Publications by authors named "L K Ramaya"

The genetic effects of 238Pu incorporated into male mice were estimated by several tests. The activity of the administered 238Pu nitrate varied from 7 to 1850 Bq/g of body weight. The average alpha-radiation dose absorbed in the testes ranged from 2 to 96 cGy, with a dose rate of 0.

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A study was made of the frequencies of dominant lethal mutations (DLM) in pre- and post-meiotic germ cells, reciprocal translocations (RT) in spermatogonia and abnormal sperm heads (ASH) induced by a single intraperitoneal administration of Na131I with an activity of 1.48-740 kBq/g to male mice. The frequency of DLM was shown to increase only when postmeiotic cells were exposed to the radionuclide.

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