Rev Esp Cir Ortop Traumatol (Engl Ed)
June 2021
Introduction: Knee ostheochondritis dissecans is an osteochondral disease, whose treatment is still debated. The purpose this study was to analyze the patients attached with bioabsorbable nail, assisted by arthroscopy.
Material And Method: Analysis was performed using median and interquartile range (P-P), with a follow-up of 9 patients (10 knees) operated for stage III osteochondral lesions.
Although it has been pointed out that the main cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic are dyslipidemias, hypertension, and cigarette smoking, very few studies have analyzed other risk factors, such as sedentarism and maximal aerobic capacity (VO2 max). The purpose of this study was to evaluate VO2 max and blood lipids (total cholesterol = TC, high density lipoproteins cholesterol = HDL; low density lipoproteins cholesterol = LDL; triglycerides = TG), in 19 diabetics subjects, 19 sedentary and 19 long distance runners. The diabetics of 5-10 years of evolution were non obese (body fat < 28%), and in regular metabolic control (Hb A1 < 12%).
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