptoms in a national sample of French children with a high intellectual potential (HIP) seeking help from gifted organizations. Participants were drawn from a national retrospective survey sent to 1200 families with HIP children (IQ ≥ 130) from primary to high school and they answered a self-report questionnaire of a depression scale (MDI-C). The children's parents completed a self-report questionnaire collected on different stages of the child's school level, perinatality, psychomotor development, health, family's history, behavior, interpersonal relationships and daily activities, school performance, presence of learning disorders and remediation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHandwriting disorders (HDs) are prevalent in school-aged children, with significant interference with academic performances. The current study offers a transdisciplinary approach with the use of normed and standardized clinical assessments of neuropsychomotor, neuropsychological and oculomotor functions. The aim is to provide objective data for a better understanding of the nature and the etiology of HDs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFHandwriting disorders (HDs) are mainly assessed using script or cursive handwriting tasks. The most common is the scale for children's handwriting, with a French adaptation (BHK). The present study aims to assess the concurrent validity of a pre-scriptural task (copying a line of cycloid loops) with the BHK for the diagnosis of HDs.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: In monogenic diabetes due to KCNJ11 and ABCC8 mutations that impair KATP- channel function, sulfonylureas improve long-term glycemic control. Although KATP channels are extensively expressed in the brain, the effect of sulfonylureas on neurological function has varied widely. We evaluated published evidence about potential effects of sulfonylureas on neurological features, especially epilepsy, cognition, motor function and muscular tone, visuo-motor integration, and attention deficits in children and adults with KCNJ11 and ABCC8-related neonatal-onset diabetes mellitus.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: The aim of this study was to determine the cognitive profile of children with a temporal arachnoid cyst (TAC) and its impact on daily life.
Methods: The authors prospectively analyzed the cognitive and psychological profiles of 100 consecutive children relative to age and cyst characteristics (side, cyst size, and cyst shape: convex or nonconvex) and their outcome 4 years later.
Results: Mean IQs were normal but with high heterogeneity on Full Scale IQ (FSIQ; range 59-150); 29% of children had at least one Wechsler index below the norm, in particular, Processing Speed and Working Memory Indexes.
Objective: The authors' objective was to study clinical, imaging, and neuropsychological changes in children who underwent surgery for a temporal arachnoid cyst (TAC).
Methods: Thirty-four children were prospectively assessed similarly at diagnosis and postoperatively (mean 14 months) with clinic visits, images, cognitive tests, and parental questionnaires on mood/behavior and executive functions. The scores were compared pre- and postoperatively for the entire cohort and individually.
Handwriting disorders (HD) are considered one of the major public health problems among school-aged children worldwide with significant interference on academic performances. The current study hypothesized that HD could be partly explained by a deficit in sensory feedback processing during handwriting. To explore this hypothesis, we have analyzed the effect of vision suppression on postural-gestural and on spatial/temporal/kinematic organization of drawing during an early pre-scriptural loop task with a digital pen, under two conditions: eyes open and eyes closed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFOrphanet J Rare Dis
October 2021
Background: Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is a heterogeneous condition involving retro(micro)gnathia, glossoptosis and upper airway obstruction, very often with posterior cleft palate. Patients with PRS, either isolated or associated with Stickler syndrome have good intellectual prognosis. Nevertheless, the quality of life in adolescence and the phonatory and morphological outcomes are rarely analysed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAcquiring writing skills is a long developmental process that is conditioned by both the mastery of the gesture and the spatio-temporal arrangement of characters across the page. While the researches in the literature mainly focused on spatio-temporal and kinematics parameters of tracing letters or words using digitizing tablets, no recent research has previously studied the developmental prerequisites of the organization of handwriting useful for clinical assessment and remediation. Aims of the present study was to investigate and validate the phenotyping of the developmental genesis of pre-scriptural graphomotor gestures among school-aged children in achieving correct handwriting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: The Motor Functional Development Scale for Young Children (DF-mot) is a developmental tool assessing both gross and fine motor skills in term infants.
Aims: To examine the concurrent validity of the DF-mot with the Alberta Infants Motor Scale (AIMS) in preterm infants and compare their ability in predicting scores on the Bayley Scales of Infant-Toddler Development (Bayley-III) at 12 months.
