Publications by authors named "L N Lourens"

Global warming during the Miocene Climate Optimum (MCO, ∼17-14 million years ago) is associated with massive carbon emissions sourced from the flood basalt volcanism and ocean crustal production. However, the perturbation of tectonic carbon degassing on the interaction between climate change and carbon cycle remains unclear. Here, through time-evolutive phase analysis of new and published high-resolution benthic foraminiferal oxygen (δO) and carbon (δC) isotope records from the global ocean, we find that variations in the marine carbon cycle lead the climate-cryosphere system (δC-lead-δO) on 405,000-year eccentricity timescales during the MCO.

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The purpose was to compare the electromyographic (EMG) activity of the Hang Power Clean (HPC) and Hang Power Snatch (HPS) with the Hang Clean Pull (HCP) and Hang Snatch Pull (HSP). Additionally, the influence of weightlifting expertise (beginner, advanced and elite) on EMG activity was analyzed. Twenty-seven weightlifters (beginner: n = 11, age: 23.

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Superimposed on long-term late Paleocene-early Eocene warming (~59 to 52 million years ago), Earth's climate experienced a series of abrupt perturbations, characterized by massive carbon input into the ocean-atmosphere system and global warming. Here, we examine the three most punctuated events of this period, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 and 3, to probe whether they were initiated by climate-driven carbon cycle tipping points. Specifically, we analyze the dynamics of climate and carbon cycle indicators acquired from marine sediments to detect changes in Earth system resilience and to identify positive feedbacks.

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It has long been hypothesized that climate can modify both the pattern and magnitude of erosion in mountainous landscapes, thereby controlling morphology, rates of deformation, and potentially modulating global carbon and nutrient cycles through weathering feedbacks. Although conceptually appealing, geologic evidence for a direct climatic control on erosion has remained ambiguous owing to a lack of high-resolution, long-term terrestrial records and suitable field sites. Here we provide direct terrestrial field evidence for long-term synchrony between erosion rates and Milankovitch-driven, 400-kyr eccentricity cycles using a Plio-Pleistocene cosmogenic radionuclide paleo-erosion rate record from the southern Central Andes.

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New data on the foraminifers and the regional geological setting of the Trachilos sediments (NW Crete, Greece) from which Gierlinski et al. (Proc Geol Assoc 128: 697-710, 2017) described hominin-like footprints show that the published 6.05 Ma-shallow marine interpretation is incorrect.

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