Purpose: This study is to determine the diagnostic utility of optimal recording electrode placement for distal latency comparison of median-second lumbrical and ulnar-interossei/third lumbrical (M2L-UI3L) in carpal tunnel syndrome.
Methods: Sixty-five hands of control and 75 hands of 62 clinically suspected carpal tunnel syndromes were used for the M2L-UI3L and standard conduction studies. To obtain optimal M2L-UI3L, the recording active electrode (E1) was placed at the midpalm over the third metacarpal bone, whereas the reference electrode (E2) was attached to the palmar digital crease area.
Background: γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) plasticity plays an important role in stroke motor recovery in a mouse model. However, little is known about changes over time in neuronal excitability mediated by GABA receptors in human stroke patients.
Objectives: To establish the mechanism of neuroplasticity during the recovery phase following ischemic stroke by assessing the changes in cerebral GABA activity using [(18)F]flumazenil ([(18)F]FMZ) positron emission tomography (PET).