Publications by authors named "Lakomy M"

This paper shows the three-point bending strength analysis of a composite material consisting of polyamide doped with chopped carbon fiber and reinforced with continuous carbon fiber produced by means of the material extrusion (MEX) additive manufacturing technique. For a comparison, two types of specimens were produced: unreinforced and continuous fiber-reinforced (CFR) with the use of carbon fiber. The specimens were fabricated in two orientations that assure the highest strength properties.

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We disclose a Ni-catalyzed cyclization/alkylmetal interception reaction in which products are readily linearized to permit regiodefined alkene dicarbofunctionalization. This method offers a convenient route to access 1,2-oxasilolane heterocycles, 3-hydroxysilanes and 4-arylalkanols with the formation of C(sp)-C(sp) bonds at primary and secondary alkyl carbon centers. In this reaction, a silicon-oxygen (Si-O) bond functions as a detachable linker that can be delinked with several hydride, alkyl, aryl and vinyl nucleophiles to create profusely functionalized 3-hydroxysilanes.

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Increasing the pension age as a dominant solution to population ageing does not bring desirable outcomes, if not accompanied by other essential measures in lifelong learning and fighting age discrimination. Moreover, rapid digitalisation and automation in the labour market bring additional uncertainties for the growing group of older workers. The analysis is based on the SHARE data from Waves 5, 6, and 7 and examines predictors of retirement intentions by two different estimation methods.

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We disclose a palladium-catalyzed difunctionalization of skipped diene with alkenyl triflates and arylboronic acids to produce 1,3-alkenylarylated products. The reaction proceeded efficiently with Pd(acac) as a catalyst and CsF as a base for a wide range of electron-deficient and electron-rich arylboronic acids as well as oxygen-heterocyclic, sterically hindered, and complex natural product-derived alkenyl triflates bearing various functional groups. The reaction produced 3-aryl-5-alkenylcyclohexene derivatives with 1,3--disubstituted stereochemistry.

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We disclose a nickel-catalyzed reaction, which enabled us to difunctionalize unactivated γ,δ-alkenes in ketones with alkenyl triflates and arylboronic esters. The reaction was made feasible by the use of 5-chloro-8-hydroxyquinoline as a ligand along with NiBr ⋅DME as a catalyst and LiOtBu as base. The reaction proceeded with a wide range of cyclic, acyclic, endocyclic and exocyclic alkenyl ketones, and electron-rich and electron-deficient arylboronate esters.

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Open Science is an umbrella term encompassing multiple concepts as open access to publications, open data, open education and citizen science that aim to make science more open and transparent. Citizen science, an important facet of Open Science, actively involves non-scientists in the research process, and can potentially be beneficial for multiple actors, such as scientists, citizens, policymakers and society in general. However, the reasons that motivate different segments of the public to participate in research are still understudied.

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This paper examines the effect of prolonged working careers on subjective quality of life (QoL) in four European regions. The paper tests a basic assumption of the role accumulation theory and the active ageing approach that additional roles, including prolonged working careers, are beneficial for the quality of life of older people. The propensity score matching method was used on data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) for four European regions with distinctive economic, institutional, and cultural contexts connected to paid work.

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The impact of grandparents' employment on grandparental childcare has been examined repeatedly, but the findings have so far been inconsistent. We contend that these inconsistencies may have resulted from variations in model specification and crude measurement of employment status. Furthermore, we assert that earlier research overlooked gender differences in the ability to combine paid employment and caregiving as well as variations between maternal and paternal grandparents.

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The aim of the present study was to investigate potential interrelationships between immune and neural elements of Peyer's patches in normal pigs (n=8) and in pigs infected experimentally with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and suffering from swine dysentery (n=8). Assessment of tissue concentration of neuropeptides by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay revealed increased levels of galanin (GAL) and substance P (SP) in samples from the infected animals. In contrast, concentrations of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and somatostatin (SOM) were similar in both groups.

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Objectives: Noninvasive fetal RHD genotyping from maternal plasma of RhD(/-) pregnant women of Caucasian race may be used for predicting the risk of hemolytic disease because the RHD gene is usually absent in such populations. If detected in plasma of such women, the RHD gene originates from the RhD(+) fetus. The number of fetal copies of the gene in maternal plasma is extremely small.

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Previous immunocytochemical studies provided conflicting data concerning occurrence of the CGRP-immunoreactive neuronal cell bodies in the porcine spinal cord. In the present study, we have investigated expression of the CGRP and its possible coexpression with ChAT in the gray matter of the thoracic, lumbar and sacral spinal cord of the pig. Our study revealed a large number of CGRP-immunoreactive cells in the motor nucleus of the ventral horn, and less and singe perikarya intermediolateral and intermediomedial nuclei, respectively.

