Publications by authors named "Latefa Dardas"

Background: Existing evidence elucidates the psychological dimensions of juvenile delinquency, yet the need for cross-cultural validation remains critical to deepen and diversify our understanding of delinquency across different settings. Properly assessing and addressing the mental health needs of youth involved in the justice system (YIJS) is a strategic step that can help design and implement comprehensive responses to produce healthier youth who are less likely to act out and commit crimes. To this aim, this study explored several key mental health dimensions among YIJS who were incarcerated in rehabilitation centers located in Jordan.

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Purpose: Digital health interventions (DHIs) offer scalable solutions for improving mental health care access in underserved settings. This study is part of a multi-phased project aimed at adapting a depression prevention DHI for Jordanian adolescents. It evaluated the feasibility, cultural acceptability, and effectiveness of the translated and culturally adapted DHI, named Al-Khaizuran, with comparisons to school-based group CBT.

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The proliferation of short-form video content on social media platforms has led to increased user engagement but also raised concerns about potential addictive behaviors and cognitive consequences, particularly among youth. This study explored the prevalence of short-form video addiction (SVA) among Jordanian youth, its correlates, and its impact on attention and memory function, with an emphasis on understanding the mediating and moderating role of attention in the relationship between SVA and memory. : Utilizing a cross-sectional survey design, data were collected from 1029 university students across 25 higher-education institutions in Jordan.

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The stepped care model is a hierarchical healthcare approach that matches treatment intensity to a patient's condition, ensuring efficient resource use while providing appropriate care. This study conducted a qualitative process evaluation to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and contextual suitability of a multicenter, parallel-group, superiority, randomized controlled trial addressing psychological distress among adults in Jordan. The trial applied the stepped care framework using two scalable WHO interventions adapted to the Jordanian context.

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Background: Depression and anxiety are a leading cause of disability worldwide and often start during adolescence and young adulthood. The majority of young people live in low- and middle-income countries where there is a lack of mental health services. The World Health Organization (WHO) developed a guided, nonartificial intelligence chatbot intervention called Scalable Technology for Adolescents and youth to Reduce Stress (STARS) to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety among young people affected by adversity.

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Background: Young people in low- and middle-income countries encounter significant barriers to accessing mental health support due to various factors, including a substantial treatment gap and limited health care budgets allocated to mental health. Using innovative strategies, such as scalable digital self-help psychological interventions, offers a potential solution for improving access to mental health support. However, digital mental health interventions come with their own set of challenges, including issues related to low user engagement.

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This research validated an Arabic version of the Psychological General Well-being Index-Short version (PGWB-S) and examined the relationship between perceived psychological well-being, and food insecurity, academic achievement, and other risk factors in a sample of university students in Amman, Jordan, during COVID-19. A cross-sectional study was conducted in two phases. Phase 1 translated and validated the Arabic copy of the PGWB-S in 122 students from the University of Jordan.

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Introduction: Callous-unemotional (CU) traits, parental practices and conduct problems (CP) have been consistently identified across numerous studies as significant predictors of the severity and persistence of juvenile delinquency.

Aims: This study seeks to investigate the moderation dynamics underlying the relationships between these variables among Arab incarcerated youth. Specifically, the study aims to (1) explore whether parental practices moderate the relationship between CU traits and CP among incarcerated youth in Jordan and (2) examine the bidirectional moderating influence of CU traits in shaping the dynamic relationship between parental practices and CP within the context of Arab juvenile delinquency.

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Unlabelled: WHAT IS KNOWN ON THE SUBJECT?: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new sources of stress and challenges for people dealing with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). WHAT THE PAPER ADDS TO EXISTING KNOWLEDGE?: The study uncovered the unique experiences of Jordanian patients with OCD during the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing three main themes: Navigating Constraints: The Dual Pathways of Social Engagement and Avoidance, estranging family attachments and shifting OCD landscapes. Family dynamics played a significant role, with some families unintentionally exacerbating OCD symptoms through excessive accommodation, while others openly expressed irritation, both contributing to worsened symptoms.

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Purpose: Vaccination against HPV plays a crucial role in preventing cervical cancer and related health issues. This study aimed to (1) assess knowledge, awareness, intentions, and attitudes regarding HPV and vaccination among Jordanian parents, and (2) evaluate the efficacy of two intervention strategies in promoting knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards HPV vaccinations.

Methods: In study one, a web-based survey was used to collect data from Jordanian parents.

