Publications by authors named "Labat F"

Organic luminophores displaying one or more forms of luminescence enhancement in solid state are extremely promising for the development and performance optimization of functional materials essential to many modern key technologies. Yet, the effort to harness their huge potential is riddled with hurdles that ultimately come down to a limited understanding of the interactions that result in the diverse molecular environments responsible for the macroscopic response. In this context, the benefits of a theoretical framework able to provide mechanistic explanations to observations, supported by quantitative predictions of the phenomenon, are rather apparent.

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Context: We present a periodic hybrid DFT investigation of the structural and electronic properties of both stoichiometric and oxygen-defective TiO anatase bulk and (101) surface, in singlet and triplet spin states. In all cases, an excellent agreement with available photoelectron spectroscopy data has been obtained, reproducing the offsets of the deep defect levels positions from the conduction band minimum of TiO created upon oxygen vacancy (V) formation. For the bulk, different local structural polaronic distortions around the V site have been evidenced depending on the spin state considered.

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The absorption spectra of polymers derived from ortho, meta and para phenylenediamines (o-PDA, m-PDA and p-PDA) have been simulated combining periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations with time-dependent DFT simulations. These latter have been carried out on finite clusters embedded in a set of point charges devised to exactly reproduce the electrostatic potential of the periodic chains. The results are compared with those obtained for solvated o-PDA, m-PDA and p-PDA oligomers of increasing sizes extracted from the periodic structures.

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In this work, we introduce an electrostatic and non-electrostatic (ENE) correction to the solvation energy based on the Solvent-Accessible Surface Area (SASA) of the solute and the solvent static dielectric constant. The proposed correction was developed for neutral solutes in non-aqueous solvents, considering three different implicit solvation models based on a Self-Consistent Reaction Field treatment of solute-solvent mutual polarization using an Apparent Surface Charge formalism, namely the Integral Equation Formalism of the Polarizable Continuum Model using a continuous surface charge scheme (PCM), the Solvation Model based on solute electron density (SMD), and the generalized Finite-Difference Poisson-Boltzmann (FDPB) model. The proposed correction was parametrized on a diverse training set of 4980 solvation data from the Solv@tum database of experimental solvation energies, and validated on the non-aqueous subset of the MNSOL database comprising 2140 solvation energies.

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We present an extension of a generalized finite-difference Poisson-Boltzmann (FDPB) continuum solvation model based on a self-consistent reaction field treatment to nonaqueous solvents. Implementation and reparametrization of the cavitation, dispersion, and structural (CDS) effects nonelectrostatic model are presented in CRYSTAL, with applications to both finite and infinite periodic systems. For neutral finite systems, computed errors with respect to available experimental data on free energies of solvation of 2523 solutes in 91 solvents, as well as 144 transfer energies from water to 14 organic solvents are on par with the reference SM12 solvation model for which the CDS parameters have been developed.

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We present a generalization of a self-consistent electrostatic embedding approach (SC-Ewald) devised to investigate the photophysical properties of 3D periodic materials, to systems in one- or two-dimensional (2D) reduced periodicity. In this approach, calculations are carried out on a small finite molecular cluster extracted from a periodic model, while the crystalline environment is accounted for by an array of point charges which are fitted to reproduce the exact electrostatic potential (at ground or the excited state) of the infinite periodic system. Periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations are combined with time dependent DFT calculations to simulate absorption and emission properties of the extended system under investigation.

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A periodic hybrid density functional theory computational strategy is presented to model the heterointerface between the methylammonium lead iodide (MAPI) perovskite and titanium dioxide (TiO ), as found in perovskite solar cells (PSC), where the 4-chlorobenzoic acid (CBA) ligand is used to improve the stability and the band alignment at the interface. The CBA ligand acts as a bifunctional linker to efficiently connect the perovskite and the oxide moieties, ensuring the stability of the interface through Ti-O and Pb-Cl interactions. The computed density of states reveals that the perovskite contributes to the top of the valence band while the oxide contributes to the bottom of the conduction band with a direct bandgap of 2.

