Publications by authors named "Krivozubov V"

A study of the blood sera of 50 children from the zone contaminated by radionuclides due to the Chernobyl accident was conducted to determine the immune status (level of immunoglobulin of Ig classes (A,M,G), presence of serum autoantibodies, determination of active anti-Sm antibody zones). A statistically valid increase of the IgM and IgG, reduction IgA levels was found. Antibodies to thyroid, smooth muscles, parietal cells, mitochondria were not found; 7% of patients showed autoantibodies to DNA and antinuclear factor.

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A study of 140 patients with B-cell chronic lympoheucosis using flow cytometry of DNA of lymphocytes evidences an interrelation between the severity of the clinical course of the disease and state of lymphocyte DNA. The authors propose to distinguish 2 variants of chronic lympholeucosis: accumulative and proliferative. In the former DNA ploidy and kinetics of tumour lymphocytes did not differ from that in the healthy; in the latter--progression of the disease depended on S-phase lymphocyte contact.

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Results are described of a study of the population and subpopulation composition of lymphocytes in the course of use monochemotherapy (MTS) and polychemotherapy (PCT) in 60 patients with the tumorous form of B-cell chronic lympholeucosis using flow cytometric analysis. It was shown that cytostatic treatment in this form of hemoblastosis results in a reduction of the absolute number of B-lymphocytes due to reduction of general hemocytosis while the relative content of B-cells remained unchanged in MCT and is increased in PCT. A prolonged scheme of PCT is recommended for clinical use that possesses a distinct antitumour effect as compared with MCT and producing a significantly smaller immunosuppressive effect on the T-cell immune system that other schemes of cytostatic therapy.

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