Publications by authors named "Krystyna Zyczko"

The main mechanism of innate immunity is the complement system. Its components include the protein products of the and genes, which are involved in the classical activation pathway as well as the inflammatory and cytolytic immune responses, respectively. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism in (726T > C) and C5 (1044A > C) genes, and the values of hematological and biochemical blood indices in suckling crossbred (Polish Large White × Polish Landrace × Duroc × Pietrain) piglets (n = 473), considering their age (younger, 21 ± 3 days, n = 274; older, 35 ± 3 days, n = 199) and health status.

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The relationship between PcR-restriction fragment length polymorphism in (296 A/G), (149 G/T) and (389 C/T) genes and the values of haematological and biochemical blood indices was analysed in crossbred suckling piglets (n = 473), aged 21 ± 3 days (younger, n = 274) and 35 ± 3 days (older, n = 199), descending from Polish Large White × Polish Landrace sows and Duroc × Pietrain boars. The observed distribution of all genotypes was consistent with the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Anaemia was more common in younger piglets with GA genotype but in the blood of older GA piglets a higher count and percentage of granulocytes were noted.

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