Publications by authors named "L B Glukhova"

Resistance to antimicrobial drugs is an urgent problem not only in public health, but also in animal husbandry. The widespread use of antimicrobials in feed additives is one of the main reasons for the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance in the microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract of farm animals. To characterize antibiotic resistance genes (resistome), we performed metagenomic analysis of the feces of 24 cattle from different regions of Russia, including cows of different breeds and yaks.

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The paper searches for new solutions for the development of highbush blueberry orchards ( L. (1753)) in Western Siberia. All species of the genus display special symbiotic mycorrhizal associations with root systems-ericoid mycorrhiza, which essentially enhances the formation of adventitious and lateral roots.

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The diversity and activity of sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the camel gut remains largely unexplored. An abundant SRB community has been previously revealed in the feces of Bactrian camels (). This study aims to combine the 16S rRNA gene profiling, sulfate reduction rate (SRR) measurement with a radioactive tracer, and targeted cultivation to shed light on SRB activity in the camel gut.

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The microbial community of subsurface environments remains understudied due to limited access to deep strata and aquifers. Coal-bed methane (CBM) production is associated with a large number of wells pumping water out of coal seams. CBM wells provide access to deep biotopes associated with coal-bed water.

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The spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) that are present in livestock manures, which are discharged into the environment, is a severe threat to human and animal health. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene profiling and metagenomic analysis to characterize microbial community composition and antibiotic resistance in a manure storage lagoon from a large-scale swine finishing facility. Manure samples were collected at intervals of two years.

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