Objective: To compare the recovery after anaesthesia with isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane in dogs undergoing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain.
Study Design: Prospective, randomized clinical trial.
Animals: Thirty-eight dogs weighing 23.
Rapid recovery from anaesthesia is advantageous in small ruminants, to reduce the risk of regurgitation. Theoretically, the least soluble inhalation agents should result in the fastest recoveries, but using additional injectable agents may negate this advantage. This study compared three inhalation agents for the maintenance of anaesthesia in sheep.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObservations: A pony undergoing elective castration accidentally received an overdose of IV detomidine (200 microg kg(-1)) before anaesthesia was induced with ketamine and midazolam. A further 100 microg kg(-1) IV dose of detomidine was administered during anaesthesia. The mistake was recognized only when the animal failed to recover from anaesthesia in the expected time.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To determine whether hyoscine has a sparing effect on the volume of dobutamine required to maintain mean arterial pressure (MAP) at 70 mmHg in horses anaesthetized with halothane.
Study Design: Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial.
Animals: Twenty adult horses weighing 507 +/- 97 kg (mean +/- SD), aged 10 +/- 5 years.
Objective: To compare minimum fresh gas flow (V(min)) requirements and respiratory resistance in the Uniflow and Bain anaesthetic breathing systems used in the Mapleson D mode. Animals Seven pigs, aged 8-12 weeks, anaesthetized for ophthalmic surgery.
Materials And Methods: Anaesthesia was maintained with halothane delivered in oxygen using a (Mapleson D) Bain breathing system.
Reasons For Performing Study: Currently available sedatives depress cardiopulmonary function considerably; therefore, it is important to search for new, less depressive sedatives. The study was performed to assess duration and intensity of cardiopulmonary side effects of a new sedative, dexmedetomidine (DEX), in horses.
Objectives: To study pharmacokinetics and cardiopulmonary effects of i.
Reasons For Performing Study: To search for long-term total i.v. anaesthesia techniques as a potential alternative to inhalation anaesthesia.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To evaluate the effect of ephedrine on intramuscular blood flow and hemodynamic parameters during equine anesthesia.
Study Design: Prospective experimental study.
Animals: Six healthy adult Welsh Mountain ponies (five males, one female, mean weight: 267 kg, range: 213-347 kg).
Objective: To determine cardiopulmonary effects of total IV anesthesia with propofol and medetomidine in ponies and effect of atipamezole on recovery.
Animals: 10 ponies.
Procedure: After sedation was induced by IV administration of medetomidine (7 microg/kg of body weight), anesthesia was induced by IV administration of propofol 12 mg/kg) and maintained for 4 hours with infusions of medetomidine (3.
Objective: To determine the minimal infusion rate of propofol in combination with medetomidine for long-term anesthesia in ponies and the effects of atipamezole on recovery.
Animals: 12 ponies.
Procedure: Ponies were sedated with medetomidine (7 microg/kg of body weight, IV).
The minimum alveolar concentration of desflurane when combined with a continuous infusion of medetomidine at 3.5 microg/kg/hour was measured in seven ponies. Anaesthesia was induced with medetomidine (7 microg/kg intravenously) followed by ketamine (2 mg/kg intravenously) and maintained with desflurane in oxygen.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe aim of this study was to determine whether any pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic differences exist in goats between propofol in its currently licensed form (Disoprivan) and a new 1% solution of propofol (NSP) containing polysorbate 80. Nine goats received, on two different occasions in a randomized double-blinded order, 4 mg/kg propofol intravenously (i.v.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe pharmacokinetics of intravenous (i.v.) medetomidine (7 mcg kg(-1)) were best described by a two-compartment model in five ponies.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFVet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract
May 1999
Desflurane and sevoflurane, recently licensed for use in humans, have kinetics that result in rapid induction and easy maintenance of a stable level of anesthesia. Recovery is also rapid. Cardiopulmonary effects are similar to those of isoflurane.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFClenbuterol (0.8 microg kg(-1) intravenously) was investigated in ponies (small horses) anaesthetised with acepromazine, detomidine and thiopentone, then halothane in oxygen alone (hyperoxic group) or with nitrous oxide (hypoxic group). Following instrumentation, ponies were placed in dorsal recumbency for 60 minutes, clenbuterol (both groups) or a saline control (hyperoxic group) given, and cardiopulmonary parameters monitored for a further 60 minutes.
View Article and Find Full Text PDFThe effects on intramuscular blood flow and cardiopulmonary parameters of changing from anaesthesia with halothane to isoflurane and vice versa were investigated in six ponies (small horses). Anaesthesia was induced with xylazine, ketamine and diazepam, maintained for one hour with halothane at an end tidal concentration of 1 per cent and then with isoflurane at 1.5 per cent for a further hour (halo/iso).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To determine the safety and cost effectiveness of single chamber atrial pacing in patients with sinus node disease.
Design: Retrospective follow up study.
Setting: Tertiary referral centre.
Medetomidine was administered to sheep and horses at a dose rate of 5 microg kg(-1) (i.v.).
View Article and Find Full Text PDFObjective: To evaluate the effect on intramuscular blood flow (IMBF) and hemodynamic variables of 4 antihypotensive agents given during anesthesia.
Animals: 8 ponies.
Procedure: Halothane-anesthetized ponies (n = 6) positioned in lateral recumbency received, on separate occasions, infusions of each of the following 4 agents in serially increasing dosages or saline solution: phenylephrine hydrochloride (0.