Introduction And Hypothesis: The objective of this video is to describe the technique for laparoscopic implantation of electrodes for bilateral neuromodulation of S3 and pudendal nerves. We report a successful case of a 48-year-old woman with spina bifida occulta referred with a 14-year history of intense acyclic pelvic pain, urinary hesitancy, and intermittent flow refractory to various conservative measures.
Methods: The procedure began with the removal of two previously placed InterStims.
Clin Med Insights Womens Health
January 2015
Introduction: Self-esteem and self-image are psychological aspects that affect sexual function.
Aims: To validate a new measurement tool that correlates the concepts of self-esteem, self-image, and sexuality.
Methods: A 20-question test (the self-esteem/self-image female sexuality [SESIFS] questionnaire) was created and tested on 208 women.