The unconstrained ensemble describes completely open systems whose control parameters are the chemical potential, pressure, and temperature. For macroscopic systems with short-range interactions, thermodynamics prevents the simultaneous use of these intensive variables as control parameters, because they are not independent and cannot account for the system size. When the range of the interactions is comparable with the size of the system, however, these variables are not truly intensive and may become independent, so equilibrium states defined by the values of these parameters may exist.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn nonadditive systems, like small systems or like long-range interacting systems even in the thermodynamic limit, ensemble inequivalence can be related to the occurrence of negative response functions, this in turn being connected with anomalous concavity properties of the thermodynamic potentials associated with the various ensembles. We show how the type and number of negative response functions depend on which of the quantities , and (energy, volume and number of particles) are constrained in the ensemble. In particular, we consider the unconstrained ensemble in which , and fluctuate, which is physically meaningful only for nonadditive systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe investigate thermal conduction in arrays of long-range interacting rotors and Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) oscillators coupled to two reservoirs at different temperatures. The strength of the interaction between two lattice sites decays as a power α of the inverse of their distance. We point out the necessity of distinguishing between energy flows towards or from the reservoirs and those within the system.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCompletely open systems can exchange heat, work, and matter with the environment. While energy, volume, and number of particles fluctuate under completely open conditions, the equilibrium states of the system, if they exist, can be specified using the temperature, pressure, and chemical potential as control parameters. The unconstrained ensemble is the statistical ensemble describing completely open systems and the replica energy is the appropriate free energy for these control parameters from which the thermodynamics must be derived.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe present evidence that the mechanism proposed in Teles et al. [Phys. Rev.
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August 2015
Temperature inversions occur in nature, e.g., in the solar corona and in interstellar molecular clouds: Somewhat counterintuitively, denser parts of the system are colder than dilute ones.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe usual formulation of thermodynamics is based on the additivity of macroscopic systems. However, there are numerous examples of macroscopic systems that are not additive, due to the long-range character of the interaction among the constituents. We present here an approach in which nonadditive systems can be described within a purely thermodynamics formalism.
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October 2012
We study the global geometry of the energy landscape of a simple model of a self-gravitating system, the self-gravitating ring (SGR). This is done by endowing the configuration space with a metric such that the dynamical trajectories are identified with geodesics. The average curvature and curvature fluctuations of the energy landscape are computed by means of Monte Carlo simulations and, when possible, of a mean-field method, showing that these global geometric quantities provide a clear geometric characterization of the collapse phase transition occurring in the SGR as the transition from a flat landscape at high energies to a landscape with mainly positive but fluctuating curvature in the collapsed phase.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFSelf-gravitating systems, such as globular clusters or elliptical galaxies, are the prototypes of many-body systems with long-range interactions, and should be the natural arena in which to test theoretical predictions on the statistical behavior of long-range-interacting systems. Systems of classical self-gravitating particles can be studied with the standard tools of equilibrium statistical mechanics, provided the potential is regularized at small length scales and the system is confined in a box. The confinement condition looks rather unphysical in general, so that it is natural to ask whether what we learn with these studies is relevant to real self-gravitating systems.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBy shifting the balance between conformational entropy and internal energy, polymers modify their shape under external stimuli, such as changes in temperature. Prominent among such transformations is the coil-globule transition, whereby a polymer can switch from an entropy-dominated coil conformation to a globular one, governed by energy. The nature of the coil-globule transition has remained elusive, with evidence for both continuous and discontinuous transitions, with the two-state behaviour of proteins as an instance of the latter.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA relation between a class of stationary points of the energy landscape of continuous spin models on a lattice and the configurations of an Ising model defined on the same lattice suggests an approximate expression for the microcanonical density of states. Based on this approximation we conjecture that if a O(n) model with ferromagnetic interactions on a lattice has a phase transition, its critical energy density is equal to that of the n=1 case, i.e.
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December 2009
We apply a recently proposed criterion for the existence of phase transitions, which is based on the properties of the saddles of the energy landscape, to a simplified model of a system with gravitational interactions referred to as the self-gravitating ring model. We show analytically that the criterion correctly singles out the phase transition between a homogeneous and a clustered phase and also suggests the presence of another phase transition not previously known. On the basis of the properties of the energy landscape we conjecture on the nature of the latter transition.
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July 2009
In systems characterized by a rough potential-energy landscape, local energetic minima and saddles define a network of metastable states whose topology strongly influences the dynamics. Changes in temperature, causing the merging and splitting of metastable states, have nontrivial effects on such networks and must be taken into account. We do this by means of a recently proposed renormalization procedure.
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June 2009
A method for reconstructing the potential energy landscape of simple polypeptidic chains is described. We show how to obtain a faithful representation of the energy landscape in terms of a suitable directed graph. Topological and dynamical indicators of the graph are shown to yield an effective estimate of the time scales associated with both folding and equilibration processes.
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May 2008
A geometric analysis of the global properties of the energy landscape of a minimalistic model of a polypeptide is presented, which is based on the relation between dynamical trajectories and geodesics of a suitable manifold, whose metric is completely determined by the potential energy. We consider different sequences, some with a definite proteinlike behavior, a unique native state and a folding transition, and others undergoing a hydrophobic collapse with no tendency to a unique native state. The global geometry of the energy landscape appears to contain relevant information on the behavior of the various sequences: in particular, the fluctuations of the curvature of the energy landscape, measured by means of numerical simulations, clearly mark the folding transition and allow the proteinlike sequences to be distinguished from the others.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe study the geometric properties of the energy landscape of coarse-grained, off-lattice models of polymers by endowing the configuration space with a suitable metric, depending on the potential energy function, such that the dynamical trajectories are the geodesics of the metric. Using numerical simulations, we show that the fluctuations of the curvature clearly mark the folding transition, and that this quantity allows to distinguish between polymers having a proteinlike behavior (i.e.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFIn contrast to the canonical ensemble where thermodynamic functions are smooth for all finite system sizes, the microcanonical entropy can show nonanalytic points also for finite systems. The relation between finite and infinite system nonanalyticities is illustrated by means of a simple classical spinlike model which is exactly solvable for both finite and infinite system sizes, showing a phase transition in the latter case. The microcanonical entropy is found to have exactly one nonanalytic point in the interior of its domain.
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March 2005
The elsewhere surmized topological origin of phase transitions is given here important evidence through the analytic study of an exactly solvable model for which both topology of submanifolds of configuration space and thermodynamics are worked out. The model is a mean-field one with a k-body interaction. It undergoes a second-order phase transition for k=2 and a first-order one for k >2 .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe briefly review some of the most relevant results that our group obtained in the past, while investigating the dynamics of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) models. The first result is the numerical evidence of the existence of two different kinds of transitions in the dynamics of the FPU models: (i) A stochasticity threshold (ST), characterized by a value of the energy per degree of freedom below which the overwhelming majority of the phase space trajectories are regular (vanishing Lyapunov exponents). It tends to vanish as the number N of degrees of freedom is increased.
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March 2002
We study analytically the topology of a family of submanifolds of the configuration space of the mean-field XY model, computing also a topological invariant (the Euler characteristic). We prove that a particular topological change of these submanifolds is connected to the phase transition of this system, and exists also at finite N. The present result is the first analytic proof that a phase transition has a topological origin and provides a key to a possible better understanding of the origin of phase transitions at their deepest level, as well as to a possible definition of phase transitions at finite N.
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