Objectives: We aimed to investigate the common mechanisms in restless legs syndrome (RLS) and overactive bladder (OAB), the prevalence of OAB in RLS, and the effects of RLS treatment on OAB.
Methods: Sixty patients newly diagnosed with RLS and 60 healthy individuals in the control group were included in the study. The patients completed the RLS-Severity Rating Scale and were started on pramipexole for treatment.
Ethiop J Health Sci
November 2023
Background: There is only limited data in the literature showing the effect of anesthesia methods on the success of retrograd intrarenal surgery. The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate retrograd intrarenal surgery cases performed under spinal and general anesthesia in terms of effectiveness, cost, hospitalization time and complications.
Methods: A total of 337 patients who underwent retrograd intrarenal surgery due to kidney stones between 2014 and 2019 were retrospectively evaluated.
Background/aim: We evaluate whether transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy might lead to spillage of tumor cells into peripheral blood as a result of disruption of the epithelial barrier and ultimately result in metastasis.
Materials And Methods: Eighty-eight patients underwent TRUS-guided prostate needle biopsy due to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) increase or abnormal digital rectal examination at the Samsun Research and Training Hospital (Samsun, Turkey) between April 2016 and September 2018. Approximately 10 mL of whole blood was collected from patients before, 1 week after, and 1 month after biopsy.
Actas Urol Esp (Engl Ed)
November 2019
Objective: To evaluate the variables of cystic renal lesions to predict the renal tumors.
Study Design: An observational study.
Place And Duration Of Study: Urology Department, Ankara Yüksek Ihtisas, Samsun Research and Training Hospitals, Turkey, from January 2013 to June 2017.