Publications by authors named "L V Neumerzhitska"

Objective: to investigate changes in DNA methylation in bystander and inducer cells during the manifestation ofdirect and rescue bystander effects.

Methods: Separate and co-cultivation of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of 10 conditionally healthy individuals; γ-quantum irradiation (IBL-237C emitter); modified comet electrophoresis method (Comet assay) under neutralconditions using the methylation-sensitive restriction enzyme HpaII; fluorescence microscopy with an automatedcomputer software system for analyzing the results; statistical methods.

Results: The level of DNA methylation in PBL was quantitatively assessed using DNA migration parameters inagarose gel: the length of the comet tail (in μm), the percentage of DNA in the tail part of the comet, and TailMoment (TM), which simultaneously takes into account both the amount of DNA in the tail part of the comet andthe length of the tail.

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Aim: To examine frequencies and spectrum of genomic alterations in Ukrainian patients diagnosed with primary myelofibrosis (PMF).

Materials And Methods: We enrolled 30 Ukrainian patients diagnosed with PMF who were previously tested for usual mutations in mye-loproliferative neoplasms driver genes (JAK2, MPL and CALR). Genomic DNA samples were obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes of these patients.

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