Publications by authors named "Kusumota Luciana"

Background: The increase in life expectancy has contributed to an increase in the number of older people, but this population has to learn to live with at least one chronic illness. Thus, hope has become an important resource for the older adult to face the repercussions of chronic illness.

Objective: To synthesise qualitative evidence on the experience of hope in older people with chronic illness.

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(1) Background: Resilience has been presented as a potential protective factor to be promoted in difficult experiences in older people. However, further clarification of the concept of resilience for this population is required, as this is of critical interest for nursing care. (2) Aim: To develop the concept of resilience in older people to establish the elements that refer to the nursing outcome.

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Happiness is related to longevity and better health; nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge about the construct, understood as subjective well-being (SWB), of older adults undergoing hemodialysis. This cross-sectional study investigated the extent to which hemodialysis treatment affects the SWB of older adults, compared to non-dialysis older adults. Regarding this, a total of 126 participants have interviewed: all the older adults in the hemodialysis service, 42 patients, from a city in Brazil, and 84 older adults from the Community, age- and gender-matched, predominantly men (64.

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Objective: to synthesize knowledge about the use of social media and the perception of loneliness and/or social isolation in older adults.

Method: integrative literature review with primary studies published in full, in Portuguese, English or Spanish, between September 2014 and July 2020 in the databases: American Psychological Association Database, Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature databases, Web of Science and PubMed.

Results: 11 articles were included, categorized based on the types of technologies: "the use of the Internet", encompassing social networking sites, the internet and applications; "communication devices", with the use of smartphones, tablets and iPads and "types of communication" covering the use of interpersonal means of communication in the digital age, such as video calls and emails.

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Objective: to analyze the relationship between affective and sexual experiences and the intensity of physical and psychological symptoms of older adults.

Methods: observational, cross-sectional and analytical study, guided by the STROBE tool, carried out in a geriatric outpatient clinic. Sociodemographic and health questionnaire, Affective and Sexual Experiences Scale for Elderly, Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale were used.

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Objective: to evaluate the contribution of an instructional module identifying the number and characteristics of lymph nodes by undergraduate nursing students.

Method: an experimental, randomized, controlled and masked study using an instructional module for intervention. The 68 students who made up the control group or the experimental group performed the prototype lymph node palpation in the initial and final phases, following the free registration of the characteristics and number of these structures.

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The objective of this article is to determine the relationship between frailty and socio-demographic/clinical characteristics in patients with chronic kidney disease on dialysis. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 107 participants. Descriptive, correlation and logistic regression analyses were performed, with the level of significance set to 5% (p < 0.

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Objective: to analyze the factors associated to chronic kidney disease in people living with HIV (PLHIV).

Method: a paired case-control study (4 controls for each case) carried out in a specialized care service in the Southeastern of Brazil, by analyzing PLHIV medical records. The sample consisted of 85 participants, corresponding to 17 cases and 68 controls.

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Objective: to analyze the relation between resilience and demographic variables, quality of life and symptoms of depression in elderlies attended at a Geriatric Outpatient Clinic.

Method: analytical cross-sectional study, conducted with 148 elderlies, with a questionnaire of sociodemographic and health characterization, the Resilience Scale, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Bref, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Old, and the Center for Epidemiologic Survey - Depression Scale. Descriptive statistics, Student's t-test and Pearson correlation were used for data analysis.

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Objective: to analyze the impact of an educational and motivational intervention for patients with a chronic kidney disease, undergoing hemodialysis treatment, on the control of fluid intake during interdialytic periods.

Method: a quasi-experimental, non-randomized clinical trial with patients from a Nephrological Unit of the State of São Paulo. Participants were included in two groups: Control Group with 106 patients and Intervention Group with 86 patients, totaling 192 participants.

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Objective: To describe the experience of using participatory photographic research methods to engage nurses and researchers in a collaborative study to improve medication safety conditions, particularly in patients with feeding tubes in a nursing home for the elderly (NHE).

Method: This qualitative study was conducted in Brazil and proceeded in iterative phases of visual and textual data collection and analysis. Interviews, subsequent nurse-led photo-narrated walkabouts, and photo elicitation were used with nurses.

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Contamination by metals and microbiological agents in hemodialysis water can cause clinical intercurrences in hemodialysis patients. Evaluating and assuring minimum levels of contamination from metals and microorganisms in hemodialysis water can improve patient safety. The objective of this study was to assess hemodialysis water quality in a major tertiary hospital in Brazil and investigate the relationship between hemodialysis water quality and clinical intercurrences in hemodialysis patients.

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Unlabelled: Cognitive impairment and dementia commonly occur in individuals with chronic kidney disease, especially in advanced stages, but are still poorly diagnosed.

