Epidemiol Serv Saude
August 2018
Objective: to describe access to health services by Indians of Kanela and Guajajara ethnic groups and their satisfaction with care provided by the Unified Health System (SUS).
Methods: a descriptive study of a non-probabilistic sample of Indigenous people living in Barra do Corda, State of Maranhão, receiving SUS healthcare in Teresina, State of Piauí, Brazil, in 2011; a questionnaire was administered on frequently used health services, forms of access and ease or difficultly in accessing them.
Results: 67 heads of family replied; 48 of them had used hospitals and 43 were satisfied with the services; among those admitted to hospital, 17 considered the meals offered there different to their customs or bad and 28 did not sleep as they traditionally did in their villages.