Publications by authors named "Lars Oesterhelweg"

Burns in children are a topic of fundamental importance in the context of the differential diagnosis between accidental events and abuse. In this context, the present study arose from two cases of children with second-degree burns (in case 1 on the leg, in case 2 on the foot) caused by contact with the hot surfaces of a hair straightener, which were reported as accidental events but trough the complete medico-legal investigation later turned out to be abusive burns. With an experimental set on pig skin and by simulating the two anatomical districts (leg and foot), using the same type of hair straightener, injuries were caused by simulating different positions and possible variants of accidental and non-accidental occurrence.

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A possible "exception" to Puppe's rule regarding the intersection of skull fractures has been previously addressed due to the observation that skull fractures can pass through old and remodeled craniotomies. In a further case presented herein, however, it was shown that cranial fractures are also able to pass through recent burr holes, a phenomenon never previously described. A 63-year-old man sustained a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the right temple region, with an exit wound in the left temporal region.

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Introduction: Patients with high-consequence infectious diseases (HCID) are rare in Western Europe. However, high-level isolation units (HLIU) must always be prepared for patient admission. Case fatality rates of HCID can be reduced by providing optimal intensive care management.

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The newly identified severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes COVID-19, a pandemic respiratory disease. Moreover, thromboembolic events throughout the body, including in the CNS, have been described. Given the neurological symptoms observed in a large majority of individuals with COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 penetrance of the CNS is likely.

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  • The text outlines the forensic response to the December 2016 terrorist attack at Breitscheidplatz in Berlin, emphasizing collaboration with police forces.
  • It highlights the challenge of identifying severe injuries in victims, as visual inspection may miss critical trauma, a phenomenon referred to as "Casper's sign."
  • The implications of this issue can create a false sense of security for rescuers and lead to psychological distress for rescue personnel when seemingly stable patients unexpectedly die.
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Whole-body postmortem computed tomographic (CT) angiography is a promising new development in forensic radiology that has the potential to improve vascular and soft-tissue imaging beyond levels currently achievable with unenhanced postmortem CT. Postmortem access to the vascular system and injection of contrast medium are different from those steps in clinical (antemortem) radiology. Because there is no circulation in a corpse that could transport or dilute a contrast medium, the injection must be performed by using a roller pump to fill the vasculature (arterial and venous) with a mixture of a water-soluble iodized contrast medium and polyethylene glycol.

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First described in 1965, avulsion of the neural arch from the vertebral body of the axis (C2) as a sequel to violent and rapid hyperextension of the head was termed hangman's fracture because of its similarity to the injury observed after judicial hanging. Since diagnosing such a fracture at autopsy is difficult because of its anatomic position, accurate determination of features of a hangman's fracture in cases of non-judicial hanging has not been systematically elucidated. We performed a prospective autopsy study visualizing hangman's fractures in 32 cases of hanging using postmortem multislice computed tomography (pmMSCT).

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Forensic radiology has become a common modality in many forensic practices around the world. Here, we report and compare the usage patterns in the cities of Melbourne, Australia, and Berlin, Germany, using 16 multislice scanners in two large forensic facilities with both machines integrated in the mortuary. While in Melbourne all bodies receive a full body computed tomography (CT) scan resulting in nearly 5,000 scans per year, the situation differs in Berlin where approximately 250 state prosecutor sanctioned cases are scanned per year.

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Proof of live birth is of major importance in suspected neonaticide cases. Although not without controversy the lung flotation test is the main method used to asses this in different jurisdictions worldwide. The present study examines the usefulness of postmortem multislice computed tomography (pmMSCT) in the detection of live birth signs.

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  • Switzerland experiences a high number of mountaineering casualties despite its thriving tourism in alpine activities, prompting a need for efficient identification of victims.
  • Forensic pathologists primarily focus on quickly identifying the deceased to facilitate their release to families, but understanding injuries can also help enhance safety in climbing.
  • A study using postmortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) on ten corpses from fatal climbing accidents revealed that MSCT can effectively identify injuries non-invasively, providing valuable internal findings without the need for a full autopsy.
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Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the clinical forensic findings of strangulation according to their ability to differentiate between life-threatening and non-life-threatening strangulation, compare clinical and MRI findings of the neck and discuss a simple score for life-threatening strangulation (SLS).

