Complex oxides offer a wide range of functional properties, and recent advances in the fabrication of freestanding membranes of these oxides are adding new mechanical degrees of freedom to this already rich functional ecosystem. Here, photoactuation is demonstrated in freestanding thin film resonators of ferroelectric Barium Titanate (BaTiO) and paraelectric Strontium Titanate (SrTiO). The free-standing films, transferred onto perforated supports, act as nano-drums, oscillating at their natural resonance frequency when illuminated by a frequency-modulated laser.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUltrashort light pulses induce rapid deformations of crystalline lattices. In ferroelectrics, lattice deformations couple directly to the polarization, which opens the perspective to modulate the electric polarization on an ultrafast time scale. Here, we report on the temporal and spatial tracking of strain and polar modulation in a single-domain BiFeO thin film by ultrashort light pulses.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA new photon-counting camera based on hybrid pixel technology has been developed at the SOLEIL synchrotron, making it possible to implement pump-probe-probe hard X-ray diffraction experiments for the first time. This application relies on two specific advantages of the UFXC32k readout chip, namely its high frame rate (50 kHz) and its high linear count rate (2.6 × 10 photons s pixel).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate the orthorhombic distortion and the structural dynamics of epitaxial MnAs layers on GaAs(001) using static and time-resolved x-ray diffraction. Laser-induced intensity oscillations of Bragg reflections allow us to identify the optical phonon associated with orthorhombic distortion and to follow its softening along the path towards an undistorted phase of hexagonal symmetry. The frequency of this mode falls in the THz range, in agreement with recent calculations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThis paper presents the performance of a single-photon-counting hybrid pixel X-ray detector with synchrotron radiation. The camera was evaluated with respect to time-resolved experiments, namely pump-probe-probe experiments held at SOLEIL. The UFXC camera shows very good energy resolution of around 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe investigation of ultrafast dynamics, taking place on the few to sub-picosecond time scale, is today a very active research area pursued in a variety of scientific domains. With the recent advent of X-ray free-electron lasers (XFELs), providing very intense X-ray pulses of duration as short as a few femtoseconds, this research field has gained further momentum. As a consequence, the demand for access strongly exceeds the capacity of the very few XFEL facilities existing worldwide.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFemtosecond time-resolved x-ray diffraction is used to study a photoinduced phase transition between two charge density wave (CDW) states in 1T-TaS_{2}, namely the nearly commensurate (NC) and the incommensurate (I) CDW states. Structural modulations associated with the NC-CDW order are found to disappear within 400 fs. The photoinduced I-CDW phase then develops through a nucleation and growth process which ends 100 ps after laser excitation.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe study of photoexcited strongly correlated materials is attracting growing interest since their rich phase diagram often translates into an equally rich out-of-equilibrium behaviour. With femtosecond optical pulses, electronic and lattice degrees of freedom can be transiently decoupled, giving the opportunity of stabilizing new states inaccessible by quasi-adiabatic pathways. Here we show that the prototype Mott-Hubbard material VO presents a transient non-thermal phase developing immediately after ultrafast photoexcitation and lasting few picoseconds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on time-resolved x-ray diffraction measurements following femtosecond laser excitation in pure bulk chromium. Comparing the evolution of incommensurate charge-density-wave (CDW) and atomic lattice reflections, we show that, a few nanoseconds after laser excitation, the CDW undergoes different structural changes than the atomic lattice. We give evidence for a transient CDW shear strain that breaks the lattice point symmetry.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the basic mechanisms allowing light to photoswitch at the molecular scale a spin-crossover material from a low- to a high-spin state. Combined femtosecond x-ray absorption performed at LCLS X-FEL and optical spectroscopy reveal that the structural stabilization of the photoinduced high-spin state results from a two step structural trapping. Molecular breathing vibrations are first activated and rapidly damped as part of the energy is sequentially transferred to molecular bending vibrations.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUsing femtosecond time-resolved x-ray diffraction, we directly monitor the coherent lattice dynamics through an ultrafast charge-density-wave-to-metal transition in the prototypical Peierls system K(0.3)MoO(3) over a wide range of relevant excitation fluences. While in the low fluence regime we directly follow the structural dynamics associated with the collective amplitude mode; for fluences above the melting threshold of the electronic density modulation we observe a transient recovery of the periodic lattice distortion.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report the spin state photo-switching dynamics in two polymorphs of a spin-crossover molecular complex triggered by a femtosecond laser flash, as determined by combining femtosecond optical pump-probe spectroscopy and picosecond X-ray diffraction techniques. The light-driven transformations in the two polymorphs are compared. Combining both techniques and tracking how the X-ray data correlate with optical signals allow understanding of how electronic and structural degrees of freedom couple and play their role when the switchable molecules interact in the active crystalline medium.
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