Publications by authors named "LIA R"

Control interventions against mosquito larvae are the primary measure to reduce the adult abundance and risk of arbovirus outbreaks in Europe. One of the most commonly used larvicides in Italy is diflubenzuron (DFB), which targets chitin synthase 1 (), interrupting the normal development of larvae into adults. Recent studies identified high levels of DFB resistance in populations from Emilia-Romagna (Italy) associated with I1043L/M/F mutations at position 1043 of the gene.

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Various modelling techniques are available to understand the temporal and spatial variations of the phenology of species. Scientists often rely on correlative models, which establish a statistical relationship between a response variable (such as species abundance or presence-absence) and a set of predominantly abiotic covariates. The choice of the modeling approach, i.

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  • The study focuses on five species of Phortica flies in Europe and the Middle East, particularly Phortica variegata and Phortica okadai, known as vectors for the zoonotic eyeworm Thelazia callipaeda, in a region near Rome, Italy.
  • Over three years (2018-2020), researchers collected and identified nearly 5,600 flies, revealing a dominance of Phortica variegata, which was found to be infected with T. callipaeda, while Phortica oldenbergi showed differing behavior in fruit traps.
  • Environmental factors like temperature, wind speed, and pressure influenced the population dynamics of these species, with the study being the first to explore these ecological interactions
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Background: Within the framework of sustainable and effective control methods for Aedes albopictus, two different conidial suspensions, BbCS-1 and BbCS-2 (respectively without and with nutrients), were used as solvents for the biopolymers water-soluble 2-hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) and sodium alginate (SA). In this way, two different classes of hydrogels were prepared for each polymer (previously shown to attract tiger mosquito oviposition) to produce HEC-based and SA-based Bb/Gel systems with and without nutrients. The aim was to achieve a long-lasting and cost-effective lure-and-kill oviposition substrate useful for lethal ovitraps.

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Equids may be infected by zoonotic Leishmania spp., including Leishmania infantum, in regions where canine leishmaniasis (CanL) is endemic, and Leishmania martiniquensis, which has been reported in horses from Central Europe. This study was designed to evaluate the occurrence of both Leishmania spp.

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  • Modeling approaches help local public health agencies predict mosquito populations but rely on high-quality data.
  • Our study focuses on collecting and standardizing egg count data for the mosquito Aedes albopictus from 2010 to 2022 across several European countries.
  • The processed data is available in the open-access database VectAbundance, improving data access and reliability for public health models.
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ParSCo (Parasitology Summer Course) is an intense, 1-week-long summer course organized by the Parasitology Unit of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bari, Italy, with the support of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), the European Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC) and Parasites and Vectors. The course, which is conducted in southern Italy, is planned for parasitologists and post-graduate students working in the field of parasitology. The course consists of theoretical and practical lessons, which include the collection, identification and diagnosis of parasites of pets, livestock and wildlife.

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The eyeworms of the subgenus infect orbital cavities, conjunctival sacs and lachrymal ducts of many wild birds, being able to cause conjunctivitis. In Brazil, at least 10 species of have been described. Here we present a brief review of cases of () and describe the infection of this parasite in , as a new host record.

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Nematode species of the genus Dracunculus (Spirurida: Dracunculoidea) infect tissues and body cavities of reptiles, domestic and wild carnivores, and humans. The definitive hosts acquire the infection by ingesting intermediate (i.e.

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Coatis () are wild carnivorous well adapted to anthropized environments especially important because they act as reservoirs hosts for many arthropod-borne zoonotic pathogens. Information about filarioids from coatis and associated spp. in Brazil is scant.

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Background: Squamate reptiles cohabiting with companion animals may represent a source of helminth infections, especially through predation by dogs and cats with an outdoor lifestyle.

Methods: In order to assess the role of reptiles as intermediate/paratenic hosts of trophically transmitted helminths, synanthropic reptiles (n = 245) captured from different ecological settings (i.e.

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In recent decades, the number of autochthonous cases and foci of in dogs from southern regions has increased considerably, suggesting that the distribution of the species is not limited to northern Italian regions. This epidemiological picture emerges from case reports or studies in specific locations where outbreaks of heartworm disease have occasionally been reported together with the presence of mosquito vectors. To obtain a more comprehensive picture of the current distribution of .

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The genus Spirocerca includes nematodes that parasitize the stomach and the oesophagus of carnivores, chiefly canids. Herein, we provide new data about the morphological, histopathological, and molecular characterization of Spirocerca sp. in Andean foxes (Lycalopex culpaeus) in Chile.

