Publications by authors named "Laercio Dias"

We use an information-theoretic measure of linguistic similarity to investigate the organization and evolution of scientific fields. An analysis of almost 20 M papers from the past three decades reveals that the linguistic similarity is related but different from experts and citation-based classifications, leading to an improved view on the organization of science. A temporal analysis of the similarity of fields shows that some fields (e.

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This study aimed to evaluate the potential correlation between the severity of Class II division 1 malocclusion and the magnitude of mesiopalatal rotation of the maxillary first molars. Scanned images of 104 cast models were grouped according to the severity of Class II malocclusion as follows: Group 1, 1/4 Class II malocclusion; Group 2, 1/2 Class II malocclusion; Group 3, 3/4 Class II malocclusion; and Group 4, complete Class II malocclusion. The rotation was measured using parameters described by Henry, Friel, and Ricketts, referred to as indicators 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

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Probe-tack measurements evaluate the adhesion strength of viscous fluids confined between parallel plates. This is done by recording the adhesion force that is required to lift the upper plate, while the lower plate is kept at rest. During the lifting process, it is known that the interface separating the confined fluids is deformed, causing the emergence of intricate interfacial fingering structures.

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Minimal fragmentation of regular polygonal plates.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

September 2014

Minimal fragmentation models intend to unveil the statistical properties of large ensembles of identical objects, each one segmented in two parts only. Contrary to what happens in the multifragmentation of a single body, minimally fragmented ensembles are often amenable to analytical treatments, while keeping key features of multifragmentation. In this work we present a study on the minimal fragmentation of regular polygonal plates with up to 100 sides.

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Minimal fragmentation problem.

Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys

September 2011

As an alternative to the paradigmatic fragmentation problem of a single object crushed into a great number of pieces, we survey a large collection of identical bodies, each one randomly split into two fragments only. While some key features of usual fragmentation are preserved, this minimal approach allows for closed analytical results on both shape abundances and mass distributions for the fragments, with robust power-law regimes. All the results are compared to numerical simulations.

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