Publications by authors named "Laura Gaggero"

The World Health Organization has confirmed that asbestos fibres are carcinogenic, claiming that asbestos-related diseases should be eradicated worldwide. Actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, and tremolite are regulated asbestiform mineral phases. However, in nature, asbestos minerals occur either in a fibrous and asbestiform (original morphology characterized by high length-to-width ratio and provided of high tensile strength and flexibility) or fibrous but not asbestiform appearance.

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Titanium is the ninth most abundant element, approximately 0.7% of the Earth crust. It is used worldwide in large quantities for various applications.

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Inhalation of asbestos fibres can cause lung and pleural diseases in humans and constitutes a severe public health threat worldwide. The aim of the present study was to assess the biological effects induced in both pulmonary cells (A549) and monocyte/macrophage (RAW 264.7) cell lines by combustion slags obtained from asbestos through a self-sustained high-temperature synthesis (SHS) reaction.

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The SHS technique was experimented in chrysotile breakdown. By means of two reactions such as MgSiO(OH) + FeO + 3 Mg and 2MgSiO(OH) + FeO + 4 Mg the chrysotile was completely converted into forsterite-rich olivine. Different mixtures of hematite + Mg and magnetite + Mg were tested with chrysotile to establish the maximum chrysotile amount in order to allow the reaction.

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Tunnelling across ophiolitic formation with Naturally Occurring Asbestos (NOA) can release fibres into the environment, exposing workers, and the population, if fibres spread outside the tunnel, leading to increased risk of developing asbestos-related disease. Therefore, a careful plan of environmental monitoring is carried out during Terzo Valico tunnel excavation. In the present study, data of 1571 samples of airborne dust, collected between 2014 and 2016 inside the tunnels, and analyzed by SEM-EDS for quantification of workers exposure, are discussed.

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