Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) is an ideal X-ray spectroscopy method to push the combination of energy and time resolutions to the Fourier transform ultimate limit, because it is unaffected by the core-hole lifetime energy broadening. Also, in pump-probe experiments the interaction time is made very short by the same core-hole lifetime. RIXS is very photon hungry so it takes great advantage from high-repetition-rate pulsed X-ray sources like the European XFEL.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFRNA viruses exist as large heterogeneous populations within their host. The structure and diversity of virus populations affects disease progression and treatment outcomes. Next-generation sequencing allows detailed viral population analysis, but inferring diversity from error-prone reads is challenging.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe large amount and diversity of viral genomic datasets generated by next-generation sequencing technologies poses a set of challenges for computational data analysis workflows, including rigorous quality control, scaling to large sample sizes, and tailored steps for specific applications. Here, we present V-pipe 3.0, a computational pipeline designed for analyzing next-generation sequencing data of short viral genomes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe simulated patient methodology (SPM) is considered the "gold standard" as covert participatory observation. SPM is attracting increasing interest for the investigation of community pharmacy practice; however, there is criticism that SPM can only show a small picture of everyday pharmacy practice and therefore has limited external validity. On the one hand, a certain design and application of the SPM goes hand in hand with an increase in external validity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In Germany, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines may only be dispensed by community pharmacies (CPs). German CPs must ensure 'adequate' counselling, including the cost of medicines. Along with information gathering and advice giving as classic aspects of counselling, the aim was also to investigate counselling indicators of product and price transparency.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: With an increase in life expectancy over the last few decades, there has been a parallel increase in the prevalence of disabilities among the elderly population. To estimate the prevalence of dependency in activities of daily living (ADL) and its predictors among the rural elderly population.
Material And Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out in the community among the rural geriatric population in the field practice area of PG Department of Community Medicine, Government Medical College Jammu.
Background: Chemo-radioimmunotherapy with total radiation doses of 60-66 Gy in 2 Gy fractions is the standard of care for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) UICC stage III. The Austrian radio-oncological lung cancer study association registry (ALLSTAR) is a prospective multicentre registry intended to document clinical practice at the beginning of the Durvalumab era.
Patients And Methods: Patients were eligible if they had pathologically verified unresectable NSCLC stage III with a curative treatment option.
Background: Food insecurity is a matter of public health concern as it is associated with adverse health outcomes particularly among vulnerable population. Accessibility and availability of nutritious and culturally appropriate food is paramount to achieve zero hunger. To assess the prevalence of household food insecurity, to estimate the household dietary diversity and its association with household food insecurity.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Prevention of early-onset neonatal sepsis (EONS) is a frequent reason why many newborns receive unnecessary antibiotics. The Sepsis Risk Calculator (SRC) was developed by the Kaiser Permanente Institute as a multivariate risk assessment of EONS, aiming to reduce laboratory testing and empiric neonatal antibiotic therapy. Our objective was to assess the potential of the SRC in reducing antibiotic use in our setting.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Activation of coagulation and fibrin deposition in the regenerating liver appears to promote adequate liver regeneration in mice. In humans, perioperative hepatic fibrin deposition is reduced in patients who develop liver dysfunction after partial hepatectomy (PHx), but the mechanism underlying reduced fibrin deposition in these patients is unclear.
Methods And Results: Hepatic deposition of cross-linked (ie, stabilized) fibrin was evident in livers of mice after two-thirds PHx.
Background: Both diabetes mellitus and psychiatric morbidities are widely prevalent diseases which show a discerning upward trend globally. Coexistence of diabetes and psychiatric morbidities usually manifests as impaired quality of life and poor treatment adherence.
Objectives: The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric morbidities among rural diabetic patients and to determine their association with different variables.