Materials And Methods: Forensic pathologists classified a continuous sample of 56 survivors of strangulation into life-threatening cases by clinical history and examination alone. Subjective, objective and radiological signs were evaluated for discriminating the two groups.

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The radiological determination of foreign objects in corpses can be difficult if they are fragmented or deformed. With multislice computed tomography, radiodensities--referred to as Hounsfield units (HU)--can be measured. We examined the possibility of differentiating 21 frequently occurring foreign bodies, such as metals, rocks, and different manmade materials by virtue of their HU values.

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Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the sensitivity and specificity for typical abdominal injuries after major blunt trauma in postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Material: Thirty-four cases of accidental death underwent postmortem pre-autopsy MSCT and MRI. The imaging findings were correlated with the autopsy findings.

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Context: Death from corpora aliena in the larynx is a well-known entity in forensic pathology. The correct diagnosis of this cause of death is difficult without an autopsy, and misdiagnoses by external examination alone are common.

Objective: To determine the postmortem usefulness of modern imaging techniques in the diagnosis of foreign bodies in the larynx, multislice computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and postmortem full-body computed tomography-angiography were performed.

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The aim of the study was to determine objective radiological signs of danger to life in survivors of manual strangulation and to establish a radiological scoring system for the differentiation between life-threatening and non-life-threatening strangulation by dividing the cross section of the neck into three zones (superficial, middle and deep zone). Forensic pathologists classified 56 survivors of strangulation into life-threatening and non-life-threatening cases by history and clinical examination alone, and two blinded radiologists evaluated the MRIs of the neck. In 15 cases, strangulation was life-threatening (27%), compared with 41 cases in which strangulation was non-life-threatening (73%).

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Beer bottles are often used in physical disputes. If the bottles break, they may give rise to sharp trauma. However, if the bottles remain intact, they may cause blunt injuries.

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This article presents a feasibility study with the objective of investigating the potential of multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) to estimate the bone age and sex of deceased persons. To obtain virtual skeletons, the bodies of 22 deceased persons with known age at death were scanned by MDCT using a special protocol that consisted of high-resolution imaging of the skull, shoulder girdle (including the upper half of the humeri), the symphysis pubis and the upper halves of the femora. Bone and soft-tissue reconstructions were performed in two and three dimensions.

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Objective: Smuggling dissolved drugs, especially cocaine, in bottled liquids is an ongoing problem at borders. Common fluoroscopy of packages at the border cannot detect contaminated liquids. The objective of our study was to develop an MDCT screening method to detect cocaine-containing vessels that are hidden between uncontaminated ones in a shipment.

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Objective: The objective of our study was to establish a standardized procedure for postmortem whole-body CT-based angiography with lipophilic and hydrophilic contrast media solutions and to compare the results of these two methods.

Materials And Methods: Minimally invasive postmortem CT angiography was performed on 10 human cadavers via access to the femoral blood vessels. Separate perfusion of the arterial and venous systems was established with a modified heart-lung machine using a mixture of an oily contrast medium and paraffin (five cases) and a mixture of a water-soluble contrast medium with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 200 in the other five cases.

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Objective: The purpose of this study was to adapt and improve a minimally invasive two-step postmortem angiographic technique for use on human cadavers. Detailed mapping of the entire vascular system is almost impossible with conventional autopsy tools. The technique described should be valuable in the diagnosis of vascular abnormalities.

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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate soft tissue image quality of a mobile cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner with an integrated flat-panel detector.

Study Design: Eight fresh human cadavers were used in this study. For evaluation of soft tissue visualization, CBCT data sets and corresponding computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data sets were acquired.

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Object: The aim of our study was to demonstrate the image quality of the new device using human cadavers, extending the horizon of available imaging modalities in forensic medicine.

Materials And Methods: Six human cadavers were examined, revealing C-arm data sets of the head, neck thorax, abdomen and pelvis. High-resolution mode was performed with 500 fluoroscopy shots during a 190 degrees orbital movement with a constant tube voltage of 100 kV and a current of 4.

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