A search is presented for an extended Higgs sector with two new particles, X and ϕ, in the process X→ϕϕ→(γγ)(γγ). Novel neural networks classify events with diphotons that are merged and determine the diphoton masses. The search uses LHC proton-proton collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV collected with the CMS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChild Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health
December 2024
Background: Numerous studies have investigated the relevance of callous-unemotional traits in relation to externalizing psychopathology among children and adolescents. However, less research has examined the connections between callous-unemotional traits and internalizing psychopathology and findings were inconsistent. Consequently, the present study aimed to elucidate the role of callous-unemotional traits in the context of depression and anxiety while controlling for conduct problems, age, and gender.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFChild Adolesc Psychiatry Ment Health
November 2024
The first search for soft unclustered energy patterns (SUEPs) is performed using an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1} of proton-proton collision data at sqrt[s]=13 TeV, collected in 2016-2018 by the CMS detector at the LHC. Such SUEPs are predicted by hidden valley models with a new, confining force with a large 't Hooft coupling. In events with boosted topologies, selected by high-threshold hadronic triggers, the multiplicity and sphericity of clustered tracks are used to reject the background from standard model quantum chromodynamics.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe first search for the Z boson decay to ττμμ at the CERN LHC is presented, based on data collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}. The data are compatible with the predicted background. For the first time, an upper limit at the 95% confidence level of 6.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFUsing proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of collected by the CMS experiment at , the decay is observed for the first time, with a statistical significance exceeding 5 standard deviations. The relative branching fraction, with respect to the decay, is measured to be , where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic, and the third is related to the uncertainties in and .
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA search for collective effects inside jets produced in proton-proton collisions is performed via correlation measurements of charged particles using the CMS detector at the CERN LHC. The analysis uses data collected at a center-of-mass energy of sqrt[s]=13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}. Jets are reconstructed with the anti-k_{T} algorithm with a distance parameter of 0.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe Bivalent Fear of Evaluation (BFOE) model suggests that Social Anxiety Disorder is not only characterized by fear of negative evaluation (FNE), but also fear of positive evaluation (FPE). While FNE has been firmly established, research of the latter is accumulating. To evaluate the role of the BFOE Model, and particularly FPE, validated measures such as the Fear of Positive Evaluation Scale (FPES) are pivotal.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFComput Softw Big Sci
September 2024
Energy correlators that describe energy-weighted distances between two or three particles in a hadronic jet are measured using an event sample of sqrt[s]=13 TeV proton-proton collisions collected by the CMS experiment and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 36.3 fb^{-1}. The measured distributions are consistent with the trends in the simulation that reveal two key features of the strong interaction: confinement and asymptotic freedom.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFFollowing the tradition of the 16th International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment (ICCE) in Oslo, Norway (2017), and the subsequent 17th ICCE in Thessaloniki, Greece (2019), a follow-up session on higher education in environmental science was organized at the 18th ICCE in Venice, Italy (June 2023). The aim of the session was to stimulate the exchange of experiences and knowledge on graduate and post-graduate level educational programmes, including their development, prioritization, and implementation. The session discussed the integration of practical training activities, which included the integration of environmental chemistry in various bachelor's and master's programmes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe production of ϒ(2S) and ϒ(3S) mesons in lead-lead (Pb-Pb) and proton-proton (pp) collisions is studied in their dimuon decay channel using the CMS detector at the LHC. The ϒ(3S) meson is observed for the first time in Pb-Pb collisions, with a significance above 5 standard deviations. The ratios of yields measured in Pb-Pb and pp collisions are reported for both the ϒ(2S) and ϒ(3S) mesons, as functions of transverse momentum and Pb-Pb collision centrality.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFMissense mutations in cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBP-C) are known to cause hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The W792R mutation in the C6 domain of cMyBP-C causes severe, early onset HCM in humans, yet its impact on the function of cMyBP-C and the mechanism through which it causes disease remain unknown. To fully characterize the effect of the W792R mutation on cardiac morphology and function in vivo, we generated a murine knock-in model.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe first search for singly produced narrow resonances decaying to three well-separated hadronic jets is presented. The search uses proton-proton collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1} at sqrt[s]=13 TeV, collected at the CERN LHC. No significant deviations from the background predictions are observed between 1.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA search is presented for baryon number violating interactions in top quark production and decay. The analysis uses data from proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected with the CMS detector at the LHC with an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}. Candidate events are selected by requiring two oppositely charged leptons (electrons or muons) and exactly one jet identified as originating from a bottom quark.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFAim: Prolonged hospitalisation in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can emotionally tax newborn infants and their families, resulting in developmental adversities and inadequate parent-infant bonding. This study aimed to assess the feasibility and value of the Baby@Home program in reducing prolonged hospital stays.
Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study of 26 infants from a tertiary neonatology department, using qualitative data (gathered through interviews with parents (n = 15) and professionals (n = 5)) and quantitative data (retrieved from medical records and the Luscii application).
Eur Phys J C Part Fields
May 2024
A search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson () with a mass of 125 to a pair of light pseudoscalars is performed in final states where one pseudoscalar decays to two quarks and the other to a pair of muons or leptons. A data sample of proton-proton collisions at corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 recorded with the CMS detector is analyzed. No statistically significant excess is observed over the standard model backgrounds.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe observation of WWγ production in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1} is presented. The observed (expected) significance is 5.6 (5.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA search is reported for near-threshold structures in the J/ψJ/ψ invariant mass spectrum produced in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s]=13 TeV from data collected by the CMS experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 135 fb^{-1}. Three structures are found, and a model with quantum interference among these structures provides a good description of the data. A new structure is observed with a local significance above 5 standard deviations at a mass of 6638_{-38}^{+43}(stat)_{-31}^{+16}(syst) MeV.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe first search for scalar leptoquarks produced in τ-lepton-quark collisions is presented. It is based on a set of proton-proton collision data recorded with the CMS detector at the LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1}. The reconstructed final state consists of a jet, significant missing transverse momentum, and a τ lepton reconstructed through its hadronic or leptonic decays.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFA search for dark matter in events with a displaced nonresonant muon pair and missing transverse momentum is presented. The analysis is performed using an integrated luminosity of 138 fb^{-1} of proton-proton (pp) collision data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV produced by the LHC in 2016-2018. No significant excess over the predicted backgrounds is observed.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFBackground: To cope with the rising number of patients with trauma in an already constrained Dutch health care system, Direct Discharge (DD) has been introduced in over 25 hospitals in the Netherlands since 2019. With DD, no routine follow-up appointments are scheduled after the emergency department (ED) visit, and patients are supported through information leaflets, a smartphone app, and a telephone helpline. DD reduces secondary health care use, with comparable patient satisfaction and primary health care use.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe first evidence for the Higgs boson decay to a Z boson and a photon is presented, with a statistical significance of 3.4 standard deviations. The result is derived from a combined analysis of the searches performed by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations with proton-proton collision datasets collected at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) from 2015 to 2018.
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