Publications by authors named "Kulikov S"

Introduction: Prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is one of the most common diseases of elderly and senile men. Its natural "evolution" leads to an increase in deformity disorders, gradual decompensation of the bladder and the progression of CKD. If the morphogenesis of BPH, as well as the patterns of adaptive and pathological restructuring of the lower urinary tract are described in the literature, then there is practically no evidence of adaptive processes in the prostate itself against the background of the growth of hyperplasia nodes.

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Tumor cells of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) may have various genetic abnormalities. Some of them lead to a complete loss of certain genes. Our aim was to reveal biallelic deletions of genes in Ph-negative T-ALL.

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Multiple myeloma (MM) is a disease characterized by spatiotemporal heterogeneity of tumor clones. Different genetic aberrations can be observed simultaneously in tumor cells from different loci, and as the disease progresses, new subclones may appear. The role of liquid biopsy, which is based on the analysis of tumor DNA circulating in the blood plasma, continues to be explored in MM.

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Antimicrobial activity of chitosan in protein-rich media is of a particular interest for various protein-based drug delivery and other systems. For the first time, bacteriostatic activity of chitosan derivatives in the presence of caseinate sodium (CAS) was studied and discussed. Complexation of chitosan derivatives soluble in acidic (CH and RCH) or alkalescent (RCH) media with CAS was confirmed by fluorescent spectroscopy, turbodimetry, light scattering data and measurement of electrical potentials of CAS/chitosan derivative complexes.

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The landscape of chromosomal aberrations in the tumor cells of the patients with B-ALL is diverse and can influence the outcome of the disease. Molecular karyotyping at the onset of the disease using chromosomal microarray (CMA) is advisable to identify additional molecular factors associated with the prognosis of the disease. Molecular karyotyping data for 36 patients with Ph-negative B-ALL who received therapy according to the ALL-2016 protocol are presented.

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Introduction: The increase in the proportion of people with various urinary disorders, which are based on anatomical and functional bladder remodeling due to aging, is currently un-deniable. This problem becomes more relevant due to the elevation in life expectancy. At the same time, the features of bladder remodeling, in particular, the structural changes of its vascular bed, are still practically not described in the literature.

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Background: Patients with hematologic diseases are at higher risk of the SARS-CoV-2 infection and more severe clinical outcomes of the coronavirus disease. CHRONOS19 is an observational prospective cohort study with the aim to determine the short and longer-term clinical outcomes, risk factors for disease severity and mortality, and rates of postinfectious immunity in patients with malignant and nonmalignant hematologic diseases and COVID-19.

Patients And Methods: Overall, 666 patients were enrolled in the study, of which 626 were included in the final data analysis.

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Thrombosis is an extremely dangerous complication in elderly patients with COVID-19. Since the first months of the pandemic, anticoagulants have been mandatory in treatment protocols for patients with COVID-19, unless there are serious contraindications. We set out to discover if genetic thrombophilia factors continue to play a triggering role in the occurrence of thrombosis in patients with COVID-19 with prophylactic or therapeutic anticoagulants.

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Many genetic markers are known to distinguish tumor cells from normal. Genetic lesions found at disease onset often belong to a predominant tumor clone, and further observation makes it possible to assess the fate of this clone during therapy. However, minor clones escape monitoring and become unidentified, leading to relapses.

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Measurable residual disease (MRD) is a well-known independent prognostic factor in acute leukemias, and multicolor flow cytometry (MFC) is widely used to detect MRD. MFC is able not only to enumerate MRD accurately but also to describe an antigen expression profile of residual blast cells. However, the relationship between MRD immunophenotype and patient survival probability has not yet been studied.

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Сomplexation of oligochitosan (OCHI) having the degree of acetylation (DA 26 %) with sodium caseinate (SC) at pH 5.8 and 7.2 is described and compared with the complexation of OCHI (DA 2 %) at pH 5.

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Primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBCL) is the only non-Hodgkin's lymphoma variant responding to immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) therapy, approximately in half of the cases; however, no molecular markers predicting a response to ICI therapy in PMBCL have been described so far. In this study, we assessed the incidence of the loss of heterozygosity (LOH), elevated microsatellite alteration at selected tetranucleotides (EMAST), and microsatellite instability (MSI) in the tumor genomes of 72 patients with PMBCL undergoing high-dose chemotherapy treatment at the National Research Center for Hematology (Moscow, Russia). Tumor DNA was isolated from biopsy samples taken at diagnosis.

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Unlabelled: During typical radiology resident conferences, faculty presents images of a disease at a single juncture followed by relevant teaching points; however, the current generation of learners poses unique challenges given different learning preferences. We thus sought to demonstrate the benefits of a novel interactive case-based learning method following a patient through their disease. Twenty-four trainees completed an interactive glioblastoma module along with pre- and post-surveys.