Background: In Germany, oral emergency contraception (EC) with the active ingredients levonorgestrel (LNG) and ulipristal acetate (UPA) is available as over-the-counter (OTC) medicine only from community pharmacies (CPs). Because of the window of effect, which is limited to only a few days, CPs have a great responsibility to provide rapid and unimpeded access, while also ensuring "adequate" counseling. The aim was-for the first time in Europe and thus also in Germany for the methodology used in this study-to investigate immediate availability, pricing, and aspects of counseling.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFWe report on photoelectron spectra of SiO nanoparticles ( = 157 ± 6 nm) above the Si 2p threshold in the photon energy range 118-248 eV with electron kinetic energy 10-140 eV and analyze the photoelectron yield as a function of photon energy. Comparison of the experimental results with Monte-Carlo simulations on electron transport allows us to quantify the inelastic mean-free path and mean escape depth of photoelectrons in the nanoparticle samples. The influence of the nanoparticle geometry and electron elastic scattering on photoelectron yields is highlighted.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFCommunity pharmacies (CPs) play a major role in health care delivery. The simulated patient methodology (SPM), which is considered the "gold standard", is recommended for studying CP practice. SPM can be applied in different forms, which include visits and also calls ("mystery calls").
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: In the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) era, healthcare delivery toward patient-centered orientation has gone a paradigm shift. High levels of adherence to treatment and recommended prevention are usually the outcome of perceived patient satisfaction.
Aims: The present study aimed to assess patient satisfaction levels in the COVID-19 era and explore its determinants.
Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among females of all age groups. The diagnosis of cancer itself has a menacing impact on the psychosocial health of an individual leading to various psychiatric comorbidities. This can impact the overall prognosis of cancer patients.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMotivation: Protein sequence alignments are essential to structural, evolutionary and functional analysis, but their accuracy is often limited by sequence similarity unless molecular structures are available. Protein structures predicted at experimental grade accuracy, as achieved by AlphaFold2, could therefore have a major impact on sequence analysis.
Results: Here, we find that multiple sequence alignments estimated on AlphaFold2 predictions are almost as accurate as alignments estimated on experimental structures and significantly closer to the structural reference than sequence-based alignments.
Background: In Germany-as worldwide-headache is one of the most frequent causes of self-medication. The dispensing of over-the-counter (OTC) medications may only be carried out by community pharmacies (CPs). In doing so, CPs have to ensure "adequate" counseling, for both self-purchase and purchase for a third party, which also occurs in everyday pharmacy practice.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: With ever-increasing digitization, the internet has intertwined into the daily lives of users to a large extent. It holds tremendous educational benefits to college students; however, its excessive usage can lead to addiction and even psychological morbidities.
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of internet addiction and its association with various factors including depression, anxiety, and stress.
Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitides (AAV) are severe inflammatory disorders that often involve focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis (FNGN) and consequent glomerular scarring, interstitial fibrosis, and chronic kidney disease. Robust murine models of scarring in FNGN that may help to further our understanding of deleterious processes are still lacking. Here, we present a murine model of severe FNGN based on combined administration of antibodies against the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) and myeloperoxidase (MPO), and bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS), that recapitulates acute injury and was adapted to investigate subsequent glomerular and interstitial scarring.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: Placenta accreta spectrum is a life-threatening condition that has increased dramatically in recent decades along with cesarean rates worldwide. Cesarean hysterectomy is widely practiced in women with placenta accreta spectrum; however, the maternal outcomes after cesarean hysterectomy have not been thoroughly compared with the maternal outcomes after alternative approaches, such as conservative management.
Objective: This study aimed to compare the severe maternal outcomes between women with placenta accreta spectrum treated with cesarean hysterectomy and those treated with conservative management (leaving the placenta in situ).
Background: In Germany, over-the-counter (OTC) medicines for self-medication may only be dispensed by community pharmacies (CPs). From the customer's point of view, "adequate" counseling includes not only the recommendation of medicines that meet guidelines, but also the dispensing of low-priced medicines. This is all the more important in Germany against the background of free pricing and a lack of obligation to display prices.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFTissue-resident macrophages are of vital importance as they preserve tissue homeostasis in all mammalian organs. Nevertheless, appropriate cell culture models are still limited. Here, we propose a novel culture model to study and expand murine primary alveolar macrophages (AMs), the tissue-resident macrophages of the lung, over several months.
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