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Background: The Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), which is an endangered species, harbors several parasites. Among the ectoparasites that it harbors, ear mites of the genus Loxanoetus have the potential to cause external otitis, an inflammation that may also be associated with the presence of other microorganisms. We assessed the relationships between ear mites, nematodes, yeast, bacterial rods, and cocci sampled from the ears of captive Asian elephants in Thailand.

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Background: For a long time known as the oriental eyeworm, Thelazia callipaeda is a zoonotic nematode that infects the eyes of a wide range of vertebrate hosts including dogs, cats, wildlife carnivores, lagomorphs, and humans. The high occurrence of this infection in Europe and the first cases in the United States have increased scientific interest in the parasite, as it also represents a risk for people living in endemic areas. Therefore, treatment and prevention of thelaziosis in canine population are advocated to reduce the risk of human infection as well.

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Although is frequently detected in cats from Mediterranean Europe, information on its biology is still scarce. This cestode is relatively less frequently reported in dogs, possibly because it is often misdiagnosed with the better-known . The occurrence of proglottids in a dog living in a closed environment triggered us to delve into the biology of this cestode by collecting biological samples from lizards and a road-killed cat.

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Background: Colonization of large part of Europe by the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus is causing autochthonous transmission of chikungunya and dengue exotic arboviruses. While pyrethroids are recommended only to reduce/limit transmission, they are widely implemented to reduce biting nuisance and to control agricultural pests, increasing the risk of insurgence of resistance mechanisms. Worryingly, pyrethroid resistance (with mortality < 70%) was recently reported in Ae.

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Pest management is looking for green and cost-effective innovative solutions to control tiger mosquitoes and other pests. By using biomimetic principles and biocompatible/biodegradable biopolymers, it could be possible to develop a new approach based on substrates that selectively attract insects by reproducing specific natural environmental conditions and then kill them by hosting and delivering a natural biopesticide or through mechanical action (biomimetic lure and kill approach, BL&K). Such an approach can be theoretically specialized against tiger mosquitoes (BL&K-TM) by designing hydrogels to imitate the natural oviposition site's conditions to employ them inside a lure and kill ovitraps as a biomimetic oviposition substrate.

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Thelazia callipaeda is a zoonotic nematode parasitizing the eyes of many hosts species, primarily dogs. To date Phortica variegata and Phortica okadai are the only known vectors of this nematode in Europe and China, respectively. In this study we investigated the role played by a third species, Phortica oldenbergi, as vector of T.

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Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM) is a parasitic zoonosis of warm tropical and subtropical areas, although autochthonous cases have been increasingly reported in Western European countries. Data on the prevalence of CLM as an occupational disease in workers exposed to potentially contaminated soil or in close contact with dogs and cats are scant. Herein, we report an autochthonous case of CLM in a dog breeder from southern Italy (Apulia region), along with a systematic literature review describing the risk of CLM infection, mainly according to job categories.

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Purpose: Dermatophagoides spp. (Acariformes; Pyroglyphidae), house dust-mite well known as the causative agent of atopic hypersensitivity and allergy could potentially cause severe dermatitis. Herein we report an uncommon case of scalp dermatitis associated with the presence of Dermatophagoides spp.

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Background: Although type 1 diabetes (T1D) represents one of the most common chronic diseases in pediatric age, few studies on the epidemiology of T1D exist globally and the exact prevalence and incidence rates of the disease are unknown. In many countries, including Italy, national registries are missing.

Methods: This study aims to assess T1D incidence in the pediatric population of the Calabria region (southern Italy) in the period 2019-2021.

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  • Culex pipiens is a prevalent mosquito species in Europe, known for its role in transmitting West Nile virus, which notably caused over 1600 human cases in a 2018 outbreak.
  • A study found significant resistance to the pyrethroid insecticides permethrin and deltamethrin in Italian populations of Cx. pipiens, with mortalities indicating high resistance levels.
  • A genetic mutation linked to this resistance was identified, emphasizing the urgent need for management strategies to tackle insecticide resistance and effectively control mosquito populations and arbovirus transmission in Europe.
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is a zoonotic parasite causing ocular disease in domestic dogs, cats, several wild carnivores, hares, and humans. This nematode is widely distributed in Europe, where it is transmitted by the drosophilid fly . Since the first report of infection in grey wolves () from southern Italy, other cases of thelaziosis have been recorded in this animal species throughout Europe, raising questions about their role in spreading .

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Background: Pest management has been facing the spread of invasive species, insecticide resistance phenomena, and concern for the impact of chemical pesticides on human health and the environment. It has tried to deal with them by developing technically efficient and economically sustainable solutions to complement/replace/improve traditional control methods. The renewal has been mainly directed towards less toxic pesticides or enhancing the precision of their delivery to reduce the volume employed and side effects through lure-and-kill approaches based on semiochemicals attractants.

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