Publications by authors named "Kuang-Hung Liu"

Introduction: Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) remains a challenge in the TB program of Taiwan, where 0.5% of new cases and 2.1% of previously treated cases were resistant to at least rifampin (RIF) and isoniazid (INH).

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Unlabelled: For facilitating tuberculosis (TB) control, we used a whole-genome sequencing (WGS)-based approach to delineate transmission networks in a country with an intermediate burden of TB. A cluster was defined as isolates with identical genotypes, and an outbreak was defined as clustered cases with epidemiological links (epi-links). To refine a cluster predefined using space oligonucleotide typing and mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit variable tandem repeat typing, we analyzed one pansusceptible TB (C1) and three multidrug-resistant (MDR)-TB (C2-C4) clusters from different scenarios.

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Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) posed challenges to global TB control. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is recommended for predicting drug resistance to guide DR-TB treatment and management. Nevertheless, data are lacking in Taiwan.

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The heterothallic basidiomycetous fungus has two mating types, and α. Morphological progression of bisexual reproduction in is as follows: yeast to hyphal transition, filament extension, basidium formation, meiosis, and sporulation. Cdk-related kinase 1 () is a negative regulator of bisexual mating.

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The autofocus problem in synthetic aperture radar imaging amounts to estimating unknown phase errors caused by unknown platform or target motion. At the heart of three state-of-the-art autofocus algorithms, namely, phase gradient autofocus, multichannel autofocus (MCA), and Fourier-domain multichannel autofocus (FMCA), is the solution of a constant modulus quadratic program (CMQP). Currently, these algorithms solve a CMQP by using an eigenvalue relaxation approach.

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Autofocus algorithms are used to restore images in nonideal synthetic aperture radar imaging systems. In this paper, we propose a bilinear parametric model for the unknown image and the nuisance phase parameters and derive an efficient maximum-likelihood autofocus (MLA) algorithm. In the special case of a simple image model and a narrow range of look angles, MLA coincides with the successful multichannel autofocus (MCA).

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Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging suffers from image focus degradation in the presence of phase errors in the received signal due to unknown platform motion or signal propagation delays. We present a new autofocus algorithm, termed Fourier-domain multichannel autofocus (FMCA), that is derived under a linear algebraic framework, allowing the SAR image to be focused in a noniterative fashion. Motivated by the mutichannel autofocus (MCA) approach, the proposed autofocus algorithm invokes the assumption of a low-return region, which generally is provided within the antenna sidelobes.

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Rapid DNA preparation for the quick screening is highly demanded in diverse research fields. Here, we combined an extraction buffer and heat treatment to generate DNA templates from yeast and filamentous fungal materials for PCR. This method may be widely applicable to diverse fungal species in clinical and basic studies.

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Cryptococcus neoformans is a heterothallic basidiomycete that grows vegetatively as yeast and filamentous hyphae are produced in the sexual state. Previous studies have shown that C. neoformans Cwc1 and Cwc2 are two central photoregulators which form a complex to inhibit the production of sexual filaments upon light treatment.

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