Publications by authors named "Lana Vanderlee"

Background: Out-of-home (OOH) food tends to be energy-dense and nutrient-poor. In response, England implemented a mandatory calorie labelling policy in the OOH sector. We evaluated changes in consumer behaviours after the policy was implemented in April 2022.

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Adolescent obesity remains a public health concern, exacerbated by unhealthy food marketing, particularly on digital platforms. Social media influencers are increasingly utilized in digital marketing, yet their impact remains understudied. This research explores the frequency of posts containing food products/brands, the most promoted food categories, the healthfulness of featured products, and the types of marketing techniques used by social media influencers popular with male and female adolescents.

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Background: A better understanding of correlates of sugary drink consumption is essential to inform public health interventions. This study examined differences in perceived healthiness of sugary drinks and related social norms between countries, over time, and sociodemographic groups and associations with sugary drink intake.

Methods: This study used annual cross-sectional data from the International Food Policy Study from 2018 to 2021 in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Mexico.

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  • The commentary discusses findings from a report based on repeated surveys conducted annually from 2019 to 2021 about youth food and nutrition behaviors in several countries including Australia, Canada, and the U.S.
  • It highlights key areas of focus such as dietary sources, food security, perceptions of sugary drinks, and the impact of marketing on young people.
  • The findings underscore the importance of these insights for policymakers aiming to improve adolescent health, while emphasizing the need for continued monitoring of dietary trends and evaluation of nutrition policies.
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Background: Consumption of sugary drinks (SD) among children and adolescents is a prevalent public health issue both within Canada and worldwide. This problem is exacerbated by the powerful marketing of such beverages to youth, which is known to influence a wide range of dietary behaviours.

Methods: A cross-sectional, secondary analysis of the International Food Policy Survey Youth Wave 2019 was conducted to assess the relationship between self-reported exposure to SD marketing within the past 30 days or SD brand advertisements and brand preference and brand recall among youth aged 10-17 from Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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Background: Online food delivery (OFD) platforms offer easy access to an abundance of energy-dense and nutrient-poor takeaway foods and may exacerbate existing unhealthy food environments. Efforts to improve population diets include a range of policy recommendations focused on improving the healthiness of food environments; however, the way in which such policies may apply to OFD platforms is not clear. This paper aimed to synthesise the existing evidence to inform nutrition-related policies applicable to OFD platforms for population health and well-being.

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Objective: Online and lab-based experiments examining the impact of alcohol labels typically test a one-time exposure to labels and assess short-term, non-behavioural outcomes. These studies do not simulate a real-world label dose or assess actual alcohol use. This pilot aimed to develop a new protocol for testing alcohol labels that better reflects real-world exposure by presenting labels on consumers' own alcohol products over time and assessing effects on several outcomes, including alcohol use.

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Objectives: To develop a web-based food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) measuring intake of plant-based protein foods (PBP) among older adults from the province of Quebec, Canada.

Design: The questionnaire was adapted from an existing self-administered FFQ and first underwent expert panel evaluation for face and content validity. Then, three phases of cognitive testing were conducted in French, using the probe and think aloud approaches.

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  • This study explored how children's exposure to sugary beverage advertisements changed during the COVID-19 pandemic across six countries: Australia, Canada, Chile, Mexico, the UK, and the US.
  • Researchers surveyed nearly 29,000 children aged 10-17 from 2019 to 2021 to assess their advertising exposure, screen time, and sugary beverage intake.
  • Findings indicated that while exposure to sugary beverage ads remained stable overall, there was a significant increase in digital ad exposure and a notable shift away from retail ad settings, especially among children attending classes online.
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  • - High consumption of ultra-processed foods and drinks (UPF) is linked to poor diet quality and a greater risk of non-communicable diseases, prompting the need for updated data on UPF intake among different sociodemographic groups in Canada.
  • - A study using data from 5,872 adults indicated that, on average, 45.2% of total daily energy came from UPF, with slightly higher consumption in males (49.4%) and younger adults aged 19-30 (50.0%).
  • - The findings suggest that UPF consumption is notably high across various sociodemographic groups, underscoring the necessity for public policies aimed at reducing UPF intake in the general population.
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  • Local governments play a critical role in establishing healthy, fair, and environmentally sustainable food systems, leading to the development of a new benchmarking tool called Local Food-EPI+.
  • This tool was created by adapting an existing national policy index and includes 61 indicators across 10 key food policy areas to guide local governments in assessing their policies.
  • Pilot testing showed the Local Food-EPI+ tool is practical and effective for helping local governments enhance their food policies, improve community health, and prioritize sustainability actions.
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Background: Food and beverage companies play a central role in shaping the healthfulness of food environments.

Methods: The BIA-Obesity tool was used to evaluate and benchmark the specificity, comprehensiveness and transparency of the food environment-related policies and commitments of leading food and beverage manufacturing and retailing companies in Canada. Policies and commitments related to the healthfulness of food environments within 6 action areas were assessed: 1) corporate nutrition strategy; 2) product (re)formulation; 3) nutrition information and labelling; 4) product and brand promotion; 5) product accessibility; and 6) disclosure of relationships with external organizations.