Study Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Neonatal Diabetes (ND) mellitus is a rare genetic disease (1 in 90,000 live births). It is defined by the presence of severe hyperglycaemia associated with insufficient or no circulating insulin, occurring mainly before 6 months of age and rarely between 6 months and 1 year. Such hyperglycaemia requires either transient treatment with insulin in about half of cases, or permanent insulin treatment.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFDev Med Child Neurol
November 2020
ARID1B mutations in Coffin-Siris syndrome are a cause of intellectual disability (0.5-1%), with various degrees of autism and agenesis of the corpus callosum (10%). Little is known regarding the cognitive and motor consequences of ARID1B mutations in humans and no link has been made between corpus callosum anomalies and visuospatial and neuromotor dysfunctions.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIntroduction: Several authors have suggested the existence of motor disorders associated with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, there are few comparative studies of psychomotor profiles that include assessments of neurological soft signs in children with ASD or DCD. We used a neuropsychomotor assessment for children with ASD from a standardized neurodevelopmental examination to understand the nature of the difficulties these children encounter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjectives: Children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) are particularly affected by handwriting disorders, which remain poorly understood and are not clearly defined. The aim of our study is to provide a better understanding of handwriting disorders, and specifically of dysgraphia in children with DCD.
Methods: Sixty-five children with DCD (5-15 years), enrolled according to DSM-5, were assessed with handwriting testing and standardized assessments of neuropsychological, neurovisual, MRI and neuropsychomotor functions, with special attention paid to muscular tone examination.
Chromosome 6 abnormalities such as paternal uniparental isodisomy, paternal 6q24 duplication, and maternal DMR (differentially methylated region) hypomethylation are a common cause of transient neonatal diabetes mellitus (TNDM). Oral sulfonylurea (SU) is used off-label to treat permanent neonatal diabetes mellitus owing to potassium channel mutation but has not been evaluated in TNDM. Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SU therapy in chromosome 6-related TNDM.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: Motor disorders are known in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), but muscle tone assessments are rarely performed. Muscle tone underpins movement. We investigated muscle tone in 34 ASD children using a standardized neuro-developmental battery, which uses the French norms for muscular tone in children.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAn increasing number of clinicians point to similar clinical features between children with High Intellectual Potential (HIP or "Giftedness" = Total IQ > 2 ), and children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) without intellectual or language delay, formerly diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Some of these common features are social interaction impairments, special interests, and in some cases high-verbal abilities. The aim of this article is to determine whether these similarities exist at more fundamental levels, other than clinical, and to explore the literature in order to provide empirical support for an overlap between ASD and HIP.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Altered motor performance has been described in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) with disturbances in walking; posture, coordination, or arm movements, but some individuals with ASD show no impairment of motor skills. The neuro-developmental processes that underpin the performance of neuro-psychomotor functions have not been widely explored, nor is it clear whether there are neuro-psychomotor functions specifically affected in ASD. Our objective was to focus on the semiology of motor disorders among children with ASD using a neuro-developmental assessment tool.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) defines a heterogeneous class of children exhibiting marked impairment in motor coordination as a general group of deficits in fine and gross motricity (subtype mixed group) common to all research studies, and with a variety of other motor disorders that have been little investigated. No consensus about symptoms and etiology has been established.
Methods: Data from 58 children aged 6 to 13 years with DCD were collected on DSM-IV criteria, similar to DSM-5 criteria.
Diabetes Care
January 2016
Objective: Neonatal diabetes secondary to mutations in potassium-channel subunits is a rare disease but constitutes a paradigm for personalized genetics-based medicine, as replacing the historical treatment with insulin injections with oral sulfonylurea (SU) therapy has been proven beneficial. SU receptors are widely expressed in the brain, and we therefore evaluated potential effects of SU on neurodevelopmental parameters, which are known to be unresponsive to insulin.
Research Design And Methods: We conducted a prospective single-center study.
Anhidrotic/hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia (HED) is the most common of the ectodermal dysplasias characterized by a triad of absent or reduced sweat, hypodontia and misshapen teeth, and missing or sparse hair. As the central nervous system is primarily ectodermal in origin, it has long been a concern that HED may be associated with developmental delay and/or intellectual disabilities. While published reviews report abnormalities in mental or motor development in 15-25% of HED-affected patients, there is no report in the literature including a systematic assessment of intellectual abilities in a cohort of patients with this rare disorder.
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