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Despite the introduction of new technologies in molecular diagnostics, one should not underestimate the traditional routine methods for studying tumor DNA. Here we present the evidence that short tandem repeat (STR) profiling of tumor DNA relative to DNA from healthy cells might identify chromosomal aberrations affecting therapy outcome. Tumor STR profiles of 87 adult patients with de novo Ph-negative ALL (40 B-ALL, 43 T-ALL, 4 mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL)) treated according to the "RALL-2016" regimen were analyzed.

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Molecular interaction of chitosan with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is a more complicated process than it has been imagined so far. For the first time it has been shown that the shorter chitosan chains are, the more preferably they interact with the SDS and the larger-in-size microparticles they form. The influence of ionic strength, urea and temperature on microparticles formation allows interpreting the mechanism of microparticles formation as a cooperative electrostatic interaction between SDS and chitosan with simultaneous decrease in the surface charge of the complexes initiating the aggregation of microparticles.

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Aim: To analyze the results of treatment in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) within protocols AML-17 and modified AML-17 (mOML-17) as part of two consecutive pilot studies in order to develop the best treatment strategy for AML patients aged below 60 years.

Materials And Methods: The study included 89 AML patients who were aged below 60 years and received treatment within the AML-17 and mOML-17 protocols. Cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies were performed in all patients.

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Purpose: The purpose of the study was to show the outstanding contribution of Elena Alexandrovna Timofeeva-Resovskaya (1898-1973) to the development of radiobiology.

Materials And Methods: We reviewed the author's memoirs and materials from the personal archive, as well as literary and electronic sources.

Results And Conclusions: For the first time the autobiography of Elena A.

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(Janus kinase 2) V617F, (Calreticulin) exon 9, and (receptor for thrombopoietin) exon 10 mutations are associated with the vast majority of Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). These mutations affect sequential stages of proliferative signal transduction and therefore, after the emergence of one type of mutation, other types should not have any selective advantages for clonal expansion. However, simultaneous findings of these mutations have been reported by different investigators in up to 10% of MPN cases.

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We report the data on 15 women who presented with Ph-negative acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) between Jan 2009 until Dec 2016 and who were treated on the prospective multicenter RALL-2009 clinical trial. A comparison of their outcome was made with 129 non-pregnant females who entered the study and were treated by the same schedule. 10-years OS for pregnant and non-pregnant women was 58.

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Aim: Reveal morphological and immunohistochemical predictors of reversibility of dialysis-dependent acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with myeloma cast nephropathy (MCN) based on the study of kidney biopsy.

Materials And Methods: Renal pathological findings were studied in 36 patients with MCN and dialysis-dependent stage 3 AKI (AKIN, 2012). The study of biopsy samples was performed by a semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis using computer morphometry.

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Aim: Analysis of the effectiveness of the MSCs aministration as the second- or third-line therapy of acute GVHD (aGVHD) resistant to glucocorticosteroid treatment.

Materials And Methods: The study included 35 patients who received MSCs obtained from the bone marrow of healthy donors as a treatment of steroid-resistant aGVHD. The clinical parameters of patients, MSCs cultural characteristics, the MSC expression profile for various genes including those involved in immunomodulation, expression of cells surface markers, the source of MSCs, as well as the frequency and number of MSC administrations were analyzed.

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Treatment programs for patients with acquired aplastic anemia include two main therapeutic options: allogeneic bone marrow transplantation and combined immunosuppressive therapy (IST). However, combined IST remains the method of choice for most adult AA patients. This study included 120 AA patients who received IST at the National Research Center for Hematology in 20072016.

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Aim: Remission induction can be associate, with the life threatening complications and transfer to ICU of de novo acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients (pts). We evaluate influence of transfer to ICU and life threatening complication on early mortality and long - tram survival of de novo AML pts.

Materials And Methods: Retrospective study.

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Introduction: Russia took part in the multicenter population-based study (Europe) and included 6.8% adult patients with newly diagnosed chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). The objective of this study was to analyze the mortality in the Russian cohort of patients with newly diagnosed CML in the EUTOS PBS observational study.

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Background: Ionizing radiation is a known cause of female breast cancer, but there have been few studies of the risk after prolonged radiation exposure at low dose rates.

Methods: This population-based case-control study estimated breast cancer risk after ∼25 years' exposure to radiation from the Chernobyl accident. Cases (n = 468) were women ≤55 years old when first diagnosed with invasive breast cancer during October 2008 through  February 2013, who lived in Bryansk Oblast, Russia at the time of the accident and their diagnoses.

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