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Background: Individuals with a lower socioeconomic position (SEP) often have higher intakes of ultraprocessed food (UPF) and lower intakes of minimally processed food (MPF); however, studies have not examined trends in absolute and relative gaps and gradients in UPF and MPF intake using multiple indicators of SEP.

Objectives: We examined within-year absolute and relative gaps and gradients in UPF and MPF intake and trends between 2004 and 2015 according to 6 indicators of SEP among nationally representative samples of adults in Canada.

Methods: Adults (≥18 y) in the Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition 2004 (n = 20,880) or 2015 (n = 13,970) reported SEP (individual and household education, household income adequacy, household food insecurity, neighborhood material and social deprivation) and completed a 24-h dietary recall.

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Background: Body dissatisfaction is associated with poor psychological and physical health, particularly among young people. However, limited data exist on body size perceptions across countries and factors associated with dissatisfaction.

Objective: This study examined dissatisfaction prevalence and associations with sociodemographics and social media use among youth in 6 countries.

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Background: Aguas frescas are Mexican drinks that are typically made with water, sugar, and fruit. Aguas frescas may be a significant component of sugary-drink intake among Mexican and Mexican-American (MA) adults. However, it is unclear whether survey respondents report aguas frescas consumption when it is not specifically queried in standardized beverage frequency instruments.

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Aim: Online food delivery services (OFDS) are popular for purchasing meals prepared outside home, increasing access to energy-dense and nutrient-poor foods. This adversely impacts dietary choices and health outcomes. Our study examined trends in OFDS use in Australia, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US) from 2018 to 2021.

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Background: Marketing of unhealthy foods to children on digital media significantly impacts their dietary preferences and contributes to diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Canadian children spend a significant amount of time on digital devices and are frequently exposed to unhealthy food marketing on social media, including by influencers with celebrity status who endorse products. This study aimed to examine the frequency, healthfulness, and power of unhealthy food marketing in posts by influencers popular with Canadian children on YouTube, Instagram and TikTok.

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Objective: To examine sociodemographic differences in the awareness, understanding, use and effect of nutrition labels among Mexican and Chilean youth.

Methods: Online surveys among youth (10-17 years) were obtained in 2019 (n=2631). Participants reported their awareness, understanding, and use of their country-specific nutrition facts tables (NFT) and front-of-pack labels (FOPL) (Chile: warning labels [WLs]; Mexico: guideline daily amounts [GDA]).

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  • A study tested the effectiveness of health warning labels (HWL) about the alcohol-cancer link on consumer perceptions and intentions regarding ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages, comparing these effects with nutrient content claims (NCC) and nutritional declarations (ND).
  • Over 5,000 Canadian alcohol consumers participated, and findings showed that all label conditions with HWL led to lower perceived healthiness, decreased product appeal, and reduced intentions to buy or consume the product.
  • The HWL alone influenced participants to intend to buy fewer cans in the following week, with the study also noting minimal differences in label effects based on gender and age.
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Mandatory standardized nutritional information on alcoholic drinks such as energy, or calorie labelling, is a population-level public health measure aimed at addressing obesity and alcohol consumption. In the UK, such measures are not a statutory requirement, but some alcohol brands do include references to calories on their products and in their marketing materials, as a marketing strategy to encourage sales and consumption. This article presents findings of semi-structured individual (N = 43) and group (N = 9) interviews with 78 women living in the UK that aimed to gain insight into their attitudes towards calorie-based alcohol brand marketing, and alcohol calorie labelling (ACL) as a health policy.

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Numerous research methodologies have been used to examine food environments. Existing reviews synthesizing food environment measures have examined a limited number of domains or settings and none have specifically targeted Canada. This rapid review aimed to 1) map research methodologies and measures that have been used to assess food environments; 2) examine what food environment dimensions and equity related-factors have been assessed; and 3) identify research gaps and priorities to guide future research.

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Food and beverage marketing influences children's food preferences and dietary intake. Children's diets are also heavily influenced by their family environment. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between parent's self-reported exposure to unhealthy food marketing and a range of outcomes related to children's desire for and intake of unhealthy foods and beverages.

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Deaths attributable to unhealthful eating underscore the need to improve dietary patterns through upstream, policy-led solutions. The approval and successful implementation of food policies is partly determined by their public acceptance. Little is known about public support for food policies in Mexico.

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Background: The traditional cultural food practices of Indigenous people and adults from racial/ethnic minority groups may be eroded in the current food system where nutrient-poor and ultra-processed foods (UPF) are the most affordable and normative options, and where experiences of racism may promote unhealthy dietary patterns. We quantified absolute and relative gaps in diet quality and UPF intake of a nationally representative sample of adults in Canada by Indigenous status and race/ethnicity, and trends between 2004 and 2015.

Methods: Adults (≥18 years) in the Canadian Community Health Survey-Nutrition self-reported Indigenous status and race/ethnicity and completed a 24-h dietary recall in 2004 (n = 20,880) or 2015 (n = 13,970) to calculate Healthy Eating Index-2015 (HEI-2015) scores from 0 to 100 and proportion of energy from UPF.

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