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In this article, we explore an alternative to the analytical Gauss-Bonnet approach for computing the solvent-accessible surface area (SASA) and its nuclear gradients. These two key quantities are required to evaluate the nonelectrostatic contribution to the solvation energy and its nuclear gradients in implicit solvation models. We extend a previously proposed analytical approach for finite systems based on the stereographic projection technique to infinite periodic systems such as polymers, nanotubes, helices, or surfaces and detail its implementation in the Crystal code.

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Here, we have studied, with a combined experimental and computational approach, the effect of the crystal environment and aggregation on the electronic properties of Pigment Red 179, which affect both its color and optical energy gap. Spectra acquired in the near-infrared and visible range of energies suggest that this molecule is indeed a "cool" dye, which can be employed as a red pigment that provides effective color coverage to different substrates without contributing to their heating during light irradiation. Spectra acquired on different polymer mixtures at different pigment concentrations (i.

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The family of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite (OIHPs) materials is one of the most promising for very high-efficiency photovoltaic solar cell application. In the present work, the effect of a series of self-assembled monolayers placed at the TiO-perovskite junction, on the functioning of triple cation perovskite solar cells has been investigated. We show that employing 4-chlorobenzoic acid leads to the marked boosting of the solar cell performances.

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In this research, the low-temperature single-step electrochemical deposition of arrayed ZnO nanowires (NWs) decorated by Au nanoparticles (NPs) with diameters ranging between 10 and 100 nm is successfully demonstrated for the first time. The AuNPs and ZnO NWs were grown simultaneously in the same growth solution in consideration of the HAuCl concentration. Optical, structural, and chemical characterizations were analyzed in detail, proving high crystallinity of the NWs as well as the distribution of Au NPs on the surface of zinc oxide NWs demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy.

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The modification of metal oxide surfaces with organic moieties has been widely studied as a method of preparing organic-inorganic hybrid materials for various applications. Among the inorganic oxides, ion-exchangeable layered perovskites are particularly interesting, because of their appealing electronic and reactive properties. In particular, their protonated interlayer surface can be easily functionalized with organic groups allowing the production of stable hybrid materials.

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In the past few years, core-shell nanoparticles have opened new perspectives for the optoelectronic applications of semiconductor quantum dots. In particular, it has become possible to localize electrons in either part of these heterostructures. Understanding and controlling this phenomenon require a thorough characterization of the interfaces.

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We present the implementation of an implicit solvation model in the CRYSTAL code. The solvation energy is separated into two components: the electrostatic contribution arising from a self-consistent reaction field treatment obtained within a generalized finite-difference Poisson model, augmented by a nonelectrostatic contribution proportional to the solvent-accessible surface area of the solute. A discontinuous dielectric boundary is used, along with a solvent-excluded surface built from interlocking atom-centered spheres on which apparent surface point charges are mapped.

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Mechanofluorochromic molecular materials display a change in fluorescence color through mechanical stress. Complex structure-property relationships in both the crystalline and amorphous phases of these materials govern both the presence and strength of this behavior, which is usually deemed the result of a mechanically induced phase transition. However, the precise nature of the emitting species in each phase is often a matter of speculation, resulting from experimental data that are difficult to interpret, and a lack of an acceptable theoretical model capable of capturing complex environmental effects.

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A comprehensive theoretical study of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) over B,N-codoped graphene has been carried out in the framework of DFT using two different approaches based on periodic or cluster models. The comparison and integration of the information provided by the two approaches allow achieving a more complete description of the studied phenomena, combining the advantages of both models. On one hand, the analysis of the structure, stability, and electronic properties of this catalyst permits to identify and characterize the active sites and provides insights into the origin of its high catalytic activity that should be found in the synergistic coupling of the opposite effects of the two B and N heteroatoms used as dopants.

