Publications by authors named "L A Komarov"

The article presents the results of analysis of specialized medical care of children with life threatening and chronic progressive rare (orphan) diseases resulting in life span shortening or disability. The possibility of medication support of children with rare diseases. The development of patient routing system considering characteristics of particular disease and possibilities of the subjects of the Russian Federation is one of most important directions of enhancement of needed medical care support.

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A novel method for the calculation of the X-ray susceptibility of a crystal in a wide range of radiation wavelengths is described. An analytical interpolation of one-electron wave functions is built to approximate the solution to Hartree-Fock equations for all atoms and ions of the periodic system of elements with high accuracy. These functions allow the calculation of the atomic form factors in the entire range of a transmitted momentum as well as the description of their anisotropy taking into account external and intracrystalline fields.

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