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Background: This study investigates how congenital heart diseases (CHD) characteristics and interventions affect cognitive and verbal skills in Arab children, while also uncovering previously unexplored connections between these skills and the quality of life (QoL) scores as perceived by both children and parents.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Jordan, involving 62 children with CHD aged 6-16. Data were collected through standardized intelligence tests (namely The Raven's Progressive Matrices Test and The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) and QoL assessments.

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Background: The burden of common mental disorders in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) is growing with little known about how to allocate limited resources to reach the greatest number of people undergoing instances of significant psychological distress. We present a study protocol for a multicentre, parallel-group, superiority, randomised controlled trial.

Methods And Analysis: Adults with significant psychological distress (K10 score ≥20) will be randomised to receive a stepped care programme involving a self-guided course () followed by a more intensive group programme () or the self-guided course alone, both of which will take place in addition to enhanced treatment as usual comprising of a follow-up referral session to available services within the community.

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Purpose: To identify and understand the multifaceted barriers faced by Syrian refugees when seeking vaccination services for their children.

Methods: A survey questionnaire was administered through structured interviews to a sample of Syrian refugees residing inside the Al-Zaatari camp and in various urban areas across Jordanian communities. This process utilized a multi-stage sampling approach, beginning with a random selection from clusters or strata, and then employing convenience sampling within each to select participants.

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Background And Purpose: Management strategies for children with congenital health diseases (CHDs) should encompass more than just the medical aspect of the disease and consider how heart diseases affect their everyday activities and, subsequently, their quality of life (QoL). Global studies witnessed a greater emphasis on studying the QoL associated with CHD. However, there is still a great lag in such data in the Arab region.

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Background And Purpose: Influenza, with its potential for widespread transmission and significant health repercussions for individuals and populations, demands the immediate implementation of effective preventive measures. Vaccination stands as a long-standing evidence-based strategic approach to bolster immunity, especially for healthcare providers at heightened risk due to repeated exposure. Nevertheless, studies indicate a variance in adherence to recommended vaccination protocols and a notable prevalence of hesitancy and negative attitudes toward influenza vaccination among this critical group globally.

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Objectives: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression are common mental health disorders among refugees, and all require immediate mental health support to prevent short- and long-term detrimental health outcomes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of narrative exposure therapy (NET) in reducing symptoms of PTSD, depression, and anxiety among Syrian refugees residing in Jordan.

Methods: A two-arm randomized control trial was utilized.

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Background: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and medication are widely accepted and useful interventions for individuals with depression. However, a gap remains in our current understanding of how CBT directly benefits adolescents with depression.

Aims: The purpose of this study was to examine the short- and long-term effectiveness of CBT only, CBT+Medication, or Medication alone in reducing the duration of major depressive episodes, lessening internalizing and externalizing symptoms and improving global functioning.

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Stigmatization of COVID-19 disease has been speculated due to misinformation about the disease, fearing of contracting the infection, absence of available cure, and holding responsibility for infecting others. We aimed to establish the prevalence of COVID-19 related stigma and its association with empathic responding, in addition to exploring predictors of stigma and testing intention among Jordanian people. A quantitative, descriptive and predictive design was used and data were collected using a web-based survey from 1074 adults.

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Background and Objective: The recent multi-country outbreak of human monkeypox (HMPX) in non-endemic regions poses an emerging public health concern. University students in health schools/faculties represent a core knowledgeable group that can be helpful to study from a public health point of view. As future healthcare workers, assessment of their knowledge and attitude towards emerging zoonotic viral infections can be helpful to assess their taught material and courses with potential improvement if gaps in knowledge were identified.

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Objectives: Although vaccination against the COVID-19 disease has recently become available, individuals are expressing fear and hesitancy towards receiving it. As a result, testing for COVID-19 is still considered a vital method to contain infection. For testing to be effective, barriers towards testing intention need to be investigated; and available literature on the challenges are scarce.

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Purpose: The aims of this study were to explore (1) the knowledge, attitudes, practices, and adherence of psychiatrists in Jordan regarding published guidelines for metabolic monitoring of patients taking second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), and (2) their perceived barriers to metabolic screening.

Methods: The study utilized a cross-sectional survey. Data were collected from 91 psychiatrists using a self-administered questionnaire.

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Adolescents are more likely to engage in risky health practices related to COVID-19. Their compliance with infection control measures is a key factor to mitigate the spread of the disease. The purpose of this study was to explore the knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward COVID-19 and their correlates among Jordanian adolescents.

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