Publications by authors named "Larbalestier D"

Plastic damage of REBCO (REBaCuO, where RE=rare earth) coated conductors by screening current stress (SCS) is a significant concern for ultra-high-field superconducting magnets. Indeed, the third Little Big Coil (LBC3), a REBCO magnet that generated a record, high field of 45.5 T, showed wavy plastic damage produced by excess SCS in all pancakes except two made with single-slit conductors having their slit edges pointing inward towards the magnet center.

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Overcoming cost barriers could make high-temperature superconductors pervasive.

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In recent years there has been an increasing effort in improving the performance of NbSn for high-field applications, in particular for the fabrication of conductors suitable for the realization of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN. This challenging task has led to the investigation of new routes to advance the high-field pinning properties, the irreversibility and the upper critical fields (H and H, respectively). The effect of hafnium addition to the standard Nb-4Ta alloy has been recently demonstrated to be particularly promising and, in this paper, we investigate the origins of the observed improvements of the superconducting properties.

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Fe-based superconductors and in particular K-doped BaFeAs (K-Ba122) are materials of interest for possible future high-field applications. However the critical current density (J) in polycrystalline Ba122 is still quite low and connectivity issues are suspected to be responsible. In this work we investigated the properties of high-purity, carefully processed, K-Ba122 samples synthesized with two separate heat treatments at various temperatures between 600 and 825 °C.

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The fusion power density produced in a tokamak is proportional to its magnetic field strength to the fourth power. Second-generation high temperature superconductor (2G HTS) wires demonstrate remarkable engineering current density (averaged over the full wire), J, at very high magnetic fields, driving progress in fusion and other applications. The key challenge for HTS wires has been to offer an acceptable combination of high and consistent superconducting performance in high magnetic fields, high volume supply, and low price.

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Overpressure (OP) processing of wind-and-react BiSrCaCuO (2212) round wire compresses the wire to almost full density, decreasing its diameter by about 4 % without change in wire length and substantially raising its . However, such shrinkage can degrade coil winding pack density and magnetic field homogeneity. To address this issue, we here present an overpressure predensification (OP-PD) heat treatment process performed before melting the 2212, which greatly reduces wire diameter shrinkage during the full OP heat treatment (OP-HT).

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Multifilamentary BiSrCaCuO (Bi-2212) wire made by the powder-in-tube technique is the only high temperature superconductor made in the round shape preferred by magnet builders. The critical current density ( ) of Bi-2212 round wire was improved significantly by the development of overpressure heat treatment in the past few years. Bi-2212 wire is commercially available in multiple architectures and kilometer-long pieces and a very promising conductor for very high field NMR and accelerator magnets.

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High-temperature superconductors (HTS) could enable high-field magnets stronger than is possible with Nb-Ti and NbSn, but two challenges have so far been the low engineering critical current density J, especially in high-current cables, and the danger of quenches. Most HTS magnets made so far have been made out of REBCO coated conductor. Here we demonstrate stable, reliable and training-quench-free performance of Bi-2212 racetrack coils wound with a Rutherford cable fabricated from wires made with a new precursor powder.

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Strong magnetic fields are required in many fields, such as medicine (magnetic resonance imaging), pharmacy (nuclear magnetic resonance), particle accelerators (such as the Large Hadron Collider) and fusion devices (for example, the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, ITER), as well as for other diverse scientific and industrial uses. For almost two decades, 45 tesla has been the highest achievable direct-current (d.c.

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In 2005 the Committee on Opportunities in High Magnetic Fields (COHMAG) issued a challenge to develop a 30 T high-resolution NMR magnet. In response, the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) is investigating all three commercially available high-temperature superconductors (HTS) including REBCO, Bi-2212 and most recently, a reinforced Bi-2223 conductor supplied by Sumitomo Electric, designated Type HT-NX. Recent investigations of Type HT-NX conductor at the NHMFL and by others suggest that operation at hoop stress above 400 MPa, and total strain above 0.

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To meet critical current density, J , targets for the Future Circular Collider (FCC), the planned replacement for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the high field performance of NbSn must be improved, but champion J values have remained static for the last 10 years. Making the A15 phase stoichiometric and enhancing the upper critical field H by Ti or Ta dopants are the standard strategies for enhancing high field performance but detailed recent studies show that even the best modern wires have broad composition ranges. To assess whether further improvement might be possible, we employed Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) to determine the lattice site location of dopants in modern high-performance NbSn strands with J values amongst the best so far achieved.

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A main challenge that significantly impedes REBaCuO (RE = rare earth) coated conductor applications is the low engineering critical current density J because of the low superconductor fill factor in a complicated layered structure that is crucial for REBaCuO to carry supercurrent. Recently, we have successfully achieved engineering critical current density beyond 2.0 kA/mm at 4.

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BiSrCaCuO (Bi-2212) conductor is the only high temperature superconductor manufactured as a round wire and is a very promising conductor for very high field applications. One of the key design parameters of Bi-2212 wire is its filament size, which has been previously reported to affect the critical current density ( ) and ac losses. Work with 1 bar heat treatment showed that the optimal filament diameter was about 15 μm but it was not well understood at that time that gas bubbles were the main current limiting mechanism.