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Background: Arrhythmias are frequent causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with single ventricle physiology after Fontan operation. The aim of this study was to evaluate which type of Fontan procedure--lateral tunnel (LT) or extracardiac conduit (EC)--provides superior outcomes related to the problem of early postoperative and 1-year follow-up arrhythmias.

Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the incidence, types, and duration of rhythm disorders in 101 consecutive patients who received either LT (n = 60) or EC (n = 41) between April 1997 and March 2006 in Slovak Children's Cardiac Center, Bratislava (Slovakia).

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Enteric neurons are highly adaptive in their response to various pathological processes including inflammation, so the aim of this study was to describe the chemical coding of neurons in the ileal intramural ganglia in porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE). Accordingly, juvenile Large White Polish pigs with clinically diagnosed Lawsonia intracellularis infection (PPE; n=3) and a group of uninfected controls (C; n=3) were studied. Ileal tissue from each animal was processed for dual-labelling immunofluorescence using antiserum specific for protein gene product 9.

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Aim Of The Study: Evaluation of the incidence and severity of late arrhythmias in patients with predisposing congenital heart defects--either due to the anatomy of the defect itself or as a result of a particular type of surgical intervention.

Patients And Methods: In a retrospective long-term study authors analyzed 158 patients (divided into 5 groups) with congenital heart defects after surgical correction. Evaluated were: the incidence of rhythm disturbances, the type of arrhythmia and the need for medication or intervention.

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Objective: The impact of lymphocyte and immunoglobulin loss on immunologic status has not been extensively studied in children with chylothorax. The purpose of this study was to evaluate immunologic profile of pediatric cardiosurgical patients who developed infection while suffering from prolonged postoperative chylothorax.

Methods: We retrospectively reviewed immunologic findings in 16 pediatric cardiac patients with post-operative chylothorax persisting ?7 days.

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The present study was designed to investigate the expression of biologically active substances by intramural neurons supplying the stomach in normal (control) pigs and in pigs suffering from dysentery. Eight juvenile female pigs were used. Both dysenteric (n = 4; inoculated with Brachyspira hyodysenteriae) and control (n = 4) animals were deeply anaesthetized, transcardially perfused with buffered paraformalehyde, and tissue samples comprising all layers of the wall of the ventricular fundus were collected.

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Background: Although the parasitofauna of wild carnivorous mammals in Poland is quite well recognized, there has been only one research carried on this issue so far in Białowieza Forest--the last lowland primeval forest of temperate zone in Europe.

Material And Methods: Twelve wild and two domestic species of carnivorous mammals are living in Białowieza Forest. In our work faeces or intestines of all of them except ermine (Mustela erminea) have been examined and parasites or their eggs (or oocysts) recorded.

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Previous publications have provided different descriptions of the topographical organization of the facial nucleus of the pig. Since swine is used in biomedical research due to its embryological, anatomical and physiological similarities to human, we have reinvestigated the anatomical organization of the facial nucleus with application of fluorescent retrograde tracer Fast Blue, antibody to choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase histochemistry. Our findings demonstrate that in the porcine medulla facial motoneurons constitute a large cellular group occupying the ventro-lateral medulla.

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In the present study, both the ELISA test and immunohistochemical staining were used to investigate the influence of artificially induced ileitis on the chemical coding of enteric neurons in the pig. The ileum wall in experimental (E) pigs was injected in multiple sites with 4% paraformaldehyde to induce inflammation, while in the control (C) animals, the organ was injected with 0.1M phosphate buffer (pH 7.

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The present study was aimed at disclosing the chemical coding of nerve structures in the porcine ciliary ganglion (CG) using immunohistochemical methods. The substances under investigation included markers of "classical" neurotransmitters, choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DbetaH) as well as neuropeptides, somatostatin (SOM), galanin (GAL), substance P (SP), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY). Immunoreactivity to ChAT and VAChT was found virtually in all the neuronal somata and in numerous intraganglionic, varicose nerve fibres which often formed basket-like formations around the nerve cell bodies.

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Objectives: Thyroid hormone alterations after cardiac surgery may be aggravated by the use of iodine antiseptics. We evaluated thyroid function and ioduria in infants with delayed sternal closure (DSC) who are exposed to povidone-iodine for sternal wound protection and compared them with findings in infants after primary sternal closure.

Design: Prospective clinical study.

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The morphological characteristics of adrenergic and cholinergic innervation are described in the vas deferens of the domestic fowl. Adrenergic innervation was much better developed than the cholinergic. Both types of nerve fibre were found in the muscular membrane, submucosal membrane and in the mucosa.

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