Objective: To evaluate the cognitive ability of patients with chronic kidney disease on hemodialysis and its relationship with sociodemographic and clinical characteristics.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a Renal Replacement Therapy Unit in the interior of the State of São Paulo involving 99 patients.

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Objective:: To describe the quality of life (QOL) of elderly people with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in conservative treatment, correlating it with sociodemographic and health-related aspects.

Method:: This is a quantitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive study that used: a previously validated instrument for data collection; the WHOQOL-BREF and WHOQOL-OLD QOL scales; and the Mini-Mental State Examination.

Results:: Thirty-five elderly people (54.

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Objective: To identify the main nursing diagnoses (NSs) in older adult patients under hemodialysis treatment.

Method: Exploratory research using case studies in data collection performed by interview and physical examination of older adults, in the first semester of 2016. Were included twenty-eight older adults undergoing chronic hemodialysis treatment who met the selection criteria.

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Objective:: To analyze the relationship between spiritual well-being, sociodemographic, economic, religious, and health variables and the quality of life of older adults undergoing hemodialysis.

Method:: This was a cross-sectional and correlational study conducted with 169 older adults undergoing hemodialysis. The researchers conducted interviews to collect sociodemographic, economic, religious, and health data and applied the Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWBS) and the WHO quality of life assessment (WHOQOL-BREF and WHOQOL-OLD).

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Background: The number of elderly caregivers is increasing in the world. It is important to know the attitudes toward the elderly, because they can influence a range of behaviors. Our aim was to determine factors associated with attitudes toward the elderly in a sample of older carers.

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An integrative literature review examining the relationship of the spiritual and religious dimensions in quality of life (QoL) to the health of patients with chronic kidney disease was conducted. Questions included: "What is the relationship of the religious and spiritual dimension with QoL and health of people with chronic kidney disease (CKD)?" and "How does religious and spiritual coping influence the patient with CKD?" From the studies selected for review, it appears patients' spiritual and religious dimensions can positively influence the patients' QoL, increase their survival rate, and improve their health status.

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Objective: to analyze the relationship between the distress of the family caregiver and the presence of neuropsychiatric symptoms in elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease or mixed dementia.

Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted in the Geriatric and Dementias Clinic of a general tertiary hospital, with 96 elderly people with Alzheimer's disease or mixed dementia and their family caregivers. Questionnaires to characterize the elderly and caregivers, and the Neuropsychiatric Inventory were used.

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Objective: to characterize deaths that occurred, and the association between socio-demographic, clinical, laboratory variables and health-related quality of life and the outcome of death in patients on peritoneal dialysis, over a two year period after an initial assessment.

Method: observational, prospective population study with 82 patients on peritoneal dialysis. The instruments used for the first stage of data collection were the mini-mental state examination, a sociodemographic, economic, clinical and laboratory questionnaire and the Kidney Disease and Quality of Life-Short Form.

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Objective: to analyze the complications related to peritonitis and catheter exit-site infections, in patients on peritoneal dialysis at home.

Method: quantitative and cross-sectional study, carried out with 90 patients on peritoneal dialysis at home, in a municipality in the Northeast region of Brazil. For data collection, it was used two structured scripts and consultation on medical records.

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Objective: to describe the contributions of clinical simulation for learning cognitive and procedural attributes through debriefing, from the perspective of nursing students.

Method: descriptive exploratory study. Twenty nursing undergraduate students from a university in the interior of the state of São Paulo participated in this study.

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Objective: To compare the level of anxiety and performance of nursing students when performing a clinical simulation through the traditional method of assessment with the presence of an evaluator and through a filmed assessment without the presence of an evaluator.

Methodology: Controlled trial with the participation of Brazilian public university 20 students who were randomly assigned to one of two groups: a) assessment through the traditional method with the presence of an evaluator; or b) filmed assessment. The level of anxiety was assessed using the Zung test and performance was measured based on the number of correct answers.

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Objective: to examine the transition of care in families caring for elderly persons who suffered the first episode of a cerebrovascular accident.

Methodology: an instrumental ethnographic case study was used. The sample comprised 20 subjects: 10 caregivers and 10 elderly persons aged 65 or over, of both sexes, with diagnoses of first episode of cerebrovascular accident, capable of communicating, and requiring care from a main carer in their family.

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Purpose: This study has described and analysed the functional independence of the patients served in the haemodialysis services of a countryside town in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM).

Method: The population considered was that of 214 patients being treated with haemodialysis, assessed in 2011, by means of a social, demographic and clinical report, a Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and also the FIM.

Results: The mean age of the population under study was 58.

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