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A combined experimental and theoretical study of Mg-doped LaGaO electrolyte was carried out, with the aim to unveil the interaction between oxygen vacancy (Vo) and perovskite B site cations. LaGaO (LG) and LaGaMgO (LGM0125) samples were comprehensively characterized by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray diffraction, in order to investigate short- and long-range structures of both undoped and Mg-doped materials. XAS analysis evidenced a preferential Ga-Vo interaction in LGM0125, confirmed by periodic hybrid density functional theory calculations, which were combined with a symmetry-independent classes (SICs) approach in order to (a) obtain a detailed picture of the different Mg and Vo configurations in the doped material and (b) characterize the structural features of the conducting sites.

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We present hybrid, periodic, spin-polarized density functional theory calculations of antiferromagnetic NiO bulk, of its clean (100) surface and of the binding on this latter of four different organic ligands, relevant for p-type dye-sensitized solar cells (p-DSSC) applications. We find evidence for a strong chemisorption of all ligands to the NiO surface in the form of short interatomic distances between surface Ni atoms and ligand atoms, confirmed by high binding energies. Although the analysis of the impact of the ligand adsorption on the density of states of the NiO substrate reveals significant modifications, the overall picture obtained is in line with the operation principles of p-DSSC in all cases.

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A case study of 1,8-dihydroxy-2-napthaldehyde (DHNA)-exhibiting an excited-state intramolecular double proton transfer resulting in photophysical properties sensitive to the surrounding environment-has been used to assess the performance of electrostatic embedding approaches designed to accurately recover the effects of a bulk crystalline environment on calculated photophysical properties. The first approach, based on time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) applied in a QM/QM' scheme, makes use of a background point charge distribution which can accurately reproduce the exact ground-state Ewald potential of the bulk crystal. The second approach seeks to "optimize" these charges in a self-consistent manner in order to reproduce the electrostatic field produced by the environment at the excited state.

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Objective: To identify potential barriers to patient safety (PS) interventions from the perspective of surgical team members working in an operating theatre in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Design: In-depth interviews were conducted and analysed using qualitative content analysis.

Setting: Governmental referral teaching hospital in Eastern DRC.

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A new computational protocol relying on the use of electrostatic embedding, derived from QM/QM' ONIOM calculations, to simulate the effect of the crystalline environment on the emission spectra of molecular crystals is here applied to the β-form of salicylidene aniline (SA). The first singlet excited states (S1 ) of the SA cis-keto and trans-keto conformers, surrounded by a cluster of other molecules representing the crystalline structure, were optimized by using a QM/QM' ONIOM approach with and without electronic embedding. The model system consisting of the central salicylidene aniline molecule was treated at the DFT level by using either the B3LYP, PBE0, or the CAM-B3LYP functional, whereas the real system was treated at the HF level.

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The diffusion and ionic conductivity of Li x Na1-x CO3 salt mixtures were studied by means of Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations, using the Janssen and Tissen model (Janssen and Tissen, Mol Simul 5:83-98; 1990). These salts have received particular attention due to their central role in fuel cells technology, and reliable numerical methods that could perform as important interpretative tool of experimental data are thus required but still lacking. The chosen computational model nicely reproduces the main structural behaviour of the pure Li2CO3, Na2CO3 and K2CO3 carbonates, but also of their Li/K and Li/Na mixtures.

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A computational protocol that combines periodic and QM/QM' calculations has been applied to investigate the structural (geometrical and electronic) and photophysical absorption properties of the salicylidene aniline (SA) thermochromic molecular crystal. The protocol consists of three different steps, namely (i) the description of the molecular crystal using a periodic approach taking into account dispersion interactions, (ii) the identification of reliable finite models (clusters), and (iii) the calculation of vertical transition energies including environmental effects through the use of an electronic embedding model (QM/QM' ONIOM approach). The encouraging results obtained in this work for the β polymorph of SA, both in terms of accuracy and computational cost, open the way to the simulation and the prediction of the photophysical behavior of other molecular crystals, especially those much less well characterized experimentally.

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Doping ZnO nanowires (NWs) by group IB elements is an important challenge for integrating nanostructures into functional devices with better and tuned performances. The growth of Ag-doped ZnO NWs by electrodeposition at 90 °C using a chloride bath and molecular oxygen precursor is reported. Ag acts as an electrocatalyst for the deposition and influences the nucleation and growth of the structures.

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