Publications by authors named "Krivokhizhina L"

Chronic submaximal physical load of aerobic-anaerobic charater leads to pro-atherogenic dyslipidemia, as manifested by increased levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and very-low-density lipoproteins. Ceruloplasmin (total dose 60 mg/kg body weight, triple intraperitoneal introduction on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th day of experiment) produced a partial correction of dyslipidemia, manifested by restoration of the normal levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and lipoproteins of very low, low, and high density. At the same time, ceruloplasmin administration did not influence the level of phospholipids.

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Acute physical exercise was followed by a decrease in the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes, shortening of the time-to-onset of erythrocyte hemolysis, and increase in the sorption capacity of the cell membrane. Administration of ceruloplasmin 24 h before physical exercise normalizes membrane resistance in red blood cells.

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Pathogenesis of hemostasis disorders in septic peritonitis and the possibility of their correction with acute phase protein (alpha1-acid glycoprotein; two doses of 150 mg/kg) were experimentally studied on outbred albino rats. Platelets count in the peripheral blood and their adhesion to endothelium did not change during peritonitis, while aggregation activity increased due to increased rate and shorter time of aggregation, which was associated with the development of hypercoagulation involving the intrinsic and common coagulation pathways and reduction of antithrombin activity. alpha1-Acid glycoprotein increased platelet count above the normal level, normalized aggregation rate, some blood clotting parameters, and antithrombin activity.

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Hemorheologic effects of alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) were studied in experiment on 76 noninbred white male rats. AGP was administered i.p.

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Experimental hyperammonemia in rats was accompanied by hemostatic disorders manifesting in coagulopathy (activation of the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation) and suppression of platelet function. Ceruloplasmin in a total dose of 60 mg/kg effectively normalized coagulation hemostasis and functional activity of platelets by improving secretory processes in platelets and increasing aggregation rate.

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The humoral influence of cells of hemopoietic organs of chicken embryos of different terms on the development of the colony and cluster formation of mononuclears of the bone marrow of mice was studied in joint cultivation in two-compartment cylindrical diffuse microchambers. The process of formation of colonies and clusters is inhibited by cells of the yolk sac on the 2nd-4th day of the development, by cells of the liver on the 8th-12th day, of the spleen on the 13th-18th day and of the bone marrow--on the 15th day. The yolk sac cells were found to have most considerable inhibiting influence on proliferation and differentiation of cells on the 2nd day of the development of chicken embryo.

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The dependence of colony- and cluster-forming ability (CFA and CLFA) of bone marrow cells on its initial state and the conditions of cultivation was studied. Intact mice and mice with stimulated erythropoiesis were used in the experiment. The bone marrow was separated on a density gradient and cultivated in diffusion chambers (DC) on a plasma clot with addition of the tissue fluid of a chick embryo.

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The cells of chick embryo hematopoietic organs were cultivated together with mouse bone marrow cells in bicameral diffusion chambers under normal conditions and in activated erythropoiesis. The yolk sac cells inhibited colony formation on the 2nd, 4th days of development, the hepatic cells--on the 8th, 12th days, the splenic cells--on the 13th, 17th days, and the bone marrow cells--on the 15th day. The cells of the yolk sac sharply intensify the formation of colonies by the marrow mononuclears, in particular, on the 6th developmental day in activated erythropoiesis.

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