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Recently, significant improvement in the strain tolerance of Bi-2223 conductor has been achieved by lamination with high strength nickel alloy. The conductor, supplied by Sumitomo Electric and designated Type HT-NX, is now commercially available in lengths sufficient for manufacture of high-homogeneity solenoids. A program to fully exploit the improved conductor properties is now underway at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL).

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The route to 30 T NMR endorsed by a recent National Academy report clearly still has many challenges to achieve high stability and homogeneous high temperature superconducting (HTS) magnet. As the only HTS conductor with round wire (RW) geometry, BiSrCaCuO (Bi-2212) RW conductor is very attractive for NMR magnet applications. At present, an NMR quality demonstration magnet with Bi-2212 RW wound insert coils is under development at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL).

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Overpressure (OP) processing increases the critical current density ( ) of BiSrCaCuO (2212) round wires by shrinking the surrounding Ag matrix around the 2212 filaments, driving them close to full density and greatly increasing the 2212 grain connectivity. Indeed densification is vital for attaining the highest . Here, we investigate the time and temperature dependence of the wire densification.

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Superconducting joints are one of the key components needed to make Ag-alloy clad BiSrCaCuO (Bi-2212) superconducting round wire (RW) successful for high-field, high-homogeneity magnet applications, especially for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) magnets in which persistent current mode (PCM) operation is highly desired. In this study, a procedure for fabricating superconducting joints between Bi-2212 round wires during coil reaction was developed. Melting temperatures of Bi-2212 powder with different amounts of Ag addition were investigated by differential thermal analysis (DTA) so as to provide information for selecting the proper joint matrix.

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We study here the effect of axial strain on the degradation of the critical current for bare and reinforced, overpressure processed Bi-2212 conductors. We show that reinforcement markedly improves the conductor's stress limit, doubling it from ~150 MPa in the bare conductor to ~300 MPa when reinforced. We find also that certain processes used to reinforce the conductor slightly reduce the degradation strain limit from ~0.

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In order to develop a high current density in coils, Bi-2212 wires must be electrically discrete in tight winding packs. It is vital to use an insulating layer that is thin, fulfils the dielectric requirements, and can survive the heat treatment whose maximum temperature reaches 890 °C. A thin (20-30 µm) ceramic coating could be better as the insulating layer compared to alumino-silicate braided fiber insulation, which is about 100 μm thick and reacts with the Ag sheath during heat treatment, degrading the critical current density (J).

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Fe-based superconductors (FBS) present a large variety of compounds whose properties are affected to different extents by their crystal structures. Amongst them, the REFeAs(O,F) (RE1111, RE being a rare-earth element) is the family with the highest critical temperature T but also with a large anisotropy and Josephson vortices as demonstrated in the flux-flow regime in Sm1111 (T ∼ 55 K). Here we focus on the pinning properties of the lower-T Nd1111 in the flux-creep regime.

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Why Bi(2)Sr(2)CaCu(2)Ox (Bi2212) allows high critical current density Jc in round wires rather than only in the anisotropic tape form demanded by all other high temperature superconductors is important for future magnet applications. Here we compare the local texture of state-of-the-art Bi2212 and Bi2223 ((Bi,Pb)(2)Sr(2)Ca(2)Cu(3)O(10)), finding that round wire Bi2212 generates a dominant a-axis growth texture that also enforces a local biaxial texture (FWHM <15°) while simultaneously allowing the c-axes of its polycrystals to rotate azimuthally along and about the filament axis so as to generate macroscopically isotropic behavior. By contrast Bi2223 shows only a uniaxial (FWHM <15°) c-axis texture perpendicular to the tape plane without any in-plane texture.

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Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))(2)As(2) is the most tunable of the Fe-based superconductors (FBS) in terms of acceptance of high densities of self-assembled and artificially introduced pinning centres which are effective in significantly increasing the critical current density, J(c). Moreover, FBS are very sensitive to strain, which induces an important enhancement in critical temperature, T(c), of the material. In this paper we demonstrate that strain induced by the substrate can further improve J(c) of both single and multilayer films by more than that expected simply due to the increase in T(c).

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Magnets are the principal market for superconductors, but making attractive conductors out of the high-temperature cuprate superconductors (HTSs) has proved difficult because of the presence of high-angle grain boundaries that are generally believed to lower the critical current density, J(c). To minimize such grain boundary obstacles, HTS conductors such as REBa2Cu3O(7-x) and (Bi, Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O(10-x) are both made as tapes with a high aspect ratio and a large superconducting anisotropy. Here we report that Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8-x) (Bi-2212) can be made in the much more desirable isotropic, round-wire, multifilament form that can be wound or cabled into arbitrary geometries and will be especially valuable for high-field NMR magnets beyond the present 1 GHz proton resonance limit of Nb3Sn technology.

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We report the installation and performance evaluation of a probe aberration-corrected high-resolution JEOL JEM-ARM200F transmission electron microscope (TEM). We provide details on construction of the room that enables us to obtain scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) data without any evident distortions/noise from the external environment. The microscope routinely delivers expected performance.

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Significant progress has been achieved in fabricating high-quality bulk and thin-film iron-based superconductors. In particular, artificial layered pnictide superlattices offer the possibility of tailoring the superconducting properties and understanding the mechanism of the superconductivity itself. For high-field applications, large critical current densities (J(c)) and irreversibility fields (H(irr)) are indispensable along all crystal directions.

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