Publications by authors named "L M Alasio"

HER-2/neu protein expression and gene amplification were analyzed in a series of 85 consecutive breast carcinoma patients entered into an adriamicin/taxol primary chemotherapy trial followed by surgery, 45 of whom underwent pre-treatment fine needle aspirate (FNA). Dual color FISH (fluorescent in situ hybridization) assay revealed high-level HER-2/neu gene amplification in the immunocytochemistry (ICC) indicated 3+ cases and no, low or moderate amplification in the ICC 2+ group, consistent with previous findings in untreated patients series. Results obtained with the ICC assay CB 11 showed higher overall concordance with FISH than did the Herceptest ICC assay, but CB 11 was less accurate than Herceptest in terms of selecting patients suitable for Herceptin treatment, which is currently restricted to ICC 3+/FISH amplified patients.

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Detection of bladder cancer by multitarget multicolour FISH: comparative analysis on archival cytology and paraffin-embedded tissue We have evaluated the possibility of using the same specimen for both cytological diagnosis and multitarget multicolour FISH (MtMcFISH) analysis in order to determine whether the routinely processed specimens used for diagnosis were also suitable for this ancillary procedure. For this purpose 18 positive samples (11 voided urine and seven bladder washings) were selected, together with a representative section of the corresponding immediately previous or subsequent histological specimens. Two negative cytology slides were added as negative controls.

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Diagnosis of lung cancer is reached when the disease had grown to advanced stages in its natural history. Thus, novel molecular markers for early detection and risk assessment are needed. Here we performed a longitudinal study of 20 morphological lesions occurred in the bronchial tree of high-risk patients.

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Accurate and reliable decision making in breast cancer prognosis can help in the planning of suitable surgery and therapy and, generally, optimise patient management through the different stages of the disease. In recent years, several prognostic factors have been used as indicators of disease progression in breast cancer. In this paper we investigate a fuzzy method, namely fuzzy k-nearest neighbour technique for breast cancer prognosis, and for determining the significance of prognostic markers and subsets of the markers, which include histology type, tumour grade, DNA ploidy, S-phase fraction, G0G1/G2M ratio, and minimum (start) and maximum (end) nuclear pleomorphism indices.

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Objective: To assess the performance of the AutoPap Primary Screening System (APSS) (TriPath Imaging, Inc., Burlington, North Carolina, U.S.

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