J Intercult Ethnopharmacol
April 2017
Aim: This study aimed to document the traditional knowledge of medicinal plants and antimicrobial validation of used by Yanadi tribe of Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Materials And Methods: The study was mainly focused on documentation of medicinal plants used by Yanadi tribe to treat different diseases with a standard questionnaire. These plants were cross-checked in Dr.
Aim: Ethnomedicinal studies on medicinal plants used by Yanadi tribe of Chandragiri reserve forest area are documented during the period of 2014-2015. The study is mainly focused on medicinal importance of plants used by Yanadi tribe to treat various ailments.
Materials And Methods: The information collected on treated ailments, part used, preparation, combination, and addition of ingredients to prepare herbal medicines with the help of standard questionnaire.